Preparation done, WE MARCH FOR WAR!

The final day. The day of marching, has finally come.

The Gate of Goblinia. The Gate itself was huge and awe inspiring. On top of it, six Trebuchets were positioned facing the outside while thousands of soldiers patrolled the top. The outside was the vast plain field. It looked very peaceful.

The field inside the Gate of Goblinia.

Twenty thousand men or more precisely, Goblins. They were running around and getting stuff ready the marching. They had to sleep early and get up earlier to take care of these stuff so they could get to their destination faster. They heard that this time, they will not be facing the Orcs directly but will be using a new strategy proposed by their human commander who is about to lead them. They do not know what kind of strategy it is but all they can do for now, is trust their commander and do as they were ordered.

Inside the war room.

"As planned, Herjar, Vik and I shall attract the attention of the zombies and lead them away from the path towards the mountains while Rou leads the army from a fair distance away from the zombies, when we get to the pass, Vik and I will retreat while Herjar leads them through the pass, Herjar's job is to stay on sight with the zombies and make sure they come in contact with the Orcs! This is very important Herjar, you got it?" Saito looked at Herjar. He was pointing at the key locations on the map during his explanation.

"I'll take care of this." Herjar said confidently.

"Great, once the zombies come in contact with them, you leave right away, no time to waste! You better get back in time." Saito said. His tone was strong. He means it. If anything goes wrong, then there will be causality.

"Don't worry, escaping is my forte." Herjar said with a confident smile. He was looking forward to it.

"Nice, then after he leads them away and all the zombies pass through that mountain pass, I mean all of them, not a single one left, we will camp at the entrance and have half the infantry stationed on the other side while the rangers get up the mountain, I want a thousand on the both sides of the forest on the other side of the pass, in case the plan fails and the Orcs still manage to push through, we can corner them with the troops in the forest and push the front, the gap between both the forests is enough to stuff a hundred Orcs, we can use that to our advantage, with thousand men on each side the enemies can't flank us, we need to hold this spot for three to five days before we get reinforcements, after they arrive, we push forward and block the entrance to the Orc valley and seal them in, the war ends, any question?" Saito asked. His plan was pretty solid. Although there are few loops, as long as they seize the advantage, they can win.

"Question, what if we miss them? If they cross the valley before us, wouldn't that mean all we done is gone to waste?" Rou asked.

"What you said is correct, which is why I previously asked the General to send the soldiers to Field of Fenrir if they didn't receive any news from us for three days, they can intercept the Orc forces from the front and we will launch an attack from the back and cut off their escapse and annihilate them, anything else?" Saito asked. His plan has few loops but it is still a solid one. They can win this no matter how they approach it.

"Nothing, but what if we fail to draw the attention of those walking corpses? There is at least a hundred and eighty thousand in the minimum, if we fail to draw them out then the main force will most likely be wiped out, fighting undead is a risky task and that many undead with an army nine times smaller than their number? That's clearly suicide." Herjar stated his opinion.

"Which is why we, the bait, should not screw up or else we will be walking with corpses instead of commandos." Saito said as he stretched his hands a bit.

"Commandos...? What is that?" Herjar asked in confusion.

"Never mind that, just focus on the mission for now, remember this, be fast and control your running and breathing or else you will be exhausted before reaching the rendezvous point." Saito said sharply.

"I got it, I'll do my very best till the end." Vik said with booming confidence. He was in his silver light armor made specifically for him and his fighting style.

"Remember this very carefully Vik, this won't be easy since I feel like we will have some guests along the way trying to prevent us, so get to the rendezvous point without losing those undead and leave everything to Herjar, our job is to lead the men to set up formation after those undead pass through and we can't afford to lose the our mascot guy after all." Saito said in a teasing manner and everybody laughed. Vik blushed in embarrassment and turned his head to the side. He suddenly realized something and became serious.

"Saito, just now you said something about having guests along the way, what do you mean?" Vik asked with a serious face. The rest of them also realized it and became serious.


"I thought we could keep you guys in the dark for now, but well, I don't think it's a bad idea anyway." Saito sighed and nodded while looking at Herjar.

Herjar sighed as well and walked towards the cabinet at the corner. He opened the cabinet doors and stepped aside. Four corpses with multiple cuts on their vital points fell out.


The room's atmosphere suddenly became heavy. They did not expect there to be spies within and four of them to boot.

"There were five of them in total, me and Herjar hunted them last night and let one of them go to find their boss and guess what we found?" Saito said.

"I have a feeling I know the answer....." The Iron Guard General said with an annoyed tone.

"I'm afraid so, Hydral." Saito said.

The room become even more pressuring. Hydral is Goblinia's mortal enemy and they playing behind the scenes this time to mess their strategy will not end good.

"They are starting to make their move, we can expect them to resort to dirty tricks to help the Orcs annihilate us, we need to do something." Herjar said.

"But if they did help the Orcs, wouldn't that make other kingdoms lose trust in Hydral? Isn't it like they are digging their own graves?" Minos said.

"It is if the world knows they are the ones who did it but what if they don't? Do you think Hydral is that stupid to not erase the trail? Think dude." Saito scoffed.

"You mean to say that Hydral is helping those Orcs without helping them? That doesn't even make any sense!" Minos said grabbing his head.

"Who said anything about helping those Orcs directly? Hydral is giving those Orcs clues while staying in the dark, helping without letting the other party know you're helping them, clever move." Saito said as he looked at the map. Hydral is trying to sell information about their battle plan to the Orcs. He either have to act fast or he should think of a plan to stop them. Things just turned for the worse. He did not expect this move from Hydral. All he can do now is make haste and hope the spy who escaped doesn't know anything important.

"We won't get anything done worrying like this, let's proceed with the plan, WE MARCH FOR WAR!" Saito ordered. His words were like waking tune for everyone inside.

Twenty thousand Goblins, began their march towards the Final Battle between Goblinia and Orc Valley.