"sir have the scouts come back and disclosed the reason why we have not been attacked because as far as I knew most demonic beast a very territorial", Michel a middle stage xiantian experts who is known for his brashness in the army skeptically asked sir Eric, as he said this the experts around nodded their head in agreement. As this was what is widely known of the demonic beast is that they are very territorial.

"That we don't know we are still trying to properly scout the area a lot of things is unknown to us, and we have to slowly find out because I think this is the first time such a large void realm has been found, " Mr. Bernard said with a sense of resignation in his voice.

"Now we are going to divide everyone into six units of five Houtians and one xiantian as their captain with Sir Eric as the general head any objections," Mr. Bernard said as an organization without a head was most likely doomed for failure as there would be anarchy. So Mr. Bernard put forth Sir Eric as he was the most likely candidate for the job as he was the highest commanding officer in the army and the most powerful as he was a half-step transcending mortality expert.

"we will try to forage and hunt for some food and how to get out of here, when the scout is through with their scouting so I think we have covered everything" Mr. Bernard continued without waiting for their contribution, this was a decision in which they had to be domineering in, as if they were wishy-washy about it, their momentum would be weakened thereby undermine whatever they had done, if there was no named leader wielding the authority in such a dangerous situation there would be chaos and they would all likely die.

After a few seconds in which no one said anything in dissent, the meeting devolved into the intricacies of the squad which were formed and the responsibility which each team had. Although it was just prefunctionary the preparations that they made gave them a sense of hope in this dangerous situation that they were all in.

After a few hours, the preparations had already been made, and the squads had already been divided and setup, the decisions could only be made this easily because they were from the military and from the same army and the danger of the situation. Which helped them to move back to military order when faced with an unfamiliar and dangerous situation like this.

But none of these was of any importance to James, as he was deeply fascinated with, the concept of void realm as this had touched upon the concept of creation, especially a void realm of this size, which is what could allow the creatures here to cultivate to the transcending mortality level.

As james found out during, his research at the city and in commander garret library, which he gave james rights although it didn't increase his own personal power, but it did help him to broaden, his knowledge about this world and its various power and it was through that, He understood why this world could be so advanced, in some aspect`s and at the same time be so medieval in some other aspects.

But this all boiled down to one thing, which was resources, firstly the imperial family and the major clans monopolize 90 percent of the resources, while the other 15 percent where held by minor clans, leaving only a 5 percent for rogue cultivators and commoners.

The only way this status quo could be kept was through the restriction of the latest equipments, powerful cultivation techniques and heaven resources which would help them breakthrough realm like the cultivation technique, the art of refining which couldn't get you to the transcending mortality realm and there was a high chance of dying when practicing.

Although one of the major reasons for this was because, the art of refining was a martial art technique which was not a popular path, but most energy cultivation that are open to the general public also has this kind of problem, which made it hard for those with average talents to cultivate to a high realm if you are not in a main branch of a major clan.

This was also why james was very surprised by this void realm, because most void realm were much smaller than this was and according to the records the realms were very unstable and cultivating in them was impossible but this realm was very stable and even showed sign of surpassing the main world and, by cultivating in this realm one`s cultivation speed, would be very fast and, it would also their state of existence would increase which would thereby increase their level of talent.

So james immersed himself in his research, he had so many thing on his plate like his nihilty drug research, his void realm research and his research on demonic beast, that he couldn't cultivate. but he had already started to stop his cultivation, as he started reading through the libraries of viscount garret.

Although he didn't through the advanced cultivation techniques, he read through some entry level cultivation techniques, and although they were mostly energy cultivation techniques, he found some major flaws in the art of refining, which meant that even with his pure fourth dimensional energy, he still wouldn't be able to solve the hidden danger of the art of refining.

So he decided that he would try to find more techniques, to reference and use it to refine and perfect his art of refining, but had even reach 1 percent of completions, which was because of the lack of a foundation to build on as he had not gotten any really advanced techniques and without it all he derive were techniques which were even much worse than the art of refining. Which was why he could devote most of his time to his experiments since sir eric didn't assign him to any squads.James was just assigned as the resident alchemist, As this was going on james, sir eric and the troops didn't understand the danger they were in.