Becoming a Mercenary

Both of them stand in front of the guild entrance, looking at it. "So.....This is it huh? We're doing it right?" Herjar asked. Saito let out a *sigh* and said, "Yea.... We can go back if you don't want you know? I'm not gonna compel you to do it with me just because I'm doing it".

Herjar immediately said, "Didn't I promise you? I would stay with you till the end". His words made Saito smile. Having someone in an unknown world without anyone to rely on is really hard, but with someone you could trust and rely on times of need by your side, you can even move mountains.

Both of them strengthened their resolve and stepped forward and entered the guild. The movement they entered, all eyes were on them. Saito scanned the hall and saw a lot of Mercenaries from different race. Elves, Dwarfs, beastmen and humans, every race he knows of due to him being dragged into games and anime by Eiji and his little sister Mirai when he was still in the other world.

To see those fantasy before his eyes in flesh, he was loss for words. Well it can't be counted as too surprising as he already fought an Ogre, 40 bandits, 10 lunatics, a guy with giant like build and moreover, he has a dark elf Assassin as his companion! And there is a freaking bunny girl as a receptionist at an Inn! What more could possibly surprise him?

Both of them walked to the reception with a grim Aura around them. Fortunately, the receptionist was a human! Now Saito could talk freely! He said, "Hello, can you help us both get registered as mercenaries?". The girl before him look beautiful and seemed to be in her late 18th, she smiled and said, "Yes of course! I would gladly help you if you were to fill in these forms.... " she took out two forms from under the desk. She placed them on top of the desk and asked them to fill it up.

Both of them were hesitant to fill it up, which caused the suspiciousness around them to rise. One was hesitating because of his identity as an Assassin from the Underbark while the other was simply surprised that he can easily understand the words written on the form. Saito never thought that he could understand what was written even though this is the first time seeing this letters.

Saito filled in the places like Name, Class, Age and Race on his own and used the memories of this host for places like Birth place, family and lot. While Herjar just filled in his Name, Class, Age and Race just like Saito, he tuned up the details on his birth place and family etc etc.

They handed over the papers to the girl. She smiled and received them. She then checked the details on it and said, "Everything is fine and now you just need to bring your guarantor or complete the task we give you to become an official member!" she said with a brimming smile on her face.

Herjar just stood there with his eyes closed while Saito asked confusedly, "Guarantor?". The guild girl was still smiling as she said, "Someone who could verify you as trustworthy and would recommend you to join in".

Saito then asked, "More like recommendation? Is that what you're trying to say?". The girl smiled even more and said, "Yes! Exactly as you guessed". He turned towards Herjar and said, "Bolgan should do it" Herjar nodded his head.

Saito was about to ask for more information regarding this, but someone unexpected came in, "Master Saito!? Why are you here!?". Saito and Herjar looked towards the source of the voice and saw that it was three guys standing before the entrance. One was a swordsman and the other was a ranger while the last one looked like a rouge or to be precise, a thief. Saito was confused at who the heck these pip squeaks are. The swordsman came forward and bowed his head toward Saito, which caught him by surprise.

"Thank you for saving me and my village Master Saito!" the swordsman said and the other two members also came forward and bowed before him, "Thank you for saving us!" they said in unison. Now Herjar and the others were very confused at what was going on, all except Saito. "Were you in that village by any chance?" Saito asked. The swordsman eagerly said, "Yes! I returned to my home after sometime with my friends and we got taken by surprise by those bandits! But thanks to Master Saito, we were saved with no casualty! Its all thanks to you!".

Saito smiled and said, "It's no big deal, I was in that area after all and I couldn't just leave someone in need of help like that". The swordsman smiled and asked, "By the way, What are you doing here? Posting a request or sort?".

Saito shook his head and said, "Me and my buddy here came to register as mercenaries, but it seems we need a Guarantor if we want to get registered soon". The swordsman hurriedly said, "If..... If its okay with you, I can be your guarantor! After all you done for us, this is the least we can do". Saito hurriedly held his hands and said, "Please do so!".

The swordsman went to the guild girl and said something and signed some paper. The guild girl just came to them and handed them a card each, "This will be you identification card and this will be your guild permit" she then gave a certificate. "Now you are officially members of the Mercenary Guild! Congratulations and work hard for the guild!" the girl said enthusiastically. Saito and Herjar shook their head as they don't know why she's so pumped up. She then said, "You can look for request on the board over there and as you are new members your Rank will be G rank! You can increase it by completing request and getting good remarks from the employers" still smiling.

Saito and Herjar nodded their head and went to look for requests posted on the board. The trio also followed them. The swordsman spoke to break the ice, "I'm Phillip and these are my friends, Lauren and Mile!". Saito said, "I'm Saito and this is here is my friend, Herjar" Phillip only then noticed someone else other than him standing beside.

His first reaction was, blank. He was stupefied to learn that the friend of "the" great swordsman he knew, is a dark elf. He didn't know what to say, "Hel... Hel..... Hello" he said staggeringly. Herjar just nodded his head in response.

Saito didn't know what to do, just because he's a dark elf Assassin, doesn't mean he's a bad person! He's his friend! Saito then turned to look at the requests and found there was a lot like, gathering, escort, hunting, subjugation and lot. Saito looked at Herjar for suggestion and he did the same. Both of them looked at each other for a while.


"Pick something already if you want or we can go back and crash" Herjar said. "Maybe we should just go crash" Saito said. Herjar nodded and both of them left the guild with the trio.

On the way back, Philip said, "You know you can join our party and we can make a group you know?". Saito looked at him with a confused expression and asked, "A group? You mean like a Mercenary group? Aren't you one?". Phillip shook his head and said, "No, we are just a party, you need at least five people to form a Mercenary group and as you can see..... We only have three, so I thought if you want to join in, we can turn this party into a group!".

Saito shook his head and said, "No, thanks for the offer, but I think we will just be on our own for now and make one ourselves". Phillip and rest just smiled and didn't push anymore.

Saito and Herjar went to the Inn and rested while the others did the same.