The day before Marching

"Twenty thousand? Only twenty thousand? None of those present here is bold enough to promise a victory with only twenty thousand troops and yet you promise not only victory but also to end this war, I don't know if this is confidence or arrogance." General Galgon said.

"If there is one thing I don't have, it's arrogance." Saito said.

"Forget winning, even going head on with the Orc force with only twenty thousand is clearly suicide, even the great King wouldn't say he could win against the Orcs with only twenty thousand." Gry Tor said. By "great King", he meant Rukkendi's grandfather. He excelled in war and strategies. The Goblins truly thrived during his time.

"If you don't mind, can someone get a continent map?" Saito asked.

Rukkendi nodded his head.

"Someone bring a continent map!" Rukkendi ordered.

A few moments later, four Iron Guard soldiers brought a huge map with detailed markings about the continent they are in. They opened the map and displayed it for them to see.

Saito nodded at the Goblins.


He drew out his sword and pointed at the map.

"Field of Fenrir, the place where the battle always takes place, a place where a lot of men died." Saito said.

"What are you trying to say?" Galgon asked.

"What I'm trying to say? No, what am I asking? Why are the battles only taking place on Fenrir field?" Saito asked.

"Hmm, there are few reasons for it." Rukkendi said.

"May I ask, what are they? These reasons are really making us stay in disadvantage." Saito said.

"The reasons huh... I don't mind sharing with you, one is that this is the only intersection and two being we can't use the second way since it will be going through the Elves territory, it will spark a war." Rukkendi explained.

"Are you missing something? There is not two but three routes." Saito said as he pointed a specific place on the map.

"I advice you to forget that way, it's clear stupidity to go through that way." Gi Gan said.

"Why not? If we use this way then we can get to the Creak mountains valley and set up our formation earlier, that way the Orcs will lose their advantage of raw strength! We can can them up with shield wall and put a hole on their head while the hunters provide cover from the mountains, our causality can be controlled by this way." Saito explained his plan. It sounded pretty solid.

"Hmm, what you said make sense and is very tempting to do so, but you might not know something." Galgon said and stood up. He walked over to the map and pointed at a city in the map.

"This city used to house two hundred thousand or so people in the past but due to a plague caused by some Necromancer, this place became 'The Land of Undead', if you march this way with just twenty thousand, then you will lose all your men before reaching there or you will lose more than half while retreating and the Orcs will pass the Field of Fenrir." Galgon said.

They all looked at Saito now. It's not that they didn't think about what he thought, its just they couldn't take the risk. Fighting Undead and then Orcs. The soldiers will be very tired and it will straight up be a massacre.

"Then isn't it all the more advantageous to us?" Saito said in a surprise tone. He was surprised that they didn't think of this method.

"Huh....?" Everyone present were confused, including Herjar.

"If that place is filled with Undead, then why fight them? Why not just use them? I mean, it's manpower lying around without being used." Saito said with a smirk.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Not bad kid! Not bad! You deserve to be called the descendent of that bastard Reiji! Both of you are shameless beyond reason! Hahahahahahaha! Now I'm looking forward to the result." Nobunaga laughed in Saito's mind.

"I'm sure you won't be disappointed, my lord, just sit back and watch the fun." Saito said in his mind.

"Wait... That does make sense..... But how? How do you plan on using them? They don't listen to anyone and that Necromancer who spread the plague is also dead, Mister Minos is not strong enough to do something as to control hundreds of thousands Undead, do you have a way?" Galgon asked. He was quite surprised that Saito thought something as stupid as this, but it's not a bad idea. If they were to fight those Undead and then Orcs, why not reverse the situation? Let the Orcs fight the Undead and then fight the exhausted Orc Army, absolutely clever! They never thought of this way.

"Fufu, doesn't Undead creatures without intelligence chase after the living without a second thought?" Saito said.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh! A bait! But who? Who would be fast, bold and with a strong endurance enough to run with them chasing? It's not a few hundred meters dash or just a few kilometers from that place, it's pretty far." A minister said.

