Second Step

They car drove for about two hours before stopping at a beach with glistening white sand and blue sea, or, that was what Leo had pictured before coming here. The sand and water were littered with waste, and it seemed the entire coast was used as a refuse dump, the stench alone was enough to suffocate someone. But Leo didn't mind, he stepped out of the car and approached the beach only stopping a few meters away.

He stood there lost in thought as he sized up the scene before him and some of the fishing shacks at the end of the beach, various thoughts going through his mind before coming back to his senses with a smile and a forced sigh.

Leo had plans for this place but first he had to purchase it. This was one of the reasons he was in major need of more funds, the project he planned for this place was going to be the foundation he has been looking for, and the condition the place was in would simply make purchasing it easier but the coat of clean up was also going to be extremely high. But he did not mind, it was worth it because he was going to make back way more than he will lose from this, it was a gold mine that no one had sought to notice and was soon going to belong to the Fanucci family.

Marco stood by his side and also took note of Leo expression towards this place. He had a skeptical look on his face that showed he didn't understand why his young boss was interested in this place. Leo saw the look on his face and easily understood what the young lad was thanking, he could only smile at his thoughts, he knew not many people would understand the value of a location like this and the fact that it was in the south made it all the better.

"What do you see when you look at this place?", Leo couldn't help ask waiting for an answer from the young man by his side.

Marco gave it some thought but seeing as he couldn't come up with anything beside what he first thought of the place he went ahead to answer sincerely, "Honestly, I don't see much except a refuse dump. The place would look a little better if it was cleaned up and might attract a couple of tourist with it's beauty but beyond that I don't understand why the young master is so interested in it".

Leo just shook his head st the expected answer before speaking and clearing up his bodyguards misunderstanding, "Well for me, I see white sand, blue ocean, boats, umbrellas, 30 floors of concrete, steel and glass and 50 acres of land fenced all round, recreational areas and exercise and sports facilities. Men and women in sun lotion, children running about and making a ruckus, stalls and a lot of staffs attending to customers.

"I see a lot of profit Marco, lots of it. Enough to take care of the family for years to come. I understand you haven't been to the central district and seen the number of tourist who visit Allabo yearly, so you would never be able to imagine how valuable this place could become with a little development.

"I recently found out there is at least an average of 1.5 million tourist from various parts of the federation who visit Allabo for its waters and wonderful summer life. Most of the families and the government of Allabo base their business in the north, east and central districts in order to take advantage of this influx of customers. The profits made from tourism is what keeps this fair state going till date. But there is one place these people neglected and that is the south.

"The southern district is not as large or developed like the other districts but it does have its advantages. It also has land and water that could attract the tourist but most of them have been turned into a mess like this place. If I am able to succeed with my plans I could bring in enough people to open up the southern market. But it would require a lot of funds and some allies the make it happen"

Marco was shocked after hearing Leo's explanation, he had never expected this place to hold that much value. He was also surprised at the young masters insight to want to compete with the other districts for tourist and open the south to more businesses. He saw this young master of his in a completely new way and also developed a deeper sense of a respect for him strengthening his loyalty to the young master and the family.

"Was this the reason you increase the recruitment of soldiers and your willingness to share the liquor business with the other families?", Marco asked with a sign of realization on his face.

Leo chuckled as he looked to Marco before returning back to stare at the beach, "One of the reasons. I really did increase manpower so as to survive amongst the other families with deeper foundations but also to protect what I'm about to build here and to do that I will need absolute power in the south, which is my reason for the alliance I'm about to propose to them. Hopefully they would be smart enough to see the benefits and accept my terms giving me enough time and ones the project here is complete so is our new foundation in the south, about a year after that and I will be able to easily suppress all other families in the south, keeping those loyal to me and removing those who are not.

"After that the Fanucci family could rise as a new power in Allabo standing on the same stage as the Morretti and Luciano families", said Leo with a broad smile on his face.

"Well, we will have a lot of preparations to make before realizing this small dream of mine. There's going to be a lot of work to be done from now on and a lot of people to kill to get it done. Or plans are going to interfere with a lot of people interest and they will come seeking blood, I want you sending them back in bags and nothing less. Can I trust you with this mission?", Leo looked to Marco as he said.

Marco looked back at Leo and cracked a smile of his own before answering, "Of course young master. That was the reason you took me in, trained me and kept me by your side to protect you and the family's interests before any other thing. I promise to send all your enemies to their death drowning in their own blood".

Leo smiled at the reply and continued staring at the ocean. And they both stood there as though the stench had no effect on them and attracting the attention of those passing by.

The sounds of a ringing phone finally interrupted their moment. After answering the call Marco passed on the information he just got to Leo.

"The DA says, he's gotten a hold on that person you asked for. He said it wasn't that easy finding one to meet your specifications but he has succeeded in locating one and he also wanted to inquire about the matter of his sons scholarship", said Marco.

Leo just smiled and answered, "Call him and inform him we are already on the case but before that call Benedetto and let him have someone look into it the cost does not matter besides we already promised him that for his cooperation. And it wouldn't speak well of us not to keep our promises.

"Also inform Mr Payne that he should send you all information regarding this person he found and maybe a little bonus for a job well done", said Leo as he turned around heading back to the car to take their leave.

The car drove off heading back to the mansion with a smiling Leo excited about the huge waves and changes he was soon going to bring to the south. But it would seem he wasn't the only one excited about the coming events as there was also the same smile on Marco's face.