First Step

Leo was in his study as usual, but this time he was studying a very interesting book. The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Leo was very surprised when he discovered the book amongst his fathers collection, it seemed some history in this world was similar to his. After finding the book he was quite eager to study it.

The study had been rearranged, with the main desk to the wall beside the only window facing the door, and a new coach was added for his relaxation on the left besides the door and a tea table and two chairs on the right. The book shelf was moved to the right besides the main desk facing the window.

Leo had insisted on this arrangement and had also requested for the head maid to maintain and clean the study on a daily basis and she was sworn to secrecy on anything she might witness during her activities.

He was currently at the tea table with a mahogany gold rimed chess board on the table and book in hand. He had set up the pieces on the board in a rather unusual way with many pieces left outside the board. Marco was also present in the study, as Leo's bodyguard he was always besides Leo anywhere he was.

It had already been two months since the new capo's had been recruited. Marco had completed the training Leo had set for him and had also received a change in his temperament. He was no longer that hot headed kid he was when he first met Leo outside that bar. There was one thing he suspected about his training and that was the fact that it seemed to be military. He was confused how Leo knew military training and he could also remember that Leo had used military combat to defeat him during their first battle, but Marco wasn't a fool to inquire about what he's confusion, if Leo wanted him to know he would tell him. He had to respect this head of the Fanucci family.

Knock knock

A knock came from the door as Marco answered it. Benedetto stepped into the study and also noticed the board in front of Leo, he wasn't a chess master but even he knew Leo's arrangement was how chess was played. But instead of inquiring about it he simply tried to ignored what he saw and approached the young master to find out why he was summoned.

As Benedetto approached Leo was also done with his book and had set it down besides the board as his attention was shifted to his guest. Upon noticing Benedetto the person was already patiently waiting before him.

"Sorry uncle I was lost in thought, its been a while since I had so much fun setting up the board", smiled Leo as he moved behind his desk to take his seat.

"I never knew you were a chess fan, but it seems your set up is a little…..", Benedetto couldn't resist inquiring about Leo's unusual arrangements but Leo didn't answer and just simply shrugged off the question getting right to business.

"I actually summoned you about our recent boost in capital. I wanted your report on the activities surrounding the liquor project", asked Leo after inviting him to take a seat.

"Everything is progressing quite well. Mr Ruggiero was able to make use of most of his past business connections in the wine industry to sell some bottles at $2,000 a piece. He sold a total of 20,000 bottles in the past two months bringing in a total of $40 million. He received his 10% payment leaving the family account with $30 million.

"As for the others Miss Casali, has recruited two other hackers like herself and have set up their equipment right here in the mansion. She also says she has succeeded in gaining access into the police servers and can easily access most reports and some confidential information as well, they say they will need higher level of access to get any information involving superhumans.

"Mr Illiano on the other hand has made some recruitment bringing in some experienced soldiers both military and previous gangsters. All their records have been checked and their loyalty to the family confirmed. Antonio also recruited some of his old military contacts. They've both taking over security of the mansion and all Fanucci assets with various outpost around the territory for street news and recruitment of more soldiers.

"As for Allen, he hardly leaves the brew. He has exhausted the current available ingredients with a stock of about 30,000 bottles of unsold liquor. Mr Ruggiero's channels were not enough to consume all of the product. Mr Allen also asked me to inform you that he has met great progress on the new red wine project and you should expect results soon", replied Benedetto with a smile on his face.

Leo seemed unfazed by the report as though he had expected these results. He also smiled as he gave his instructions, "I want you to purchase more ingredients and ask Allen to increase production and Charles should increase his manpower and channels in other territories with potential for good market. I'll deal with negotiations with the other major southern families on the profits of the liquor business and gain us access to their territories. It seems we would have to share our profits but it should buy us enough time to build up our foundation without the other families interruptions.

"Expand the brew and get a company with the family name running, it would be better to purchase one than to set up a new one, what I really need is the license to produce and sell alcohol. We would also need vehicles for movement of our soldiers and they should also be well armed. Increase recruitment also, I want an army as soon as possible, once the other families discover the secrets behind the liquor they might not need us anymore and might chose to take the business from us. I want an army to oppose them and make our foundation in the south solid.

"Adriana should continue watching the cops and try to keep us off their radar for as long as possible. She should pull back on the high level access and focus on covering her activities to prevent discovery. I need you to set up that meeting as soon as possible so as to increase our funds for the coming auction and new projects I have in mind".

"I'll try and get right on it", replied Benedetto with hint of excitement in his voice. He seemed happy that the family was finally going to become active in the south again.

"You can leave", said Leo as Benedetto got up and left to get his assignment done. Leo then turned to Marco while getting up, "Get the car ready we're going out. There somewhere I need to see".

He soon stepped out of his study with his coat over his shoulder and Marco behind him as they got into the car and left the mansion.