It has been two month and a youth can be seen running through an obstacle course with such elegance and grace it looked as if he was a falcon flying through the nine heavens next to the obstacle course were three men who watching the youth going through the obstacle course pride could be seen faintly emanating from them, they were sir Eric, uncle Sam and Bernard.

"James control over his strength is just tremendous and is even on par with a xiantian expert control "Sam said while looking astounded this was surprising because the xiantian realm was a watershed for cultivators.

This is when you evolve and refine the body into a celestial body this is the first true step towards becoming a cultivator in this realm spiritual energy is passed through the celestial veins towards the dantian and then passed throughout the body in order to refine it and if any mistakes happens the persons cultivation might be crippled so to see that James control of his body has reached the xiantian stage without him even being equivalent to a houtian expert was pretty surprising.

"Yes and he even did it under three months which is surprising because I thought he would conclude it in three years with his level of fitness and I didn't even know you could have control of your body to this degree Bernard" chuckled to himself and beamed proudly looking at James he couldn't help but feel proud as James was his greatest student to date too bad he wasn't a cultivator or what he would he could have achieved would have been tremendous Bernard mused

A few minutes later James was done running through the obstacle and then came toward his the three men watching him Mr. Bernard how was I he asked as he knew this was the final day of his training and he wanted it to be done to perfection.

"Was I good "asked James a bit nervously because if he still lacked something he would have to wait longer before truly training which would push back his plans quite a lot?

"Congratulation young master James you have completed your fitness training and I must say you were simply superb your control over your body is at the xiantian expert level and as long as you keep that level of control you wouldn't face much hardship in mastering the art of refining but you should know that you shouldn't be too arrogant and lose your way "Bernard said earnestly then he threw him a small book which looked like a diary and said ok and also take this is a journal of my training in the art of refining I hope that with this and with the training that you got that nothing untoward will happen to you during your training.

"Thank you Mr. Bernard I very much appreciate what you have been doing for me and all the help that you have provided for me" James said while trying and failing to look somber.

He couldn't help but be ecstatic as these although it was a small thing showed that his life was finally coming on track and a trace of ambition and confidence could be seen between his brows even though I don't have the so called celestial veins I don't believe that I can't cultivate, I believe that with hard work anything is possible .

As sir Eric saw the air of confidence that was radiating from James he couldn't help but nod his head in pride because he believed that in anything that life has dished to you a person should keep their head high and always try to move forward he didn't like the way his son was behaving before wallowing in depression and self-hate but now that he had brought his head out of the clouds he couldn't help but be proud of him and his achievement's.

"Mr. Bernard I can't say how happy I am with the results of the training you gave to my son you go to treasurer kip and ask him to give you ten black gold coins" chortled Sir Eric a grin could be seen on his face which showed how good he was feeling since he rarely smiled in public and with his subordinate's.

When the other people there heard the amount he said they couldn't help but be very surprised as ten black gold coin was a lot of money the currency of the allgod world is a unified currency which is managed by the number merchant company in the world the black merchant company this was a merchant company which spanned the whole world which showed how powerful it is the currency being copper coin, silver coin, gold coin, and black gold coins with a hundred copper coins equivalent to one silver coin and vice versa and a peasant family needs only ten silver coins in order to survive a year and even though a knights takes more for upkeep ten black gold coins was still a large sum of money.

"Thank you sir Eric I am glad to be of service to you and the young master" Bernard said while chuckling elatedly he was also proud of James achievement and he was rewarded handsomely.

You can go now I want to speak to my son in private "sir Eric then turned to James as he finished saying this the hall had already been cleared in an orderly fashion when it was quiet in the hall again sir Eric just stood there looking at James for a few minutes without speaking as James was starting to get uncomfortable sir Eric beamed proudly

"Son I like how you out of the funk you have been in for the last few years because not being able to cultivate is not the end of the world for example five thousand years ago the prime minister of the empire Lancelot was a mere mortal but he still became the prime minister of the empire being under one and above many do you know how he achieved this it was through his power mind and his attitude to never let anything put him down he was even honored posthumously as state teacher which was the highest honor a scholar can achieve as during his tenure the sky empire moved from the seventh ranked to the third ranked empire and it was said that if he wasn't a mortal and could cultivate and had the added lifespan the empire could have unified this island in a few centuries so cheer up son and always move forward toward your goal" sir Eric advised while looking at James with love in his eyes

"Yes father" said James feeling touched" how you are father and the preparations for the war I hasn't been seeing you and Uncle Sam this past few month has the war gotten that intense"

"Son the war has not even started except for some skirmish and ambush here and there but no real armies has been deployed we are just trying to evacuate the commoners around the region and I and your uncle has been just swamped with the workload, you and I know it's the peasants who always suffer during a war well I have to be going soon and I hope that you are very well prepared for the training that you are going to undergo I will make you a promise once you make to the refining marrow level of the art of refining I will take you to the warfront if this war really intensifies then started leaving"

"Really father you must remember your promise" James shouted almost jumping with joy to his father's back he then decided to go to the manor he first went to the martial arts repository where he has always been throughout the past few month he had already read must of the martial arts books and even all the cultivation books that the manor had the reasons he read this was because he was an erudite man who liked to be always prepared.

While he was reading he found out that cultivation and mortal martial art had a lot of similarities the mortal martial arts looked like someone wanted to find a way to refine the body with spiritual energy just like how demonic beast and fiend did in lieu of just refining qi like has been the mainstream path but perhaps because of lack of knowledge about the human body or simply like of skill the person or group of people couldn't even get the spiritual energy in their dantian to refine their body they had to use such a crude method as using spiritual herbs to refine it and it thereby downgraded the result of the techniques .

Although this was just a hypothesis of James he was pretty sure that he was mostly correct on his hypothesis as the mnemonic chants and circulatory routes of the both of them flow in the same general direction although he couldn't understand some terms like dantian or celestial veins and spirit channels but he believed that he would eventually make sense of it later after spending a few hours in the martial arts repository reflecting and reading through the martial arts after that he had his dinner and then went to bed he decided that he would be well rested when he start his training the next day so there will be no mistakes in his training.

The next day James woke up at the crack of dawn took his bath and cleaned himself then he told his maid to go to the treasury and get the herbs that he would use for the training a few minutes later the maid announced that the herbs had been prepared after she dropped the tray he told her to leave and then picked up one of the herbs and started absorbing it according to the circulatory method he was surprised when he found out that he energy he felt was very familiar with this was the same energy he felt when he performed his fourth dimensional experiment .

He was so surprised that he almost hurt himself by going along the wrong circulation the skin that he was refining got torn up and James looked as if he had been put through the shredder but he wasn't aware of his body condition because the kind of shock he got was kind of astounding and the possibilities were endless you could imagine when he performed his experiment back on earth his connection with the fourth dimension raised his body to the houtian level even without cultivation techniques so this can be a whole new path has opened for him.