Elven captives

The Goblins were totally confused and didn't know what to say. "Ah.... Master Saito, I think you know this but they outnumber us 3 to 1! So how do you plan on attacking them with such a small force and return alive?" the supposed-to-be leader asked with doubt.

Saito said, "Ain't it obvious? Of course we are going to bait them and kill them off little by little". The Goblins still looked confused and Saito said, "Leaving the Iron Guard part aside, aren't you guys Goblins?". The Goblins eyes became clear as crystal as one of them said, "As expected of the his Highness's friend! You are really smart!". Saito became serious and said, "Later with the praises, we got work to do".

The Goblins also became serious and Saito laid out the plan, "Our first objective is to reduce the enemy numbers! Second, we free the prisoners and finally, we wipe them out! Any questions?". A Goblin raised his hand and asked, "Shouldn't we free the prisoners and have them fight with us? Since it's better to fight in numbers I think we should free them first!" the rest of the Goblins also nodded their head after hearing it.

But Saito shook his head, "No, if we do that we will be at disadvantage right from the beginning". The Goblins asked, "What do you mean Master Saito?".

Saito said, "If we are to free them at beginning then all we can do is retreat since the soldiers will regroup and worst case, they might even surround us! And it's not even a given that those elves will be able to help us, which is why we should reduce their number first then free the elves! That way, we could even hold our own against the incoming soldiers, got it?". The Goblins were in awe of Saito's ability to think since most of the time they only charge or just defend.

Saito then said, "If you have no more questions, we'll move to the next course". The Goblins nodded their head with seriousness in their eyes. Saito continued his plan, "First, we send in five of our men without their armor but only weapons and something to cover their lower part to make the soldiers believe that they are just "regular" Goblins! He moment they are seen they should get out of there immediately! The soldiers would send some to follow and kill you guys to get your equipments but we will surround them and stay hidden using the environment, then the hunters will shoot then down one by one and if any of those soldiers manage to get away, infantry will take care of them! The rest of the soldiers in the camp will send men to search for them and we do the same thing again and again till their number is low enough for us to ambush them! Understand?".

The Goblins whispered among themselves and turned towards Saito and nodded their head, "Understood, Captain!". Saito was shocked for a second and asked, "Captain!? Me!? This is not time to joke around you know!".

The supposed-to-be leader said, "No, we are not joking about it! We follow our Captain whenever we go to a battle and in this fight, you are our Captain! And we will follow you!" the Goblins went on their knee to pay him respect.

Saito didn't know what to say, it just felt like the time he led his platoon in a mock battle against the American forces stationed in Japan. They also said the same thing, except the kneeling part. He suddenly felt nostalgic and looked at the sky. A smile took place on his face.

He looked at the Goblin and said, "Soldiers! Get to your positions and five of you get ready to lure the enemy! We do this quick and stealthy! Move!" he sounded like a drill Sargent and the Goblins hit their left chest with right fist and said, "Yes sir!".

The Goblins acted very quick and readied themselves. The hunters also got in their positions on the trees and waited. Everyone hid themselves in the forest while five Goblins with only Iron swords in their hands and no armor walked to the camp.

The Goblins walked towards where the elven captives are tied. They stopped six meters away from them and one of the Goblins said, "Remember, try to act like "normal" Goblins". Another Goblin said, "I never thought the day when I would act like a lowlife piece of shit Goblin would come in my life". The third Goblin said, "That makes two of us". The fourth Goblin said, "Do you think I want to act that way?". The first Goblin said, "No one wanted to even act that way so I guess that makes us five?" the Goblins laughed lightly.

The first Goblin became serious and said, "Here we go lads, let's finish this and get back home to our families alive!" the remaining four Goblins nodded their head with determination. The group then moved towards the camp at normal speed while trying their best to maintain their look as "Goblins".

The soldiers in the camp who were responsible for guarding the elven captives were looking at the female elves with lecherous eyes. Two of the soldiers removed two of the female elves from the bind and dragged them back. The rest of the soldiers just smiled or laughed at the pitiful look of the elves.

The male elves just closed their eyes while gritting their teeth, they couldn't do anything but watch their women being dragged away. Suddenly, they heard sound of someone walking through the bushes in the forest.

The two soldiers and the rest eighteen soldiers stopped laughing and looked at the forest. Five Goblins with Iron weapons came out of the forest. The first thing the Goblins did after seeing the soldiers was to back away little by little into the forest.

The soldiers saw fear in the eyes of the Goblins and their color was also different from the normal Goblins, so they thought they found a rare species of Goblins and thought that they could sell them for high price if they were to capture these Goblins.

Suddenly, one of the two soldiers got an idea and he whispered it to his partners ear. The two of them dragged the elves towards the rest and whispered something to their ears. The soldiers mood suddenly became bright as sun but that brightness gave the elves shivers.

The two soldiers threw the female elves towards the goblins and said, "You guys can take them! We got more over here!". The soldiers were all smirking and the elves faced despair. The plan of these soldiers is to knock the Goblins unconscious while they are fucking the female elves and tie them up. Since the Goblins had a well built body, it's not a good option to face them head on and who knows? They might even find more of them if they were to take the girls to their hideout.

The female elves face became grave after hearing that and they shouted, "NOOOOO!!!!! NOT THAT!!!!!!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!!!!!". No one wants to be sullied by lowly Goblins and on top of that, these girls are still virgins and they heard that Goblins tend to be rough.

The Goblins looked at each other and nodded. They then looked towards the female elves on the ground with the same lecherous look those soldiers had. The soldiers smiled after seeing their look.

The Goblins then lifted the female elves and walked into the forest while the soldiers followed them from a distance. The girls screamed and shouted and tried to struggle, but the Goblins were just too strong for them.

