Schemes revealed

"Argh..... What is Hydral even planning? Making Yukvan offend us won't do them any good and it would not benefit Yukvan as well, just what the heck are they scheming...." Rukkendi asked while massaging his forehead. This has become a real pain in the ass now. Hydral was one thing but now even Yukvan joined them? Why not just have the Holy Empire send it's forces and end it all?

"Your Majesty, I have a doubt." Saito said while sitting on his seat. The other officials didn't like this attitude. He was just a temporary commander, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't give respect to their king. It was offensive.

Rukkendi know clearly what these officials were thinking, but he did not care about those formalities anyway. What he needed right now was not an outstanding commander, but a reliable friend and Saito was just right for that position.

"Go on." Rukkendi said.

"This war with Orcs, it's been going on for generations, is that correct?" Saito asked.

"Yes, it began during the time of my forefathers, but we did have a hundred years of peace in the middle and that was ruined by my grandfather and now we are back to the start again." Rukkendi said helplessly. If possible, he wanted that peace back, it sounded too nice to be true.

"Then, since it's been going on for generations, the surrounding regions should know about this as well right? Even the regions afar should have known this." Saito said while rubbing his chin. He could finally put the pieces together. Hydral did act cleverly and cunningly, but he can see through it.

"Well it's been going on for hundreds of years and there have been large military movements every time there's a battle, so it would be weird for them to not know." Rukkendi said, confused. What was Saito getting at? He couldn't understand, perhaps he can't understand how humans think and that's why he's in middle of such a huge headache.

"Last question, what do you think of the Orcs from Orc Valley?" Saito asked.

This question made Rukkendi think. What did he really think about the Orcs?

"Big, strong, they don't give up easily, each time there is a battle, we had to bring a large force to fight them or we will lose, but that doesn't mean having a large force can get you victories as well." Rukkendi said.

"Then how large will the Orc army be every time you fought?" Saito asked.

"Probably above sixty thousand in minimum, we had to bring forces two times that number in order to stop their advance each time, there have been victories and there have been defeats, but the Orc army was always repelled." Rukkendi explained in a calm manner. Saito must have found something, that's why he's asking these questions to fill in the last pieces of the puzzle.

"Is this even time to be worrying about Orcs? We can repel them with and we need maximum two hundred thousand men if the Orcs were to march in with an army of hundred thousand, but we have an even more pressing issue, Hydral and Yukvan forming an alliance, we can't defend against them with an army of only almost three hundred thousand since we will be sending two hundred thousand to face the Orcs, we need yo take the initiative and attack Yukvan with full force first or with their help, Hydral will defeat us." One of the three generals said. The other generals also nodded. This was very pressing. This could very well destroy their nation. They need to do something.

"Saito, what do you think?" Rukkendi asked. This showed to everyone present that Rukkendi valued Saito's opinion more than the generals, which offended them, but they also want to see how this human who gained the recognition of their king will act.

"Hydral's scheme is very good and you are walking right into it, it's like you guys are dancing to their tune, painful to watch." Saito said with a calm expression.


"Know your limits!"

"Watch your tongue!"

"Just because his Majesty favors you doesn't mean we will take insults!"

The hall was full of retorts. Saito really crossed the line there.

"SILENCE!" Rukkendi shouted. The hall quietened. Rukkendi looked at Saito.

"You know very well that your words offended them right?" Rukkendi asked. Saito stood up and walked to the center and bowed.

"I'm sorry your Majesty and everyone present, I sincerely apologize for my actions." Saito apologized.

"If you're sorry, why say it in the first place?" Rukkendi knew the reason, but he wanted Saito to point it out for three idiots to know.

"It's just a small demonstration of what Hydral did, provocation." Saito said with a straight face. Everyone began whispering among themselves.

"As you can see, I said some words and you guys are offended, Hydral did the same, they used Yukvan to provoke you, they very well knew that you will be sending out a large force to fight with the Orcs which means your military power will be halved or weakened to some extend, if Yukvan were to send assassins and try to eliminate the Royalty of Goblinia, none of you would stay silent and shrug it off, you will send another large army to Yukvan which will further weaken your military power, enough for Hydral to make it's move, Yukvan specializes in defense so fighting them outright in their own backyard is suicide, Hydral will march in with their main force and capture the country with less resistance and thus Goblinia will be fucked, royally." Saito explained.

This group of idiots finally understood. Hydral's main objective was to split their military and then attack them when the time was right. They can't ignore the Orc threat and they won't stay silent about the assassination attempt. Splitting their military into multiple divisions won't do them any good but the opposite.

"Then..... What are you suggesting we should do?" A government official asked this time. Saito looked at Rukkendi.

"Your Majesty, what would you do if I say I can end this war of generations? What will you do then?" Saito asked. His faced had the look of someone who knew what to do.

Everyone in the hall was caught off guard this time. If he said he had a plan to repel Hydral, they could've accepted it. If he said he had an idea to beat the Orcs with minimum causalities, they would've even helped him. But..... Put an end to this long war? Is that even possible anymore? If it was a few hundred years earlier then it might be, but now, they are purely fighting to destroy one another. It already passed the line where it can be stopped.

"Do you... really have a way?" Rukkendi asked, with doubt, surprise and confusion mixed in his voice. If there really was a way to stop this war, then he wanted to do that, even at the cost of his life.

"I do, but I need your support for it to work." Saito firmly said. They all thought about it. No one spoke.

Suddenly, one of the three Generals stood up and saluted Saito (like how knights salute to their king in old age by placing their right fist on their left chest).

"The Iron Guard will provide you their full support!" General Galgon, the General of Iron Guards, said.

The one next to him stood up and saluted.

"Whenever you may need assistance with anything, the Wyvern Rider Corps will assist you!" Marshall Gi Gan, the General of Wyvern Raider Corps, said.

The last one also stood up and saluted.

"The Hunter Corps will stand with you to till the end." Leader Gry Tor, the General of Hunters Corps, said.

All three Generals of Goblinia have declared their support to Saito openly. The army commanders looked at each other. They also stood up and saluted Saito.

"Us commanders of Goblinia's armed forces will also support commander Saito." Gor said on behalf of others. This is the first time he called Saito "commander". This means he and the others have already accepted him as one of their own.

"Hahaha, there you go! If you can really put and end to this war, then Goblinia will extend it's full support to you!" Rukkendi said while grinning uncontrollably. This is what he wanted. Unity. Until now, it was because of him pressing things did they work together, if not, they would've been fighting over personal opinions. But now, Saito came and they all united on their own accord. This is what he wanted to see. He wanted to see what more surprises Saito had in bag for him.

"Now, ask away, what do you want." Rukkendi said excitedly.

Saito smiled.

"Give me twenty thousand men and I will give you victory and end this war."

Well, he didn't disappoint Rukkendi in one thing, he did give him a huge surprise.