True demon

Saito began to laugh like a madman. The others couldn't understand what was happening. One moment he was normal and the next he is someone who's existence rivals that of gods. They couldn't process this at all. Nonetheless, they can move freely now.

The Iron Guard soldiers reformed the formation and held their ground firmly. Nirashi couldn't take it and slumped on the ground. She could feel it. The invisible pressure he was giving out. Apart from the Goblins, Minos, Lily, Vik and the elves inside the fort, every living being on that mountain could feel that pressure.

It was not visible like the previous one, which made them almost die due to suffocation. Herjar could feel it too. Not to the level of Nirashi but to some extend. Since Nirashi is a spiritual existence with a materialistic body, she could feel the full pressure, unlike Herjar who was standing among the pinnacle of Assassins. He is sensitive to these type of things.

He jumped down the wall as well. The Iron Guard soldiers outside now can't even tell who's the enemy. Saito just became some crazy guy with crazy outfit. The undead standing before him all are afraid of him. His presence itself sent them to the gates of hell and brought them back. How could they "not" be confused of who the enemy is?

Herjar walked past Vik and Nirashi. Minos just stood watch on the wall with Lily, he can't really interfere because he is weak compared to those two monsters.

Herjar stopped five steps away from Saito and called out to him, "Saito...?". Saito stopped laughing and slowly turned around to look at him. Herjar was surprised, not because of the armor or his blood red eyes or his weird armor or anything. He was surprised, because he could tell, the one standing before him is not his sworn brother Saito!

Herjar's anger was reaching it's limits. If anything were to happen to Saito, then he would truly go berserk because he only has him as someone he could rely on and trust, his only family like guy who never mistreated him just because he was a dark elf.

He drew out his daggers slowly. The sound of daggers exiting it's sheathe could be clearly heard. His eyes became sharp. He started emitting a massive amount of killing intent. No one expected him to be able to release it to this extend. It's as if he was holding back all his wish to kill everyone in the world. It could be even seen with naked eyes. The darkness enveloping him. It was similar to what Saito released, but only weaker by a large extend.

"Who are you? What did you do to Saito? Answer now or I'll take your head even if it means me dying!" Herjar said in such a cold voice that even those at the top of the gate could feel shivers running through their spine after hearing it.

"Ho? You....what are you? A new kind of demon? Whatever, who are you to ask about what happened to him? If your reason is valid, then I shall answer you" He said with the same amount of coldness in his voice, he didn't even try to hide his killing intent.

"He is my sworn brother! Is that not enough reason for me to ask about him? As his brother who went through battle together, I have all the right to know of his well being! Now, where is he! What have you done to him!" Herjar said.

"Kukuku, brothers eh? Not bad! Not bad! For the young master to befriend a demon like you, he truly is a strange one! Hahaha!" Saito laughed. "I'm Dark elf, not a demon you dimwit" Herjar said with his cold voice.

"Hoo? Could it be, you are insulting me? You should know how to speak in front of your elders kid" Saito said. Herjar could feel his anger boiling inside like a steam engine, but he didn't dare to explode. Who knows what will happen when he pissed him off.

"Then, who are you if you are not Saito?" Herjar asked, but this time, his tone became a little respectful. "Fufu, I'm called Oda Nobunaga, that's all you need to know" Nobunaga said. Herjar felt confused cause he never heard of that name before, not even in the history. Such a powerful existence not being recorded in the history is weird.

Nobunaga disregarded the hard thinking Herjar and his gaze fell upon the one beside Vik. "You there! Who are you?" Nobunaga asked. Nirashi immediately reacted with a kowtow as she said, "Yes! I am called Itonirashi, Nobunaga sama! I am the guardian familiar of Saito sama! This servant is pleased to see the great Oda Nobunaga once again!". "Ho, I remember, you are one of that bastard Reiji's retainers weren't you? I remember seeing you in the same miko outfit when I visited the Araya palace, to think this brat hid something like this from me, I need to have a brief talk with him later" Nobunaga said. "This servant is honored to be remembered by someone like you, Nobunaga sama!" Nirashi said without lifting her head.

Nobunaga didn't show it in his face, but he is a bit glad that someone aside from him and the brat is here and someone he already saw. And of course, that certain brat is gonna have a hard time later for hiding such a thing from him.

Nobunaga was about to say say something, but suddenly a death dog bravely pounced at him. Herjar was about to shout, but unexpectedly, Nobunaga grabbed it's neck mid air without even turning back. He slowly turned his head towards it and said, "Can't you see I was having a conversation?".*snap. Just like that, he snapped it's neck like it was a twig.

Herjar and others couldn't even believe their eyes. They knew that the death dogs are not normal undead because they are part demons and part undead. Their skin is more than hard for even a sword to cut through. But this guy. This guy just snapped it's neck like it was nothing. They couldn't even imagine what would happen if he were to go on a rampage. 'Probably the whole mountain would be leveled!' Herjar thought.