The soldiers at the camp turned a blind eye and thought that the men responsible for guarding the elves must be having fun with them inside the forest. The eyes of the elves tied to the trees became soulless after witnessing what happened.

The Goblins walked deep and a bit far from the camp while carrying the elves. They didn't speak among themselves and let the elven beauties struggle because they know the soldiers are following them and didn't want them to get alerted.

"Tch, just how far is their cave? We already came far away from the camp! If we lose the two girls along with the Goblins then everyone will look at us like idiots!" one of the soldiers said. "Patience, be patient and we will become rich when we leave the forest!" another one said. The soldiers then stopped complaining and focused on the Goblins.

The Goblins reached the destination and split up in three directions while carrying one girl to the right and one to the left with two Goblins as their guards while only one walked straight. The soldiers became alert after seeing this.

One of then said, "Something's wrong! Let's head back to the camp immediately!". Another one said, "You can leave! I'm not leaving empty handed!" he took out his sword and charged at the Goblin.

The Goblin just stopped on it's tracks and waited for the soldier to come at him. The soldier reached the Goblin and slashed his sword at him.


The Goblin turned around at the nick of the second and countered the slash with his sword. The soldier lost his momentum due to the backlash and stumbled a bit. The Goblin used the chance to behead the soldier, blood sprout everywhere.

The rest of the soldiers were stunned by this and noticed the look on the Goblin's face also changed, this is not a normal Goblin! They thought. Everyone drew their swords out and readied themselves.

They turned around and saw that half of their companions were gone missing. The soldiers face became grave after seeing this.

"Just who and when did they do this? Is it the Sylivians?" one of the soldier asked. "I don't know! But I know we are in deep shit! Don't break the formation!" another soldier said. The formed a tight circle formation with their backs at each other.

*whoosh* *whoosh* *whoosh* *whoosh* *whoosh*

Arrows came out of nowhere and accurately hit five of the remaining ten soldiers. Their number now decreased to five out of twenty that actually came.

The Goblins already killed off the soldiers one by one using sneak tactics when they came far enough from the camp. The Goblins performed the task perfectly and silently.

The remaining five soldiers looked at the Goblin standing in front of then with blood dripping down from it's sword. "Did you humans think only you had brains? That thought of yours brought death to your doorsteps!" the Goblin said.

The soldiers were very stunned to react after hearing him speak. "Hey, did that Goblin just....speak?" a soldier asked with doubt. "I....think so?" another soldier answered with doubt. "Who cares about it! We have to get back to the camp if we want to live!" another soldier said.

The Goblin smiled and said, "Kekeke, do you all still believe you can get back alive? That's very courageous of you but you did a tiny mistake in that, you met us". Arrows were shot at them and one of the remaining five got shot in the head but the remaining four dodged it. The guy who got shot fell of the ground and died.

The soldiers tried to react but Goblin Axemen from the Iron guards cut off the heads of two soldiers while the other two escaped and ran towards the camp. The two of them ran and ran. Suddenly they both tripped on something and lost balance.

Two Goblin Swordsmen came out from behind the tree and drove their swords into the soldiers chest. The soldiers eyes went wide the moment swords were driven into their chest.

The Goblins all gathered together again and the four Goblins brought the girls with them. The girls tried to break free all this time and never had luck. The two Goblins carrying the girls tossed them on the ground near a tree.

The girls put their back against a tree and looked at the Goblins with fearful look and teary eyes. Rest of the Goblins also surrounded the girls. The girls were shocked to see this many Goblins with nice well maintained Iron equipments.

Saito walked towards them and the Goblins made way for him. Saito removed his Helmet and the girls saw his face and became more fearful.

"Hey now, am I that scary?" Saito asked in a teasing tone. "Don't come near us! Let us go!" one of the girl said while glaring him.

One of the Goblins said, "Elf! We just risked our life saving you! Talk like that to our Captain one more time and I'll personally kill you!" the Goblins got enraged. They risked their lives to save them and yet they talk disrespectfully to the man who earned their respect? They will not stay quiet about it!

Saito said, "We did not save them only to kill them later! So cool down will ya?". The Goblins calmed down after hearing his order.

The girls were clearly stunned at how the Goblins obey a human but they kept their vigilance and didn't speak anymore. Saito turned towards the girls and said, "Look, we don't plan to do anything to you all alright? We just want to save your pals and bring everyone of you to the fort nearby for a small talk, that's all".

The girls gashed their teeth and said, "Do you really think we will trust a word you say? A human? Like hell we will!". Saito didn't press and said, "I'm not asking you, I'm ordering you! Do you really think you have any other way to save your companions without our help? If you do then you can go your way but remember, by the time you get back they will be long gone and who knows what will happen to them in human cities? I probably don't wanna think about it" he smiled.

The girls didn't know what to say. It's true that it will be too late when they being in reinforcements from their city and they can't let them get into human city and if they do then that's the end of it.

The girls didn't get any other idea and just glared at Saito. One if the girl said, "Fine! We will come to the fort with you after you save our friends! Happy now!?".

Saito just smiled and asked, "What guarantee do we have?". The girls grit their teeth and said, "We promise you in the name of the great wind spirit Sylive, that we will come to the fort with you and answer any questions you ask us after you save our companions from those soldiers!". Wind blew at them with a light breeze.

One if the girls said, "There! The contract is complete and if anyone of us go back on it they will be cut to a hundred pieces by the wind! Now save them!". Saito smiled and put on his helmet, "Request received".

He turned towards the Goblins and said, "Who's ready for more!?". The Goblins raised their weapons in the air.

Saito smirked and said, "Then let's go kill some soldiers!" he then walked towards the camp.