"The Grim Reaper"

Herjar and Minos jumped down from the roof to an alley way. It was a bit dark in there but not zero visibility. They walked along the path for a bit and turned right down to a stairway leading to a door below.

Vik was about to draw out his sword but Herjar stopped him. Vik couldn't understand what he was planing but he still went with his plot. They both climbed down the stairway and reached the wooden door.

Upon reaching the door Herjar knocked three times. Vik put on a hood to hide his face. There was no response from the other side. Herjar kept knocking on the door till there was response.

Finally someone responded, "What do you want?" the voice was so grim that it's obviously a male. Herjar said, "We wanna see your boss, we have a job for him".

The guy on the other side said, "Piss off, there's no one here". Herjar wanted to burst in right now but he held is urge and took out his money pouch and shook it hard that the coins inside made jingling sound. The other side was quiet for a while and then opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, Vik was like what the actual f*ck!?! That was a freaking women! A women! He then wondered about who that grim voice was. The women said in a grim voice, "Follow me and don't look at anyone or anything or stop for anything". The women then led them inside.

Since both Herjar and Vik was wearing a hood and covering their face with a bandana nobody can clearly see their face or their face structure. She led them to a door inside and said, "He's waiting" she then turned away and left.

Herjar said in a low voice, "Don't think too about much about it, she just used a skill known among Assassins to change their voice for disguise". Vik nodded his head and he was about to knock on the door but Herjar stopped him. His Assassin sense was screaming him that something is wrong.

Herjar kicked the door open. *whoosh!* *whoosh* *whoosh* *whoosh* *whoosh*. Five arrows hit the door from the side like it was targeted for whoever that wants to enter. Herjar looked calm but his eyes were cold as ice. Vik was trying to remain calm, if he were to enter just now or Herjar didn't stop him, he would have been dead before he even know it.

He thanked Herjar in his heart and both of them walked inside. Man with his back faced them sat at the center if the room. There was a table before them and two chairs.

They took their seat and looked at him silently. The man spoke, "Never really thought you would see through that, who really are you?" it was clear that this isn't his original voice.

Herjar calmly said, "We need information". Vik said in his mind, 'As expected, he's a professional!'. The man said, "Oh, what kind of information? The price will depend on what you ask so be care full".

Vik couldn't get his meaning clearly and thought that he meant money but Herjar understood he meant their life. At this moment, he sensed six people enter the room but the door didn't open and they were hiding.

Herjar said, "I would like to discuss about this without disturbance" his voice showed annoyance. The man was clearly surprised but they couldn't see his face since he's turned around. The man waved his hands and the presence of the six people disappeared.

The man turned around and faced them. There was a scar on his cheek and he looked at them with serious eyes. Herjar smiled and thought, 'Ain't this a turn of fate? Interesting'.

The man asked, "Tell me, how did you find them? Even intermediate "Find" will have a hard time finding them and yet you did, are you an Assassin as well?". Herjar felt like talking to an ant that is not even worth looking at. Even after all these years, he is still a weakling. He can kill him a hundred times over before he can even scratch him.

Herjar said, "That's none of your business, shall we get to our business?". The man smiled and put on his businessman face and said, "What or who are you looking for?".

Herjar said, "Today, six of your men were sent to Assassinate someone in Fransis Inn, I want to know who ordered the hit". The man's businessman face was replaced with a cold one. A brief moment of silence between them and Vik felt something was off.

The man's cold face, Herjar calm face and the atmosphere inside the room, he was jinxing it.

As if answering his doubts, a lot of footsteps were heard and by lot I mean it. *Crack*. Four guys broke the ceiling and dropped in. Everyone had their face covered and had one dagger each. The man said, "Kill them".

The four guys didn't hesitate even a bit and lunged at the two of them. Vik draw his sword out and blocked the two strikes from the right while the two on the left stood still. They didn't move an inch nor didn't they did any action.

The man frowned a bit but soon was terrified. Blood dripped from their neck and their bodies fell on the ground with a *thud*, everything happened so fast that nobody knew what happened.

Herjar slowly lift his head and looked at the man, his eyes were bright red. The man remembered his worst fear, his nightmare.

A certain dark elf who killed twenty of the best Assassins right before his eyes within a blink of an eye. The dark elf looked at him like looking at his soul. His gaze was piercing his soul and he felt suffocated at that time. The dark elf just cut his cheek and gave him a scar of fear that will never fade.

Herjar removed the hood and looked at the man with a cold eyes filled with killing intent. The man's worst nightmare came alive and was standing before him.

At that time, he remembered his name. The name of The Grim Reaper that instilled the word fear clouding the word arrogance. The name, that he will never forget even if he dies.
