Archie Wilkinson

"How could you sell the Cadillac?!"

"That thing was nothing but a piece of junk that just kept taking up the space in the garage, I was actually surprised when that kid offered to buy it off my hands at a good price for that matter!"

"That was the last remaining thing from dad. It was the only thing that reminded me of him. The hours we spent working on that car are priceless to me. How could you?!"

"Don't you ever mention that piece of shit of a man to me ever again. Your father was nothing but a criminal. Everything he own was practically gotten through illegal means, and the money he got from protecting those gangsters who call themselves a family and bring nothing but pain and measery to common people like us. He deserved to die in that prison like he did!"

"How can you say such a thing he was your husband. He loved and cared for you!"

"What love and care was there to speak of. He was never at home with his family always on business trips or late at work trying to find ways to defend his criminal clients. It hurts me soo much that you chose a career in law like him, how you still look up to him. I just wonder when you will get it through your head that he wasn't a good man like he made himself to be, especially with that excuse of him being frame and set up!"

"He was being framed and set up. Everything they said about him and even the charges against him were all false. He told me himself and I will always chose to believe him, he would never lie to me about something like this!"

"I can't believe you. He was charge with fraud and multiple legal offenses with more than enough evidence against him. The case was straight forward and didn't even require a second sitting. No bloody lawyer on earth could win that case in favour of your father not even him himself. All evidence pointed at him even him ended up accepting the truth after lying to us on many occasions about his innocence. You can never understand the pain I felt when he confessed to his crimes after I believed in his innocence. He can ****ing go to hell for all I care!"

"He had no choice, he was forced to accept the allegations against him. And after he was sentenced he was killed in order to cover up the truth from ever being discovered. He was an innocent man who died for the wrong reason the little you could have done was to have faith in the man you trusted and married!"

"I can simply tell you my trust was misplaced and as his daughter it seems you are making the same mistake I did giving you full trust to that mans word. You even tried to join the police force at first because of his case and when that didn't work out you took over his law firm to try and solve his case. You keep looking for clues to closed case that don't exist. When are you going to start living your life for yourself!"

"I chose to live my life however I wish especially if its for the man who gave me a second chance. He was the one who brought me back on the right track and gave me the chance to achieve all I have today. The only one amongst you two who was a parent when it really mattered in my life!"


"I'm leaving you don't have to tell me twice!"

"And for your information, I, was the one who contacted him about you situation since you seemed to refuse my help and attempts to get close to you. I, was the one who did all she could to delay your case for as long as possible for him to find the time and use his so called connections to help your case", replied Mrs Wilkinson as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I had no idea. I didn't really mean anything I just said", replied Archie as she tried to fix her mistake but seeing as she did not get a reply from the crying woman before her she could only sigh and take her leave.

"I'll see myself out", were her last words as she left the house headed for her car parked around the corner.

This was the daily life of Archie Wilkinson. It was a life of constant fights and arguments between her and her last remaining relative Martha Wilkinson; her mother. They always fought about her late father. Her mother broke down on the day the guilty verdict was passed on her father. After days of tears and pleas of trust from her husband she couldn't handle the fact that the same man accepted the allegations against him making everything he told her, everything she believed to be a lie.

Archie had complete and an unbreakable trust in her father while her mother could never come to forgive him and seemed to hate him the more time went on. And because of his last words to her before his death Archie found herself were she is today, head of a dying law firm she inherited from him with the single goal of using her legal power to prove his innocence and bring the people who caused her fathers death and destroyed her family to justice.

But it would seem she was just a little girl throwing a foolish tantrum after losing her father. After 3years of working as a lawyer she realized just foolish her decision was. All clues lead to one conclusion, her father was guilty and all other members involved in the case were dead. The witnesses would not speak to her and the people her father suspected were so powerful they had completely sealed the case away from her. Even if she did find something there was nothing she could do, no judge would take up the case ever again. She was truly lost.

As she sat down in her car regretting her decisions in life, her words to her mother and coursing her current family situation, there was a subtle knock on her car window. When she checked it was a young teen with red hair and eyes, and he seemed to be saying something to her. When she rolled down the glass she could finally hear him.

"Good morning miss, you have an invitation from a very important person and he hopes you will be able to make the appointment".


Archie Wilkinson just could not understand the direction her day was going not only did she wrongly offend her mother some weird guy just took her car and invited her to meet some important individual she knows nothing about. She was actually scared at first but noticing the youth driving her car meant her no ill intent, she was able to calm herself down.

They soon arrived on the outskirts of the eastern area. There was a massive estate before her eyes but before she could even register what was going on the car already drove into the estate. The were guards all around but when the saw the youth with red hair they did not even bother to check the car before letting them in.

The share size of the house spoke lengths of the type of character Archie expected to be waiting for her, but she just couldn't remember anybody either her or her father had come in contact with such a character, which made her wonder what someone like this would want with her.

The car son stopped before the mansion and they both stepped out of the car. The youth then went on to invite her to follow him in. She was very tense because if the situation, she took s deep breath and proceeded to follow him into the mansion.


Leo was very interested in the guest he was meant to meet. He sent out Marco to retrieve and invite her to the mansion so they could talk. When Marco had come up to inform him that she was waiting down stairs, he quickly prepared to meet her all the while wondering what she was like.

When came down the stairs he saw her waiting in the parlor. She had long black glossy hair tied up into a ponytail, pale smooth skin, red full lips and deep blue eyes dressed in a classy English female suit.

She was Archie Wilkinson, the final piece he needed to get the game started. Today would forever mark the day the king and queen of Allabo met and the start of their journey together.