Lohar's past

Herjar looked at the starry night sky and a complex of emotions swept up from his heart. He used to go hunting with his brothers from Shadow Creed and now he's standing all alone under the night sky. He closed his eyes and smiled, he was not alone anymore. Saito, Minos, Vik and even Lily is there for him now. They are his new family and no matter who or what, he will cut them down if they mess with his family.

He then vanished into the darkness.


In the 7th Hell, Shadow Palace.

Lohar was enjoying the show before him which showed Herjar's fight from the beginning till the moment he vanished. "As I said, giving him another chance and making him my champion was the best choice or else I wouldn't have gotten to enjoy such a show" Lohar said.

"That dark elf Assassin is quite skilled my Lord, as expected, your choice is the best but I have one doubt" Ageil said while standing in the side. "Oh, what is it? Speak up" Lohar said as he got interested in what he was thinking of.

Ageil asked, "Why did my Lord decided to choose a champion now? Why not before?". Lohar smiled, "I was waiting for you to ask that you know?". Ageil quickly bowed and said, "Forgive me for making my Lord wait for this insolence me".

Lohar said, "Don't over exaggerate, it's not a big deal". Ageil said, "Yes my Lord, thank you for forgiving me". Lohar didn't know what to do with this guy at all. He was the servant of the previous Shadow Lord but he became his loyal follower after he defeated the previous Lord and took over the 7th Hell, but this guy is very much "servant" part which was drilled into his bones.

Lohar just said, "I choose one now because those sorry ass excuse of Gods in Heaven are choosing one every three hundred years so they could increase their followers and rule over the world, but too bad that their Heroes get killed in action while going after the Demon kings head! Hahaha, The reason why I choose the champion of Shadow now is because the line up of the Heroes this time is quiet strong and the Demon king won't have it easy either and if the battle continent and the Demon continent were to fall, then it would be the fight of Hell where the Gods can involve themselves directly! We need to avoid that at all costs! Which is why I have finally chosen the first champion of Hell in four thousand years and if the other Lords were to know this then they would also choose their champions and we would have the line up to face the new generation Heroes, understand?".

Ageil just stood there motionless. He then said, "As expected! Lord Chronos didn't make a mistake when he choose you as the new Lord for Shadow Palace! You are a genius my lord!". Lohar *sighed*, he can't do anything about this guy at all.

He came from a normal below poverty commoner family when he was still a mortal. He became an adventurer to make more money and help his family. He slowly but steadily climbed his way up the ranks and became one of the best Assassins out there.

One day, due to him being an talented individual he was invited to join the Kingdom's Assassin organization and he accepted it because of the payment. Surprisingly, the prince of that Kingdom was chosen as the Hero of Light which made the people of the Kingdom quite proud of it.

Not only was the prince chosen as the Hero of Light but another Hero emerged in the same Kingdom and the other Hero is a Priestess of Light, a normal village girl and Lohar's childhood love. Lohar immediately rushed back to his village and hugged her when he saw her.

One being the Royal Assassin guard while the other being the Priestess of Light Hero, the villagers couldn't be anymore proud of them. Lohar promised to protect her and ask her hand in marriage when everything is over and the girl was so happy that she cried in front of everyone. The villagers all knew how much they love each other and was happy for them.

His friends from the Royal Assassin guards all congratulated him and were happy that he could find happiness unlike them who only had the dark future. They were happy that one of them had a bright future ahead.

And then the Hero party was assembled. Three more Heroes from various Kingdoms joined them and the Royal guards were added to the Hero party as an addition. Surprisingly, even Lohar got to join them and only him from the whole Assassin guards.

Both him and the girl were so happy that they hugged in the public. The people were surprised by this and even the King, the prince and the other Heroes too. They explained what was their relation and the people was even more surprised.

A handsome Assassin and a God like beautiful Priestess, a pair made my the Gods themselves. The people and the Royal guards and the Three Heroes were happy for the new couple, except two. The King and the prince were unhappy of how the situation was unfold.

The prince had fallen for the Priestess the first time he saw her and he planned to wed her when they return but for things to turn this way now, he was extremely unhappy. The King planned to fulfill his son's wish but a mere Assassin buts in? He's going to make him pay.

They began their journey to fight the Demon King of that time. Lohar and the Elf prince who was accompanying the Hero party was playing scout while the five thousand soldiers sent from each kingdom and Hero party was behind.

Lohar and the Elven prince hit off well and made an enemy of the Light prince. His initial goal was to marry the beautiful girl on the land and form a friendship with the future king of the Elven kingdom and then kill the Demon King and become famous, but it was ruined by a mere rogue.

He called Lohar and his childhood friend that night. The three of them went into the forest, leaving the rest of them in the cam. The prince revealed every plan he plotted and how Lohar ruined it. Lohar and the girl was shocked by this. They thought that the prince was a good guy but to see him acting like a villain, they were shocked to the core.

Lohar was about to react but the Royal guards of their kingdom surrounded them. They caught Lohar and pushed the girl on the ground. The prince walked over to Lohar and stabbed him with hid sword and pushed him on the ground while the armored Royal guards held him from breaking.

He then ravaged the girl right before his very eyes. The girl screamed and screamed in pain for help, but no one came nor could he help. And just like that the girl died before his eyes and he died by bleeding.

The next thing he know was standing before a man sitting on a throne. He asked what he wants and Lohar said he wants revenge. The man saw something in him and accepted his wish. That man, was Chronos, previous Lord of 7th Hell.

Lohar got the power of Shadow as well as the forces of Shadow Hell. He marched on and killed the prince and the Hero party but let the elven prince go. And thus he became a lackey of Chronos but he became the Lord of the Shadow Palace when Chronos left them.

Thinking back about those times, his heart is filled with rage. He then said, "Now then, let's see what they are going to do".


Back at the Margna, Herjar was stand on the roof of one of the building inside market district. He was looking at the buildings which would be prefect for a hideout.

He turned to the right and saw Vik jump beside him. "Any clue?" Herjar asked but Vik shook his head. Herjar then turned forward and closed his eyes. And focused on his Assassin "Find" skill.

He tried hard to find their hideout. Vik waiting for him to open his eyes. Finally Herjar opened his eyes and smirked.

"Found those sons of b*tchs! Let's go!" He then jumped roof to roof followed by Vik.