"You don't have to worry about it, the bait will be me, Herjar and Vik, we three will run till the Valley's pass entrance and then let Herjar take over, the main force will follow the Undead parade from a distance, after they enter and cross the valley pass, we will start setting up our formations and wait for them, if you hear no news from us for four days send in reinforcements consisting of fifty thousand men to the mountain pass and we will begin our advancement, if you hear from us before four days, then send those fifty towards the Field of Fenrir, that's concludes my plan." Saito ended his speech. All the while explaining, he pointed out the locations of operations and where they will set up and which way they will go, it was very detailed.

"This could work, but can you explain last part?" Gi Gan asked.

"It's just a fail safe, in case we, the advance force, gets defeated or the plan failed, you should send fifty thousand men to Field of Fenrir to face the advancing Orcs, with my and Herjar's experience I'm sure we can save and bring at least ten thousand men and ambush the Orcs from their left flank, by then we should be able to secure a victory." Saito said.

"Brilliant work of art, you thought this through, then what are we waiting for? We need to get an army of twenty thousand ready for marching by dawn, it will take time but I can probably mash up some veterans sooner." Galgon said.

"No need to hurry, we still have fourteen hours before marching, all you need to do is get me five thousand hunters and three thousand from calvary and supplies for them." Saito said.

"Huh? Then what about the rest?" Rukkendi asked, confused.

"Rou!" Saito called out.


"Permission to speak commander!" Rou walked out of the group and hit his chest. His mouth arched up into a smile.

"How are the preparations?" Saito looked at him.

"Two divisions and and two battalions are ready for marching! Sir!" Rou said. His voice was full of pride and confidence. Saito had already asked him to prepare eight thousand men long before. He didn't know why at that time but looking at the situation now, this human before him had really foreseen this.

"We had around three thousand men marching around on the training grounds right? With supplies enough for two weeks, add them to this already ready army, now you just need to prepare the rest and we will march." Saito said as he sheathed his blade.

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

Rukkendi started clapping and the rest followed him. The hall was fully of thunderous clapping sounds.

"Truly a born to be a general, I'm very impressed." Rukkendi stood up and praised Saito.

"This much is necessary if you want to lead an army, after all, it's a lot of life and each and every one of them count as my responsibility." Saito firmly said.

"I thought I was leaving my men under an armature, but now, I'm at ease leaving my men under your care, we'll do as you planned! I'll do my best to get the calvary ready along with supplies." Galgon said.

"My men will see you in few hours, now, please excuse me my King." Gry Tor said and excused himself out of the hall.

"Me as well my King, I'll prepare everything temporary commander Saito requires." Galgon said and left.

"It seems like I don't have a part in this plan of yours, how heartbreaking." Gi Gan said with a small laugh.

"Who said anything about you not having a role? The Wyvern Rider corps role is the most important in the second half." Saito said with a smiled.

"Oh? Now I'm interested." Gi Gan said.

"The Wyvern Riders will act as scouts and messengers between the troops, if you go down, then we're walking blind with no eyes and no ears." Saito said. When Saito was still a corporal back in Japan, he used to run spec ops and they used drones in night for visual on enemies. Those drone feeds saved him and his team countless times. He did not really think that these "Goblin" would have a goddamn air force! If used well then they could stay a step ahead of their enemies. This is a boon for them.

"Hmm... Well we are used to do scouting and raids, only scouting and sending messages? That's pretty new, it might serve as a new experience to my men, I shall do as you asked." Gi Gan said with flashing smile.

"Great, then I'll take five Riders with me when I march, after three days when the second army starts moving, I'll send one to keep you posted on the situation." Saito replied with his own smile.

"A pleasure working with you, commander." Gi Gan extended his right hand.

"Same here." Saito accepted it and shook his hand.

"Well then, my King, please excuse this subordinate of yours." Gi Gan retracted his hand and left.

"Well then, since the meeting is done, let's rest well, tomorrow we march! And put an end to this war!" Rukkendi said strongly.

"Long live the King!"

"Long live the Royalty!"

"Long live Goblinia!"

And thus, the day before sortie finally came to an end.