Meeting once again

Without knowing Elizabeth was in Margna, Saito and Minos headed to the city. They both reached the gate after it became dark.

The gate security is very lax compared to Frogwell. At first the soldiers argued but let them in after paying 10 silvers. Well at first they were a bit suspicious of mere Mercenaries giving 10 silvers like it was nothing but, what the hell, money buys anything in their dictionary.

Since it was night time not many stores are opened as it's dark. So they decided to inform the three of them through someway and find an Inn to stay for the night. Finding an Inn was not hard but finding an Inn to stay was hard.

Since it's an Adventurers city, Mercenaries are not welcomed much and their costume also makes them look suspicious. They wandered around the city for a while and gave up on looking for a Inn and sat on a bench in the City square.

"I give up! These guys totally hate Mercs to bone! I doubt we can even find an Inn that's willing to let us stay for the night" Minos said while *sighing*. While he was ranting, Saito was thinking of a solution for the problem.

"Oh my, is that you Mister Saito?" a female voice said. Both of them looked at the direction of the voice simultaneously. Just like god sent an angel to help them Sana and Mana appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh it's you girls, it's a while but how you guys been?" Saito asked in a friendly manner. Sana and Mana smiled to ears, "Just like I thought! It's really you! And where is your friend? And who's this guy?" Sana asked.

Saito smiled and said, "Herjar is not here at the moment and this is Minos, he's a... Mage". Minos smiled and said, "Nice to meet you girls, I'm Minos, the Mage apprentice" Minos looked at Saito with a smirk on his face. Both girls smiled, "Pleasure to meet you Mister Minos!" Sana said with a bright smile.

Sana looked at Saito and asked, "What are you two doing here in middle of the night?". Saito smiled and said, "Burning mid night oil?". Sana looked confused and said, "Why would you burn oil in night? There are street lights right?".

Saito said, "It was a joke". Sana awkwardly scratched her chin and said, "Hehehe, sorry I didn't get it at first but what are you really doing here?". Minos said, "Well we are originally headed to the fort in east which is said to be infested with a few hundred goblins and came here to resupply ourselves but since it's night we tried finding an Inn but no luck, everyone is acting very "friendly" with us".

Sana and Mana looked at each other and understood what happened. They bowed and said, "We are extremely sorry for what happened Mister Saito and Mister Minos! Well they don't know about you guys so they might have acted that way.....".

Saito said, "Not your fault, us Mercs and you Adventurers are not supposed to get along, remember?" he smiled lightly. Mana said, "Well there is that are our savior and if we act the same with you then we are less than a monster or a demon!".

Her from words sounded to good to be true but it is true. Even monsters at dome point remember what you did for then react. So by not even repaying the one who saved them is lower than some monster.

Saito laughed and said, "Hahaha, you girls are not like the others I see! But if you really want to help us then can you find us an Inn where we can stay the night for cheap and a supply store where we can get food and some utilities tomorrow morning?". Sana puffed her chest and said, "Leave it to us! We will get you what you want! Now follow". She then turned with Mana and started walking.

Saito and Minos also got up and followed them. But without the four of them noticing, a shadow moved from the dark alley and tailed them in the shadow.

Sana and Mana brought the both of then to the Inn where they are staying. And with them talking for them the booking process was smooth. Saito and Minos then took seats in the hall while waiting for the food they ordered to come. Sana and Mana were both sitting in front of them while looking at the both of them with a smile.

Sana couldn't help but ask, "Mister Saito, why did you become a Mercenary?". Minos also listened while Mana was eager to know. Saito said, "No particular reason, it was the first job I came across so I took it".

Minos then almost lost his balance and corrected himself and asked, "Wait what? That's it? No particular goal or reason to be one or something? You just stumbled and took the job?". Saito simply said with a normal face, "Yea, I just fight good so this is perfect for me and there was also Herjar at that time, so I had to make a decision".

Mana then asked out of curiosity, "Then if you stumbled into the Adventurer job first, what would you have done?". Saito said with the same face, "Same thing". The three of them didn't know what to say. They thought that he became a Mercenary because he wanted to become one, but it seems that he just randomly picked the first job. He clearly didn't have a plan.

