"Son, do you really think it will have much effect on these tier three demonic beast," Sir Eric said with a twinkle in his eyes as James drug would help them solve the problem they were currently having.

"yes, father I believe that it will have an effect on tier three demonic beast, although most of the cultivation of the demonic best tribe is of the fleshy body the major difference between transcending mortality experts and lower level cultivator were that they were one with the world, which helps them absorb energy constantly."

"Thereby making sure that they are usually full of energy, but my drug will break their connection with the world although it won't affect them as much as a human cultivator. But I estimate that it will reduce their power by three/fourth of their power along with some of my other drugs I think we can reduce its power by half." James said with a serious look on his face as he made calculations since there was much they didn't know about the tier three demonic beasts. But the drug will put the tier one and two beasts out of the fight.

"Well done son, we will wait until the scouts complete their investigations, since this mountain is too mysterious for it to be so close to the border and no one has killed all this demonic beast for resources is puzzling. Also for so many powerful demonic beasts to be concentrated in this small place, it really is not simple."

Sir Eric was deeply puzzled as even if people weren't after the demonic beast here for resource, to leave such powerful non-affiliated forces in the vicinity of a battlefield doesn't seem like what any good general would do. But for this demonic beast to be here and forces on both sides not attacking them meant something mysterious was going on since sir Eric was a pretty high level in the chain of command, but he also didn't hear anything about these demonic beasts.

They were too powerful a force to be simply ignored and also not too powerful to be attacked considering the wealth a high-level demonic beast body would bring, so sir Eric felt that something fishy was going on but he couldn't put his hands on it.

"Father, there is another important thing you should note. You should have noticed that ever since the sun rose this morning, we have not heard sounds from the battlefield." James said with a puzzled look on his face, him and the soldiers with him not hearing the sound of tens of thousands of soldiers was deafening and frightening in its own way.

When Sir Eric and Mr. Bernard heard this it finally dawned on them, what was happening, they should have figured this out sooner, if not for the fatigue and tension from the battle and escape which reduced their alertness, but once James pointed it out to them, the silence from the battlefield was puzzling and a bit frightening.

As it was highly impossible to make such a high number of troops quiet in such. A small period of time as the logistics needed for the number of troops on the battlefield was staggering, so even though the fighting had ended but for a large number of troops to make no sound at all, especially after their victory their morale would have been so high and they should be celebrating and also the sounds of the horses and demonic beast ridden by them should be very loud.

"yes son, you are right I can't hear the enemy troop and that is highly puzzling, also why is this fog still so viscous the sun is up but there is no reduction of the fog we are not even that high up the mountain"

"Yes sir, the fog is one of the problems that we are currently facing as it is restricting our visibility and obstructing the scouting team investigations, it is even preventing the search team from going down the mountain, and hence we couldn't find out what is going on with the enemy troops". Mr. Bernard said with a worried look on his face.

"Where are we really, mysterious fogs and powerful creatures. The spiritual energy here also has a special quality to it "James muttered to himself. The spiritual energy in their surrounding although it was not higher than the outside it had a special quality to it, the only way James could tell the difference was because he had felt fourth-dimensional energy before, it was as if the laws of the world was contained In it.

Although it didn't directly increase cultivation, James believed that it would be of immense help in the future cultivation of everyone here, as when the spiritual energy entered their bodies state of existence was elevated.

As he was thinking about this, the men who were sent to scout around arrived and bowed to Sir Eric, then a slit-eyed slender man, he had a look In his eyes which made him look like, he would rob and kill you without blinking his eyes but he was one of the most honest and trustworthy people in the army and was loved by all calling him old slit-eyed jack good-naturedly.

he was one of the best scouts in the army, although he was not in Sir Eric's unit when they were escaping the battlefield he got mixed in. so, sir, Eric appointed him as the head of his scouts, when he came forward he saluted sir Eric.

"Sir we have scouted the area, although it was only a few kilometer's uphills, we captured a tier two demonic beast it was through it that we found out about the seven overlords. Who are the seven-tier three demonic beast residing in this mountain, they each have at least a dozen tier two demonic beast and hundreds of tier one as subordinates, it is even suspected that the most powerful demonic beast has another tier three demonic beast as a subordinate." slit-eyed jack gave a report while trying to keep, it to the point and concise.