Although he was astounded he got his act together then got the maid to come and clean up the room once the room was cleaned up James sat in a lotus position and tried to calm himself down as he got his thoughts together and when he got his thought together he came up with a theory which has been running through his mind for a while but because of the lack of a few elements he couldn't confirm his theory.

But with what happened today brought him the missing parts of cultivations his theory was that this world is full of crack which made energy from the fourth dimension to sip in here where it is called heaven and earth spiritual energy although it is a diluted form of fourth dimensional energy it still strengthened the everything around subconsciously and the amount of energy you absorb is determined by your affinity to connect with the fourth dimensional energy that is sipping out of the crack which was thereby causing a rapid evolution in the being body and soul but what was funny was because of human intelligence they couldn't really connect to the fourth dimension but animal because of their lack of intelligence had great affinity with the fourth dimension

Thereby rapidly strengthening their body and soul to the level where they had a human level of intelligence and even higher whereby the father descended he could have been an alien whose civilization have reached the level of manipulating fourth dimensional energy or a native who figured out how to use dimensional energy and then used the a technique to make his descendants to be which was later called celestial veins which help human connect more with their subconscious thereby giving humans the ability to manipulate the dimensional energy that was sipping throughout the world thereby allowing humans to practice cultivation James mused

Even though he could be off in his theory he thought it was more or less the truth and if he was moving in the right direction with his theory then his path to cultivating has just opened up for him, he couldn't help but sigh as the torrent of emotion that hit him and about the workings of fate and he couldn't help but reaffirm his belief that if you never give you would find a way as he thought of this he asked the maid to bring him a piece of paper

Thereafter he started writing down a few herbs and minerals to be brought to him since they were mostly mortal herbs and minerals without spiritual energy they were brought to him immediately the reason why he could call the herbs from off the top of his head was because during his free time he had been studying about the local flora and its properties he had this hardwired into him to also expand the knowledge he knew which made him one of the greatest mind of his time as he was researching this he found out that most of the herb and minerals on earth also exist here

Although he was very surprised he was also immensely happy because he planned that if he had hit a dead end in his martial arts training he would try to use fourth-dimensional energy to strengthened himself in this kind of strength-based world so he felt immensely happy that he could join both paths together.

While it is said that someone couldn't train in martial arts above the maintain stage he believed that with his knowledge of fourth dimensional energy and his powerful mind he would definitely reach the peak of cultivation after getting the herbs he kept them in bosses and then kept then safely then dressed up and then asked the guards to arrange for a horse for him then he rode off to the barons castle because that was where the only glassblower in the barony was and he needed him to make beakers for him to produce the solution that would help his consciousness connect to the fourth dimension as he reached the castle he couldn't help but be astounded at majesty of it and the human ingenuity that just looking at it one would feel the history of it,

Although he inherited memory of this place from the body's previous owner nothing beat seeing it himself.

"Halt, your name and purpose of visit" barked the black armored guards with a insignia of a flower on their breastplate which was the barons personal symbol that stood at the gate as soon as he was a few meters from the castle gate looking at him as a pumpkin because of the way he was looking at the castle one as saw the way they were looking at him he didn't blame them because the previous owner of the body didn't come to the castle much so it wasn't surprising that they didn't recognize him

"James rain dragon son of chief knight Eric rain dragon I am here on business purposes" James shouted back according to the way he got from his memory according to the way a noble is supposed to speak and showing them his father's signet immediately after they heard his name and saw the father signet they immediately behaved obsequiously and subserviently with him as soon as he saw this he couldn't help but shake his head in enlightenment

"This is the power of authority even if those men are peak houtian expert and I am just a mortal they still have to be subservient to me because I have authority, power without authority is an empty shell if I have authority with power those guards wouldn't just apologize to me they would try to find a way to mend their relationship with me like for example if my father was a baron he wouldn't just be a half step transcending mortality expert with his talent,

But because he wasn't a higher tier nobility he couldn't get the necessary resources and the needed techniques in order to break through to higher realms and this gate guard because of their lack of status might pause at the houtian stage for the rest of their life as he saw this he felt enlightened even though he had found a way to truly cultivate

But he should also find a way to grab authority because if you had authority you would also have greater luck and access to everything that came with it like in his past life if had authority along with his prestige as a top scientist maybe Andres wouldn't have really killed him that offhandedly as he did "mused James while riding into the city although he didn't come to the castle much he still knew where the glassblower was because it was among the most important locations was in the castle because of how hard it is to produce glass so all the noble knew where it is situated this is one of the few non cultivation occupations which have very high status as grandmasters in glassblowing are comparable to barons,

While he was walking he couldn't help but be surprised by the number of people in this city although it didn't reach the level of a city but the population was significantly higher than a town the effect of heaven and earth spiritual energy nourishing the human body helping in keeping the body healthy thereby making the people live longer could be clearly seen.

A few minutes later he had placed an order at the glassblowers and was coming out he decided that he would try to move around the city to determine how everyone was taking the news about the war as he was looking around he found out that people actually wasn't that worried about the war because of the kind of faith they had for viscount Carey who is believed to be a war god of the empire it is with his help that the third prince who is his nephew could hold own in the fight for the thrown giving also that he is a late stage earth expert few people would dare attack a place he was guarding although the reason he was just a viscount was because he refused to be the raindragon duke and instead allowed for his elder brother to be the duke because he wanted to just cultivate but the power wielded was greater than any duke after hearing this he decided to walk around the castle for a while since he had been cooped up in the manor for a while as he was walking around the castle he passed the library whereby he decided to go in because he had read most of the books in the manor

So he decided to go in he had always been someone who valued knowledge even any type knowledge as he came into the library the history of the place can be felt from the very wall of the library after showing his signet as a noble to the librarian since only noble or rich merchant could use the library he dived into the books in the library history, the sciences and so on and so forth he was so immersed in the books that he was reading that he didn't realize it was evening and the library was going to be closed as he tried to put back the book he was holding when a thick fell out of the shelf as he picked it up he saw written on the front page an understanding of rune" as he thought the title was interesting he brought the book and signed it out then got his horse and went home as he got home he saw his father and his uncle at the dinner table he was quite surprised as his father and uncle had not been on time for the past two months.

"Hi father, Uncle Sam I am quite surprised to see you here James said with a raised eyebrow "is the war over

"Hahaha very funny son u are quite the joker" uncle Sam jovially chuckled "we just came back early today because of the relocation has just been completed and we wanted to come here to see how the training went when we came back the guards told us you went to the castle after your training"

"So James how was the training did anything come u during the training" Sir Eric said you know that you should always tell us when you come upon any trouble in the art of refining u should know how dangerous it is so careful

"Yes father the training went well and if something does come up I will tell you and Uncle Sam"

"Okay then the real reason we came back is because we are taking most of the knights under me and the knight squires the snow empire have finally mobilized it armies so we are also mobilizing I and your uncle will not be back for a while since we will be needed by baron Edwin so you will be in charge here and Mr. Bernard and treasurer kip will help you in managing the manor so take care and behave yourself "sir Eric looked somber.

"Yes father" James said while also looking solemn because the way the snow empire defeated the two empires the last war was just too fast that even though viscount Carey was a world-renowned strategist he couldn't help but be worried as the way they won the war showed that they must have received some inheritance which made them quickly groom a lot of experts since mortal used in wars are just cannon fodder and won't create a ripple in the grand scheme of thing.

After that the three had a quiet dinner with everyone to his own thought then everyone went to their respective room each with his thought the next morning James woke up early to send his family off after eating their breakfast they said their goodbyes then his father moved out with the knights and squires under him while James looked on with worry in his eyes.