Minos gave up and just sat quietly and thought about it. Why must he choose to become a Mercenary? There really should be a reason. Then it came to him, Herjar! He became a Mercenary because Frogwell was neutral city with no race discrimination. Which means, a non hostile dark elf can walk around the city peacefully or not so peacefully but he can at least walk.

Minos smiled and thought, 'Simply my ass, you thought this through and became a Mercenary for the sake of your friend and yet you deny the fact? I wonder why?'. He looked around the hall with out moving his head and saw that almost everyone was looking at their table with conner eye.

Minos now understood why he said that, he doesn't want anyone here to find about Herjar or Vik by hearing their careless conversation. Minos smiled, 'This sneaky bastard!'. Saito looked at him from the conner of his eyes and gave him a "You found out?" type of look. Minos continued to smile while listening to the conversation.

Their dinner arrived and they started to dig in. Compared to Dory's Mother cooking, this is very average. Saito and Minos were enjoying their dinner while being surrounded by a hostile aura. Saito and Minos didn't seem to mind it while the girls couldn't seem to sense it but could tell the atmosphere at the hall was not a friendly one.

They were enjoying the food and chatting as an Adventurer came towards them with his friends. Minos hid his left hand under the table and grabbed his wand while Saito didn't hide and causally ate his food.

The one on the front was big with well built body and a bald head with beard. The surrounding Adventurers smirked and whispered amongst themselves.

"Seems like Vol-Beard found his prey for tonight!"

"Hehehe~ those guys got bad lady luck with them!"

"Great! Dinner and a show!"

They whispered among them. Saito and Minos clearly heard those comments and understood that this ugly beard bald bear guy is bad news. The bald guy stood behind Saito while two of his companions stood behind Minos.

The Inn keeper shouted, "Voluku! Don't start trouble inside here!". The bald guy scoffed, "Hmph, letting these Mercenary vermins inside our city and even letting them stay here, who's looking for trouble now!?".

Saito and Minos continued to eat the rest of the dinner while Sana and Mana looked at them and each other with complicated emotions. Voluku's attention turned to Saito who was pleasantly eating.

He smirked and pushed Saito's dinner off the table. Minos got enraged and was about to act but stopped once he saw Saito shaking his head lightly.

Voluku said, "I am Volukuk! An A ranked Adventurer and you are in our turf so you better behave, Mercenary". The Adventurer in the hall were all smirking while a little of them didn't react and watched the scene.

Saito said, "I don't care if they let bald bears roam free without a chain in this city but you wasted my dinner so you better pay for that and get me a new one" his voice was light but cold. Volukuk stood there silently for a bit then started laughing with his companions, "HAHAHAHA! Do you really think you can just like that give me an order? Who the f*ck do you think you are huh?".

He looked at the girls and said, "I'll deal with you two when I'm over with these pests!" his eyes had a lecherous look. He then brought his hand toward Saito to grab him by the shoulder.

Saito had enough with these hooligans. Just as he was about to grab him, Saito immediately blocked him with his left hand and gave Volukuk a basic karate punch at his center chest with heavy force. Minos took out his wand and hit the two of his companions in the stomach using the end of his wand.

The two of them held their stomach and lay on the floor while Volukuk clenched his chest and fell down and stopped breathing. The whole hall was quiet, no one made a single sound. The huge A ranked Adventurer went down just like that with one punch. This guy is a monster!

Saito walked to the lying Volukuk and crouched down. He then gave him another heavy punch on his center chest again. One punch, two punch, three punch, four punch. The others thought is this guy trying to kill him!? Some of the Adventurers stood up to stop him but they stopped when they saw Volukuk chough after seventh punch. He was breathing heavily.

Saito had the face of a demon as he asked, "Now will you do as I said? Or should I really kill you this time?". Volukuk was scared out of his sh*t and got up and did as he said. The Adventurers are now doubtful of taking action against him and his friend.

'Even if you are a mountain of meat, you can't tank a pointed punch directed at heart" Saito said in his mind. He looked around and saw almost everyone were trying to avoid direct eye contact with him except a few. They looked at his eyes like they were looking at his soul.

Saito then returned to the table and enjoyed the second round of food that was served. After finishing the dinner and commotion they went to sleep.

No one dared to disturb them that night.