Price of Innocence

"Good morning Miss Archie Wilkinson, it is an honour to have you here today. I am the owner of this humble abode, my name is Leonardo Fanucci. I hope your journey here was as pleasant as could be with no complications?", said Leo as he looked to Marco to confirm. Marco gave a slight smile and moved to a corner to give the two the privacy to discuss.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I have only heard little about the Fanucci family and wish to apologize for not recognizing you", said Archie as she took a slight bow.

Leo smiled, "You don't have to bow to me we could just skip the etiquette for the moment. Please, have a seat".

Leo who was already seated watched her as she retook her seat before going on, "I have also heard something's about you. I believe your father used to own a successful law firm before his passing and the firm was passed on to you. I also heard he was charged of a very serious case leading to his imprisonment and death...."

"I am truly sorry for interrupting you Mr Leonardo, but my father was innocent of all charges against him", interrupted Archie.

"Oh. You believe he was innocent even with all the evidence against him during his persecution. Do you truly believe in his innocence?", asked Leo with an intrigued look in his eyes

"Yes he is an innocent man. An innocent man that was betrayed by those he worked for", starring back at him with a cold glare.

"Em. I understand your stance on the matter. Then miss Wilkinson what will you say if I can offer you a means to prove his innocence", Leo replied as he returned her stare with a casual smile on his face.

Buzz, she went blank trying to process what she just heard. It only took her a minute to grab the meaning behind his words and return to her calm and composed state as she began to consider his offer. It didn't take long before she finally spoke, "And what's in it for your distinguished self?"

"Its really simple actually. I'm in need of a capable partner. One who is experienced in the field your father used to work. I'm actually offering you a job as my exclusive lawyer and consultant on all legal matters, you defend me and my family and in return I provide you with the funds and man power to be a filial daughter to your old man. How does that sound?"

She was really tempted by this offer but she also had to consider the fact that what her father was involved in wasn't anything legal like she made it out to be. She knew what she would be getting into and the consequence that came with it but she just couldn't say no. She knew she was good at her job evident of the fact she had not lost a case so far but she also knew she wasn't or even one of the best amongst the many other lawyers out there. So why did he pick her? It couldn't be just because she had a history with this kind of thing, they were also many dirty lawyers and law professionals out there, so why? This was the reason she could not decide.

Leo seemed to have noticed her hesitation and the reason for it. He's smile got broader as he sighed and tried to explain to her, "I know what your thinking, why you right?" She simply nodded without saying anything allowing him to continue. "Well its really not complicated, you graduated top of your class, you have a solid foundation in the field and your professional career results speaks for itself. But most of all its all about trust. What I'm offering you is a seat at my family table and not just anyone is allowed a seat.

"Trust plays a very crucial part in any organization. Without trust we would not be able to achieve anything. As for the reason for my trust you said it yourself, your father is an innocent man, even when you knew what he was involved in or at least part of it. You are filial and a person who believes in family. Someone who against all odds worked herself to the position she is today for the sake of the only family member left who you also seem to have a very shaky relationship with. You strive for family and that is something I won't find in just any of those other lawyers out there and that, my dear, is the reason I chose you.

"It might not seem like much to you but miss Wilkinson, this reason is enough for me. So, let me ask you again. Miss Archie Wilkinson, will you become a member of my family?"

After listening to him she felt like she had finally found the light at the end of her tunnel a place where she no longer had to surfer alone, a place with someone willing to take care of her after what happened to her family. She finally saw hope to achieve what she swore on that faithful day by his grave as tears rolled down her eyes in her despair after losing her light. She had finally found a new home, a new family, and she was going to make a new oath as long as the man before could help her in her vengeance then she would offer him everything she has even her soul.

Leo noticed the emotions that continued to flash in the dept of her eyes and on her face as she tried to conceal them could not. He knew that he had succeeded in convincing her in joining the family. All that was left was her reply which came immediately.

"I accept your offer and I'm willing to join the Fannuci family as long as you also promise to keep your word and help me in achieving my vengeance", she said in a serious tune as she looked to him with all her hopes and expectations.

Leo just smiled and accepted her decision and all her hopes and expectations. "Well then now that that is taken care of let's get down to some business"

'Snap' Leo snapped his fingers prompting Marco to come forward placing a file before Archie as he withdrew back to his seat. As she flipped through the files before her, she could hear Leo saying, "There is one thing I need you to do for me immediately and it involves the future of the family and I hope you can see to it as quickly as possible".

And that was how the king and his new queen began the plan for their conquest of the throne.