Chapter 14: Training grounds

As he heard this Wang Zhu wasn't the least bit surprised, many clans would find workarounds for the smallest of things, let alone something as important as their clan's power!

"Say little Zhu, have you been to the training grounds yet?" Librarian Zing interrupted his train of thought.

Wang Zhu shook his head, grimacing as if he had done something wrong. This caused Librarian Zing to feel a twinge of guilt in his heart, making him frown which caused Wang Zhu's mood to digress even further.

"Do not worry child!" Librarian Zing said quickly.

"I'm sure some instructors will be about."

Wang Zhu nodded his head heavily, for some unknown reason he felt like he had failed Librarian Zing deep in his heart.

Wang Zhu slowly wandered his way to the training grounds of the outer court, all the while he would twirl his staff, injecting his Icy Qi into it, which gave him a large smile.

At the entrance of the training grounds, he finally snapped out of his daze. The training grounds were incredible! The entrance was a giant archway, which led into a huge arena littered with different disciples practicing their techniques in large groups standing in front of different men. It was like different battalions in an army, all practicing in front of their Sargent!

One group was practicing with spears, another with halberds, there was even a few who were moving about with whips. The two biggest groups though, they were the saber and sword groups.

Currently, they seemed to be in a bit of a scuffle though. The instructors of both groups were currently arguing, a disciple of the saber group was rolling around the floor in agony with one of his arms missing, while a sword disciple was standing there as bold as brass with a great smile on his face.

Wang Zhu was trying to listen in when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder that felt like an iron clamp.

"Haha, little Zhu wasn't it?" The deep voice resounded in his ears.

Wang Zhu turned around to see his face, it was none other than the colossus that wanted him to call him Zi Zi - Yao Zi!

"Ah, Big Brother Zi Zi, I wonder how you've been?"

Yao Zi replied with an earnest chuckle, "Fine, fine. I just like hanging around here looking at the outer court disciples go at it, most wouldn't last till' sundown in the inner court."

"What's the deal with those two?" Wang Zhu pointed at the two instructors.

"Oh, you don't know? Sword and Saber cultivators are like fire and ice. They cannot get along, and will fight each other till the bitter end." Yao Zi replied.

Wang Zhu had a frown on his face though, as if there was something more. Seeing the frown Yao Zi's eyes lit up, "It appears you have a good sight for analysis. I'll tell you only what I have heard."

"Do you know my eldest brother came to this sect before going to the Sky Shattering Academy? Back then my brothers and I use to have a good relationship and would often write to each other. He saw that these two instructors Xie and Fu would often fight. My father had told me that they had quarreled over a girl in their time here."

"Over a girl?" Wang Zhu questioned with a strange face.

"Yes, a girl. Before their conflict, they were good friends in fact. The Sword and Saber duo, together with their sharp intents they could fight off someone at the Essence Core Realm at the Essence Gathering Realm!"

"Unfortunately life is cruel. The three went on an expedition to the outside world. Into the Vermilion Bird's territory. The girl they both fantasized over caught the eye of a young master from the Vermilion Clan." Yao Zi's voice held a hint of sorrow and pity for the two.

"Because the young master knew that these two were a pair of precious gems and were a threat to him he played a cruel trick. He gave them both a pill, telling them it was Qi Gathering Pill, which would help them ascend to the peak of the Essence Gathering Realm quickly."

"It was a lie though. He gave them Qi neutralising pills, which would forever halt their cultivation."

"A pill can actually do that?!" Wang Zhu was beyond shocked, terrified in fact.

"Humph. The Dao of Alchemy is beyond magical you know? In ancient times there were pills that could exterminate entire bloodlines, causing entire clans to fall!"

Wang Zhu sucked in a cold breath. Perhaps he should read into alchemy a bit. It could be useful in the future, at least to not accidentally take any pills such as that.

"Don't worry." Yao Zi smiled.

"Pills like that are beyond precious, as they no longer exist anymore. All such recipes were burned long ago." Yao Zi rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, you're using a staff? You're not about to convert to a Monk and go celibate are you?" Yao Zi burst our laughing.

"Why, what's wrong with a staff?" Wang Zhu's voice had a hint of anger in it.

"Look around you. Sabers, Swords, Spears, Halberds, even god damn whips! Do you see any staff instructors?"

Wang Zhu took a gulp at the realization of Yao Zi's words.

Yao Zi was right! There wasn't a single Staff instructor! Wang Zhu's face went sour, he knew there was more to fighting than just stupid techniques! Basic form with a weapon was what allowed you to form things such as Sword intent! Only through the basics would you produce enough insight to form Qi!

Wang Zhu's heartbeat increased rapidly and his face turned ashen like he had seen into the future and seen his death!