Let the real demon out

The Iron Guard soldiers were more pumped to slaughter the upcoming demons. "OPEN THE GATE!" Saito commanded. The Goblins looked at each other, confused. Saito sighed and commanded, "Send out 20 shields, 10 spears and 10 swords!".

The Goblins looked at each other once again but nonetheless, the obeyed his order. "Form a shield wall from the gate to the mountain wall on the right and double the height! Spears stand behind the shields with your weapons pointed front! Sword kill anything that passes them!" Saito ordered them. The Goblins followed his orders and formed a cross barricade connecting the gate and the mountain wall at the side.

He then turned towards the soldiers inside. "Same process! Shields first, spears second, swords third and Axes at the last but surround the gate! If anything apart from our men comes through that gate, you send it straight to hell! AM I CLEAR!" he said. "Yes sir!" the Goblins inside the gate also started running around and formed a "U" shaped barricade pointing towards the gate.

His gazes turned towards the hunters on the wall. "You guys are to cover the men in front of the gate! Don't go shooting far or strong targets without my order! We can't lose anyone and that is in your hands! Got it?" he said. "Yes captain!" the hunters all saluted and took their position.

Minos and the other two were amazed by his ability to command them. "Wow, that was really amazing and bold! I wonder if it was a plain field or forest, could we win?" Minos asked. "If it was a plain or forest, I would have prioritized running away! Fighting a battle you know you would lose is utterly stupidity! There is no glory or honor in losing life when you know you can save it! Since it's a mountainous path wide enough for 20 goblin, we can use the advantage and keep them at bay and shoot arrows while the spears stab, this is the best way I can come up with for the current situation" Saito said while looking at the turn 30 feet away from the barricade made by the Goblins.

"Don't worry, if it was somebody else then, we would have been charging in because not many thinks rationally, you did the right thing" Vik said some encouraging words. Minos also said, "Yea! If it was someone else, they would have ordered these men to hold up the gate from inside or just charge ahead! Compared to them, your way of thinking is rational!".

"Thanks guy, I give you my word that everyone of us will survive this! No one will die and I will make sure of it!" Saito firmly stated. "Well that might not be possible, captain" one of the Goblin hunters said will holding his arrow and bow.

"Oh? Why do you say so?" Saito asked. "We are outnumbered in both number and strength, we will suffer casualty for sure" the Goblin hunter said without looking at him. "True that we are greatly outnumbered, but that doesn't mean we have to suffer casualty, I will show you" Saito said. The Goblin kept quiet and didn't utter a word.

After a bit, the ground started rumbling a bit. Horde of demons looking like hungry dogs with six legs ran towards them, hundreds of them. The face of the ground unit outside the gate became grave. The face of the hunters on top of the gate wall became pale and their bow strings became lose.

"Death.....Death dogs? Why are death dogs here? Aren't they undead...?" one of the hunters said. The spears retreated two steps in fear. The shields also did the same. Saito understood that something is not right. Apart from Vik, Nirashi and him, everyone on the wall and outside the gate became engulfed in fear. 'Something's not right' Saito thought.

Even their Necromancer Minos was trembling in fear. "I can ask for the details later, let's deal with this for now" Saito said as he jumped off the wall. "Hey! Don't leave me behind!" Vik said as he followed him. Nirashi also did the same but did not speak.

Saito drew out his secondary blade and Vik drew his sword out. "First it was demons and now it's undead, are we some dark creature attracting magnets or something?" Saito said with a smirk as he took his stance. The barricade right now is crumbling with fear so there is no way they can hold the first wave unless they do something.

The death dog at the front lashed out at Saito. Saito's eyes became sharp. *zeng*. A cold light passed the death dog and the next second, the dog got cut in two equal half. The rest of the death dogs stopped on their tracks. They began to feel a dreadful aura coming from him. He slowly opened both his eyes. His left eye pupil was green while his right eye pupil was black. It was the aura of death and life.

His whole body then began to be covered by a dark aura. The life aura he had before was overwhelmed by the dark power emitted by him. Let alone the death dogs stepping back due to fear, even Vik was trembling due to some unknown reason. Every single living being on that mountain was engulfed by fear. Wild beasts running away. Birds flying away. Even the wind did not dare to blow his way.

Nirashi was utterly shocked. She never expected this. This is out-of-the-world kind of power. Even she doesn't know if she can match up to such power and she 200% clearly did not expect him to have such power. This is the power that can rival gods. The power of true darkness.


In the garden of Eden,

Alathia was watching the mirror screen on the tree. Her expression was complexed. She have no word to describe this. This kind of power..... she never saw something like this within a human. Even though he is her grandson and of course, champion of shadow hell, this kind of power is too much. Too much that if it's not controlled, it could kill him. She was worried, very worried.

Even though that power is of evil and darkness, he is still her blood, her grandson. Though her appearance might not look like that of a grandmother but a girl ripe for taking, she is a god who lived longer.

One if the Ents watching this scene with her spoke, "My queen, should we..... Interfere?". Alathia didn't speak a word and just looked at the screen with an extremely worried face. The Ents were having a hard time seeing her worried face. Before she being their queen, before she being a god, she is their little sister. She is family to them. And whoever is family to her means they are also family to the Ents.

