Chapter 9: Special Privileges?

Once Yao Zi was satisfied with his attires cleanliness he turned back to Wang Zhu who was standing there in a daze, "So little friend, are you going to tell big brother Zi Zi your name or am I going to beat it out of you." Brother Zi Zi's face lit up with a smile.

"Err... Yao Zi -"

"Big Brother Zi Zi!" Brother Zi Zi quickly shouted correcting him.

"Brother Zi Zi, err my name is Wang Zhu as in -"

"Wang Zhu! As in the greatest deity?! What a name! What a name! By comparison 'violet wish' isn't worth much." Brother Zi Zi's eyes squinted, as his smile which could poke a hole through the cloudy heavens lit up.

Seeing the support and friendship of Yao Zi multiple people in the crowd started to become envious of Wang Zhu.

"What's so special about him?!" Several disciples of the Qi refining realm commented.

"Don't worry. People of the Yao clan are all freaks born with all their meridians open. He won't be in the outer court for long, then we'll teach this brat a lesson."

Just as Wang Zhu was about to comment when a middle-aged man entered the room.

He was tall, but not at the same hight as Yao Zi. He had grey hair in his head and an extremely stern face. This was head guard Dou Li. The fourth and final strongest member of the Dark Water Sect, commonly known as the Dark Water Blade!

He scanned the crowd of youths, there were around fifty new disciples this time. His eyes landed on Yao Zi giving a nod of approval, "The Yao family is indeed talented. The cultivation technique they use allows their members to train their body from day one. If I'm not mistaken your battle prowess should exceed high-level Body Refiners."

As Dou Li spoke these words everybody in the room gasped, no wonder the Yao family hadn't fallen from grace since the ancient times! It's because of their cultivation technique!

Yao Zi, on the other hand, had a smug smile plastered on his face. The Yao family cultivation technique was passed down by their ancestor and was a peak Earth Grade Technique. That was only the cultivation technique! Imagine their battle prowess when one factored in their actual martial arts! It's possible that Yao Zi who was only in the outer court could possibly challenge the top inner court disciple!

Everyone including Wang Zhu gasped imagining this. No wonder the Yao family were one of the top clans in the world!

"Enough of your nonsense, it's time to sort you." Dou Li said firmly not being able to handle the rubbish some of these youths spew out.

"Those of you without any cultivation shall be going for a trail, apart from the one named... Wang Zhu." The head guard read the name that screamed arrogance with an utter distaste.


"That's unfair, why doesn't he have to be tested?!"

Shouts came out from the crowd carrying heavy tones of frustration, this boy had befriended the almighty child of the Yao clan, now he doesn't have to take the test?! Utterly ridiculous!

"Enough!" Dou Li's fierce voice caused a boom and everybody in the room to take a step back.

"The rest of you shall line up in order of strength. You will be tested by a Core disciple Lao Po. He's the tenth strongest disciple here and is already at the mid essence gathering stage."

A hooded figure stepped forward from the crowd to the surprise of many, with a low voice he grumbled, "Follow me to the proving ground. Mortals follow Chief Guard Dou."

All the cultivators immediately followed him. Finally, another man walked into the room. He was short and fat, extremely old but had a jolly smile on his face.

"I am the outer library head. Follow me to pick up a cultivation technique. Those that can successfully comprehend it shall be allowed to join. Those that cannot, well... the path to immortality is a gruesome one indeed. Perhaps you are better off becoming a farmer or starting a family."

He turned around and waddled away. Signaling for everyone to follow.

"Not you." Dou Li called.

"Old Shi told me that you were evaluated by Miss Xuan of the Black Tortoise Palace. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"I hear that within a decade you could be my boss." Dou Li grunted.

"Well, I don't know about that." Wang Zhu scratched the back of his head.

Dou Li retorted with a snort. "If anybody picks on you just come to me I'll sort it out. Now take this."

He handed Wang Zhu a jade piece, "Before you ask it's a key to your room. I don't expect you to leave until you've refined your first strand of Qi. I'll make sure you're brought food."

Dou Li waved to another cloaked man and told him to bring him to his room. Causing the hairs on Wang Zhu's neck to raise.