
Saito and the Goblins hid themselves in the forest and the Elven girls just followed them and stayed at a safe distance with two Goblins guarding them. Just as he planned, another group of soldiers came searching for them after a while.

This batch of soldiers had only about 15 in them. Saito ordered the hunters to take out the ones at the back just like how they did first. This group was sharp as they looked around and kept their guard up all the time.

The hunters fought wars before and under Saito's command they knew that they have only one chance at this and if they were to miss it, then the remaining soldiers will be alert.

All five hunters readied their arrows and fired at their targets! The arrows hit bullseye! It hit right in their throats! The ten soldiers who were walking at the front stopped and saw the scene of their comrades dying.

Before the soldiers could get a grip on themselves, the Goblins moved in. The Goblins used their swords and Axes to stab or slice the human soldiers. Unlike the previous ones, this group of soldiers got wiped out before they could even get into formation.

The elven girls who saw this were shocked. They never thought that the soldiers who managed to catch them would die in the hands of mere Goblins. And moreover, they are stunned by their display of extraordinary teamwork and Saito's ability to command them.

Saito knew that he couldn't keep this up because the soldiers back at the camp would realize that something's wrong and they will send a big force. Saito gathered his troops and said, "We can't keep up this strategy anymore, time for phase two!". A Goblin asked, "Is it about saving those elves?".

Saito nodded, "Yes, we cut them free and ambush the soldiers who come running after them!". One of the two girls asked, "Do you really think that will work? What if they kill you all in the process?".

Saito replied, "They won't be able to because we won't go running at them right after we free those elves, we will stay out of sight using the terrain and ambush them! They won't have time to process the situation so they won't be retaliating much and we can kill them off easily!".

The girl still persisted, "They even defeated us! Elves! How can you be so confident when you are just leading a group of Goblins!?". The Goblins couldn't take the insult on them. Saito butted in, "You said I'm leading only a group of Goblins but this group of Goblins worked together more proficiently and killed those soldiers who took you "Elves" as captives, you two were saved this group of "just" Goblins so mind your words". The girls shut downed after hearing Saito's lecture.

Saito readied his troops and sneaked to where the elves are tied. The elves looked soulless. They gave up on struggling and accepted their fate to be slaves.

A Goblin clad in Iron armor walked to the tree where the elves are tied with an Axe in it's hand. The elves looked at it and their eyes became clouded in fear. The elf at the front facing the Goblin hung it's head low like lamb waiting to be cut down.

The soldiers weren't looking at the elves but they were gathered at the center of the camp and discussing something. The Goblin raised his Axe and to the elves surprise, it cut the rope and freed the elves.

More Goblins came out of hiding and cut the ropes that tied the elves to the tree and freed all the elves. "Follow!" the Goblins said in a low voice. The elves were confused whether to follow these elves or not but the two girl struck their head out and said, "We are here to rescue you! Come on! Quickly!".

The elves faces lit up after seeing the two girls. They thought that these two have long died, but seeing them alive brought life back to their eyes. The Goblins and left them right after they finished their words and took their positions.

One of the soldiers saw the elves escaping and shouted, "HEY LOOK! THE ELVES ARE ESCAPING!". The leader of the soldiers shouted, "DON'T YOU MOTHER FUCKERS DARE LET THEM ESCAPE! IF YOU DO THEN I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD! GO!!!!!".

A cold shiver run down their spine and they ran after the elves. Just as they were about to enter the forest, Goblins cane out of their hiding and started hacking their weapons at them. The sudden ambush didn't give them much time to react. 24 of them died in the sudden ambush and the rest retreated back.

The survived ones regrouped and rearranged themselves. The became shock after seeing the opposing force. Goblins, the opposing party is just mere Goblins that got some good armor in their hands. The soldiers then got lax after seeing this.

"Don't let your guard down! These are not ordinary Goblins! Watch out!" their leader shouted. Just as he thought, arrows came out of nowhere and hit five of the soldiers. The soldiers face became grave after five of their comrades died before their eyes.

The Goblin swordsmen with shields came before and formed a shield wall formation with spearmen at the back and Axemen after them. They formed a perfect shield wall. Saito walked out and the Goblins made way for him.

Saito stopped when he reached the front of the formation. The soldiers were even more shocked after seeing him. The leader of the soldiers asked, "So it's you who killed my men who went into the forest right?". The soldiers already knew about the soldiers going into the forest had died because they didn't come back.

The soldiers stood there with their swords pointing at the Goblins. "What if I say I am? What are can you do?" Saito mocked him. The leader guy gritted his teeth and shouted, "KILL EVERYONE OF THESE MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!! NONE SHOULD LIVE!!!!!".

The soldiers charged at the Goblins with full speed. Saito drew out his blade slowly and took his stance. His eyes had a sharp killing light. The first soldier to reach Saito hacked his sword at him.

Saito parried the sword with ease and slashed at his neck. The soldier's head got decapitated and his body fell. The remaining soldiers charged at Saito with full speed.

Saito stabbed the second one and sliced the third one's throat. He continued his slaughter and the Goblins didn't even need to move one bit. Saito was like a reaper reaping throats of the enemies.

Soon enough, ten more soldiers succumbed to his blade. He just stood there with his blade pointed at the enemy leader. The enemy is now out numbered and the soldiers don't know what to do.

The enemy leader took his claymore type sword and charged towards Saito.


Saito blocked the strike and looked at him straight in the eyes. The enemy leader felt and unknown fear climbing his spine. Saito's black eyes started to become red.

The enemy leader's instincts told him to run away from here but his legs started to give up. He gritted his teeth and push Saito's blade and hacked at him continuously like a madman.

Saito didn't even need his two hands to defend anymore so he just parried the attacks with his blade using only one hand. The enemy leader started to pant more and more like he was having breathing problem.

The truth was, Saito released his murderous aura and suppressed his enemy which is why the enemy was having a hard time attacking. Saito did not know why but when he got reincarnated in this world he could release his murderous aura which he got from his training in the previous world. Saito couldn't release these auras there but over here, he can release them all he want.

Saito started to feel bored from blocking the same attacks over and over, so he decided to finish it. Saito blocked another strike and the shock sent the enemy leader three steps back as it broke his guard and showcased his throat.

Saito didn't waver a bit and just went for his throat. Saito's blade sliced his neck and his head came off. Blood sprayed everywhere and the faces of the soldiers became grave after seeing it.

"No.... It... It can't be.... He killed him!" a soldier murmured as he took a step back. The rest of the soldiers also backed up. Their danger sensors were running wild but they couldn't. Saito slowly walked to them and said, "I'll give you a choice, kill yourself or die fighting! Cause none of you are getting out of here alive!".

The soldiers started to shiver after hearing that. The Goblins felt that Saito now is a bit different from Saito before. Saito waved his hands, "Finish them off". The Goblins looked at each other and didn't move.

Saito turned his head and looked at them, "What's wrong? I said finish them!" he said. A Goblin came forward and said, "Captain, you somehow feel a bit....different".

"Diff...erent?" Saito murmured to himself. Suddenly, his head started to hurt like hell, "Gah!". He held his head and fell on the ground. Saito started screaming while some voice repeated the same word over and over inside his head like a recorder.
