
The three of them looked at the weird acting Vik. Saito asked, "Vik....you sure you didn't hit you head or something? Your acting weird". Vik then came to realization that he was being weird and said, "Ah, it's nothing" he then sat down.

Saito asked, "Vik, do you know him? Tell us the truth". Vik said while suppressing his anger, "That guy.... He once disgraced my father and our nation!".

"Tell us in details" Saito asked with a serious tone. Vik said, "One day when I was still in Goblinia, our kingdom which is surrounded by a huge mountain wall is rich in mineral resources like iorn, gold, bronze and many more! But when the king Hydral of the Kingdom Hydral sent his envoy to our palace and said that we should all serve him and should consider it an honor! F*ck that arrogant son of a b*tch! We beat that envoy and sent him back tied to a donkey" the three laughed when they heard it and even the skeletons got eager and came forward.

Vik continued, "King Hydral didn't like our replay and thought that we are only "Goblins" and we should be easy to kill, but that's where he was wrong and made his first mistake!". Saito and the rest were listening the tale eagerly while Lily and the other two skeletons also joined them.

Vik said with a pride tone, "That stupid king sent twenty thousand soldiers to attack us, all of them were either militias or light infantry, they really looked down on us just because we are Goblins you know?". "What...happened.....next? " the skeleton asked.

Vik was taken back but still smiled and said, "They sent lightly equipped troops to fight against the Goblinias great force, The Goblin Iron Guard! The Iron Guard soldiers are armed to teeth! Fully covered with unbreakable iron armor, only their eyes, nose and mouth are visible and the rest are fully cover with armor! Our King, my father, he sent only an army of five thousand Iron Guards containing thousand from each division" his pride when talking about his homeland rose to an unbelievable level.

Saito got very excited as he asked, "What are the divisions?". Vik said, "Thousand Spearmen, thousand Axe wielders, thousand longsword wielders, thousand swordmen and thousand shield bearers! This force was enough to defeat the twenty thousand strong army of humans". Saito was in awe while Lily's eyes were twinkling and Herjar was admiring and Minos was proud.

Saito asked, "So the "Goblin Iron Guards" you say only has infantry?". Vik nodded his head and said, "The Iron Guard is made only of infantry while the raiders, archers and artilleries are different force". "Wait! You guys have artillery!?" Herjar asked, shocked.

Vik said with pride, "Yes! Our kingdom army has hundreds of artillery units, enough to siege the Holy Kingdom". Minos and Herjar were looking at him with wide mouth. Saito asked, "Is the Holy Kingdom strong?".

Now the three of them looked at him wide eyes like he was a just born baby or something. He doesn't know about the Holy Kingdom!? What the actual F*CK!? The Holy Empire of humans is wide known by the world and they have a church in every Kingdom and even they annexed a lot of Kingdoms in the name of God and his protection and this is unknown by Saito? This guy is retarded or so they thought.

"Saito.....please don't tell me that you don't know what The Holy Kingdom is?" Minos said. Saito looked at them and said, "A bunch of church guys with retarded philosophy and preaching? Never heard of them".

The three of them were silent for a while and burst into laughter, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Saito now that's a good joke! You do know them huh?" Minos said while laughing like a maniac. Saito just shrugged his shoulders.

'Of course I know something like that exists in this world when I first heard about the existence of Gods and Demons! When there is a God then there is a church or so I read on those WebNovels, I was 90% sure of their existence at first but I'm now 100% sure" Saito said in his mind. They all started to talk about how strong and magnificent the Holy Kingdom is and how much of a warmongers the Hydral Kingdom is and sort.

While they were talking too much, time passed by and it was evening. Saito looked at the sky and said, "Guy we should get to a nearby city or town or village, it's getting dark". The three stopped chatting and looked at the sky then realized that they were talking too much.

"Margna is the nearest city according to the map" Minos said as he looked at the map. Saito shook his head, "I wouldn't say those guys are as nice as Frogwell and I heard that they are under the rule of Garcia".

Herjar nodded, "Yea, those girls we saved before also said they are from Margna, we might be able to use them". Saito said, "Not a bad idea, then Minos and Vik take Lily to that cabin of yours in the forest while me and Herjar.....no Herjar and Vik take her, we can't let you guys seen by adventurers so I'll take Minos with me since he is a human, we will get the supplies and come back by night, got it?". Everyone nodded their head.

Saito and Minos headed to Margna while Vik and Herjar led Lily to the cabin. Minos asked while walking, "Who were the girls Herjar talked about earlier?". Saito said, "Oh them? We saved them like an hour or so in a Goblin cave before meeting you, if we didn't save them at the right time, then they are dead but even so there was once causality when we were there" he looked down saying that.