"My que- no, Alathia! If this were to prolong any longer, he might even die! We have to save him! Isn't he your bloodline? Isn't he your grandson for creating out loud!" one of the Ents shouted. The rest of the Ents didn't speak a word. They also want to the say the exact same words, but she still is their queen.

Even if it is the mirror they are looking at, they could still feel that aura. It was so strong to the point that it scares even the unbeatable Ents. The armored Ent gritted it's teeth or if it had any and turned away, "It's fine if you don't want to save him! I'll go there myself!". The rest of the Ents were shocked by this. Ents are a strong existence that could throw the balance of the world if they were to form an alliance with any Kingdom or empire.

The Ents from the past, in the very first clash against them, Ents didn't have any type of armor or weapons. They were peace loving creature at that time. But the greed of the humans changed them. They began to make their own armors, their own weapons, their own fighting style, their own defenses and at last, their own regime.

These peace loving beings became the most feared warriors of the world at that time. They made their stand, protected their land and lay destruction to their enemies. No one can stand before them. But they choose peace instead of dominating the world.

Such Ent losing their cool means this will not end well. "Master Edith, you don't need to handle such things, leave this to us Shadow Cause, we shall not disappoint you" a man in black Assassins Creed costume appeared out of nowhere and said these words.

Edith was taken back, but he still did not answer. After the war with Glamancia the Human Kingdom, Elivn the elven Kingdom and Dwargan the Kingdom of dwarfs. Alathia proposed an alliance between Slyvin the Kingdom of Syliphs, Dorgan the defeated human Kingdom and Entina the forest Kingdom of Ents. Alathia came with the name for their home and officially declared it to the world after forming the alliance.

With the help of Ents, reclaiming Dorgan was child's play to them. The return of their lost princess was a huge turn back to the lives of the citizens. They loved the royal family very much because of their generosity and loving care for the Kingdom and it's subjects. Alathia harbored huge respects to her grandparents for this.

The soldiers, the Shadow Cause and the people swore that they will do anything, even throw their lives for their new queen. She soon began the reconstruction of the Kingdom with the help from Ents. King Eden of Ents agreed to the suggestion of his little daughter and made Dorgan their vassal.

After Dorgan, her goal was to increase the number of allies they had. They can't ask help from the elves since they joined hands with the humans. So she asked help from the Syliphs. These fairy like looking beings are incredibly intelligent as well as skilled. Their strength might not be as showy as humans or elves, but their skills cannot be compared to neither humans nor elves.

The Queen of the Syliphs, Sylive, agreed to her proposal because she had Ents at her back and being together can increase the odds of survival. Who knows what the humans would do after defeating the Ents?

Glamancia alone pose little to no threat to the Ents that time. But with the neighboring countries joining hands as well as the Elves and Dwarves. It pose a huge problem to the Ents. Both alliance had wars that destroyed many Kingdoms. The war between the skilled Sylivians of Slyvin, the hard brassed humans from Dorgan, the towering Ents of Entina vs the brutes from Glamancia and human alliance, the elegant Elves of Elivn and the muscle for brain dwarves Dwargan the Kingdom of Dwarves threw the world in chaos.

Alathia didn't speak and didn't want to speak. Seeing her be silent, they knew there was something on her mind. "Both of you need to control yourself, she's thinking of something, let's wait and see what happens" Lavender said. Both the men didn't speak another word and just returned to her side. Alathia kept looking at the hurricane like aura emitted by Saito, it was not only so powerful but also familiar.


In the Shadow Palace,

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What the fuck is going on! What's with this Aura! This is too strong! And it's not of life but DEATH! Isn't this guy the descendent of the frigging Goddess of Nature for fucks sake! How could he emit such an Aura! Hey Agiel! Say something!" Lohar was going crazy.

He turned to look at Agiel. Agiel passed out while standing due to the amount of shock he received. Lohar was shocked! His faithful companion and strongest existence after him in Shadow Hell just passed out due to shock. If this were to get out, then 7th Hell would become a laughing stock to the masses. Lohar shifted his eyes to the fog screen.


The attack on the western wall took over a turn. The harpies, gargoyles and succubuses all retreated and gave up on the attack. Everyone could feel the suffocating aura coming from the north. The Goblins couldn't even stand. Rou was doing his best in standing while Herjar was not any better.

"Saito...." Herjar lightly said as he darted towards the gate. Herjar immediately went to find Saito and saw him on the mountain path, standing at the forefront with Vik and Nirashi standing behind him and he was walking towards the retreating death dogs slowly, alone.

He immediately turned to find Minos and saw him with a suffocating expression. Lily had passed out while the Goblin hunters and the rest of the Goblins inside the gate were trying to hold it together. Herjar couldn't do anything because his own condition was not all great compared to others. Vik was having a hard time on the ground while Nirashi was frozen with a shocked expression on her face.

Saito was standing at the center of the Hurricane like Aura. The hurricane began to dissuade as well as the pressure. When the aura was completely gone, it revealed him. No one could recognize the armor he was wearing. Saito was standing still. Nirashi's shock intensified by leaps and bounds. Even if the whole world were to forget, she would not. Black samurai armor, Japanese demon like mask, two katanas on his hip, a "U" shaped crescent moon on the helmet's forehead and a domineering Aura.

He slowly opened his eyes. His whole body was fully covered, even his face except his two eyes. His pupils had become bloody red. He looked at his hands.

"Kukuku, not bad kid! NOT BAD! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'M FINALLY OUT!!!!!!!!"