"Oii Itonirashi, are these puppies enemies? Am I supposed to kill these weaklings?" Nobunaga ask as he turned his attention towards the horde of death dogs. The dogs began to retreat step by step. "You don't need to sully your hands by killing these pests, Nobunaga sama! Let me, Itonirashi, do the deed for you" she said without lifting her head.

"Hehehe, do you think I mind such things? Well then you don't know me! Huhahahahaha! BANZAI! SEKIGUCHI! RYUUTO! IMAGAWA! SHOW YOURSELVES!" Nobunaga called out. Just like Saito's "Petal Dance of Sakura" skill, spiritual particles began to gather before him but, this time they are not in petal form but humanoid forms.

When they were completed taking form, four black Samurais with demon like masks were kneeling on the ground with their head low. "These humble servants heed your call, please give us our orders, Nobunaga sama" all four of them said in unison. "Corner these pests and feast yourselves! None of them should return alive!" Nobunaga ordered. All four of them lifted their head at the same time and said, "Your wish is our command".

All four stood up from the ground and faced the dogs. Two of them jumped off from the path. When the rest saw this they were shocked. Even if they were crazy, this is half way up the mountain! And they jumped off like it's nothing.

When the two slid down the mountain and reached the bottom, they saw at least a thousand demons, half of them were mid ranked while a few were high ranked. "Looks like it won't be boring as the top, right? Imagawa?" the one with two wings symbol on his helmet said.

"Nobunaga sama ordered us to feast, this is indeed a grand feast" Imagawa, the one with a "sparrow" symbol on his helmet said. Both of them drew their swords out in unison and took their stance. The lower ranked demons were the first to rush out, followed by big mid ranked demons. The high rankers observed what the two can do while standing at the back.

*splash* *zing* *splash* *splash*

The demons were mowed down by the two of them like they were nothing but meat. Blood splashed everywhere. Everytime the two of them slashed their blades, one or even two demons get cut in half. Their eyes were sharp. Their pace evenly matched. Their movements were in complete sync that they could respond to the other while fighting.

While the two on the ground were cutting down the lower ranked demons, the two on the mountain were no less than the two on the ground. The demon dogs were completely annihilated quicker than they expected. The Goblins and the rest couldn't believe their eyes. They began rubbing them and slapping each other to see whether they were dreaming or drunk.

Eight minutes later...

The whole demon army was massacred, just like that. It was like they conducted a mass genocide. Bodies were all over the mountain path. The 500 Goblins, 30 elves, a Necromancer, a High Goblin and a Dark elf Assassin, every single one of them were beyond words. Nirashi was normal cause she knew these guys are more than enough to make their day worse.

On the wall, Rou and the rest were trying to take in what they just witnessed. A whole demon army of at least a thousand got wiped out, just like that. "Uhmm.... Captain? What just happened?" a Goblin asked. "We just witnessed the power of a God's underlings" Rou said.


In the 3rd Hell of 9 Hells,

A huge Ogre like demon with two horns above on his head was sitting on the throne inside the Palace of 3rd Hell. His face had a huge grin. Looking at the black fog showing now Nobunaga Saito, he couldn't hold back his excitement. "Kukuku, Oda...I never thought I would see you again! Kukuku, this time round, I'll definitely take you down! HUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" his laughter echoed throughout the 3rd Hell.


Nobunaga didn't know why, but he could feel a strange sense of familiarity with enmity. He looked at the sky where the clouds turned black. A huge tornado was being formed. The wind began to blow heavier than usual. The wind, had a huge amount of dark energy in it.

The tornado finally touched down. The trees, animals, rock boulders, everything was blown away. A huge three storey shadow could be seen at the foot of the tornado. It was very huge. The tornado began to dissuade. The dust screen made by that tornado hid the shadow.

Others could not tell who or what that is. They could only feel something dreadful from it. It was fear. True fear that Nobunaga emitted when he was released. This is an existence that could rival the gods.

Nobunaga could feel himself be pumped up. He couldn't contain his excitement. His face had a huge grin like a Marvel fan who finally got to see the Avengers: Endgame for free in theater. His hand slowly reached his blade. He drew out his blade as he shouted at the top of his lungs, "DOUJI!!!!!!!!!!".

The dust screen cleared and the three storey shadow turned out to be a huge red Ogre demon with two horns on his head with a spiked club, resting on his shoulder. He only had a demonic pant as armor, nothing else. His eyes locked on a small figure on the mountain. His grin widened, "Oda.....".

At this moment, every powerful existence in the world was on high alert. The gods, the demons, the devils, the church, Queen of the elves, the Sylivians, the Necromancers, the magic guardians, the grand mages, the sorcerers, the grandmasters and those hidden hermits. Everyone were on high alert because, a true demon Lord of the 9 Hells stepped into the mortal world.