Minos put one of his hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't sweat it, it's not like you could have done anything so blame it all on fate". Saito smiled and said, "Or a coward Goblin shaman who was hiding at that moment". Minos patted his shoulder while smiling like a big brother.

Both of them walked quite a while and not yet reached the city. Minos looked at the map and said, "Are we on the right way? We been walking for more than 2 hours now". Saito looked at the map and face palmed. "No wonder, we should have reached the city half an hour ago and yet due to a certain someone's pure sense of direction, we missed a turn! Now we have to walk half an hour back and take that turn!" Saito said as he looked at the map. Minos scratched his chin while looking away.

"Come on, we need to go back" Saito said. "Hehehe~ I'm sorry for that, you lead the way this time" Minos awkwardly scratched his head. Saito and Minos then returned to the path they came and proceeded to the city.

It was getting really dark. Saito said, "We really need to get to the city before it get any darker". Minos nodded his head, "I totally agree! They won't let us in if we come at night and say "Hey there! We are Mercenaries from Frogwell on a journey to kill a few hundred Goblins held up in a fort! Please let us stay here for the night will ya?" Or something? Come on man!".

They both then started running. Before it completely becomes dark. Saito said while running, "They say monsters at night are strong". Minos continued, "But we are not really scared of those petty things are we?".

Saito smirked and said, "Nope but right now". "WE ARE SCARED OF THOSE SH*TTY CREEP SOUND THAT'S TAILING OUR ARSE!" they said in unison while running like there's something chasing them to the end of earth.

While they were running like crazy creeps, Elizabeth(Iori) and the team of ten Royal Knights of the fallen Kingdom of Daria disguised as adventurers were looking for our protagonist.

(Saito: HAH! I smell jealously!)

(Author: 🖕)

They were inside an Inn and talking while eating. Christopher said in a low voice, "Your Highness, why are we even doing this? It's been two days and there is no news about him and why are you looking for him in the first place? I really don't get you sometimes" he then started to munch on the meat before him.

Elizabeth was wearing a hood on to hide her face. Under that hood was her beautiful face, coupled with her average chest and slender body, she's an SS BEAUTY! She said with her real angelic voice, "Lord Christopher, there is something I want to confirm about him and if it turns out that it's him I've been wanting to meet for so long, then we can even get our Homeland back". The word "Homeland" struck the string in the ten Knight's heart when they heard it.

They were betrayed by those damned useless Nobles and lost their Kingdom, their Homeland, their families and their fellow Knights. They been dying by the thirst for revenge and vengeance. But when they heard their princess say there is a chance for them to take back their Kingdom, then it must be true! And they will accompany her with the cost of their life in achieving it, even if it means they have to crawl to the depths of Hell!

Christopher said, "But....your Highness, how could a mere single man can help us get back our Kingdom? Isn't that dream a tad bit too big?". Elizabeth smiled and said, "If it's confirmed as "him" then we are not talking about a normal man, he will be more than enough for us to get back our Home! And we also need to find where brother is, his strength in swordsmanship is a very important factor for us if we are to fight a battle".

Christopher face looked down when he heard it. He said, "It's true that his Highness Williams swordsmanship is unparalleled like your knowledge, but having him alone won't be enough". Elizabeth said, "It's true that we are lacking in manpower but that doesn't mean we are also lacking in individual prowess".

Christopher let out a *sigh* and said, "Your Highness is not wrong, we have around two thousand Royal Knights of Daria ready at your command to march at the capital, each one of them can fight and kill at least six or ten, but then we will still face exhaustion and the current strength of the force that has occupied the capital numbers around seventy eight thousand! We can't even imagine to fight a force that big with this number, if it was the Royal Knight Army at it's full strength and half of the Kingdom's military, we might have had a chance of winning".

Elizabeth looked at the cup of water on the table which reflected her beautiful face. She muttered, "From fifty thousand soldiers and eight thousand Royal Knight Army to only two thousand Royal Knights huh? We really lost a lot of good men didn't we? We got deceived by those we trusted and then got our home snatched away from us and yet we couldn't do anything except only fleeing at that time.... Are we that useless?". Her words were clearly heard by them. They were as worried as her, maybe even more. Being the Royal Knights, a Highest honor a Knight in the Military can receive and yet they couldn't protect the ones they were supposed to protect but flee with their hands tied behind their tail while looking at their enemies ravage their Kingdom, some Royal Knights they turned out to be.

But this is what turned them from weak Knights with better skills to strong Knights with incredible will. Their thirst for the blood of those that betrayed them has increased. Their thirst for revenge is increased. Their unquenchable thirst for recapturing their Homeland, has began.