
She continued. "You see, I'm just trying to warn you. Please be nice to James. I don't want you to regret anything later. I don't want any of us to regret anything later. That's all," she said as she started walking to the girls. I feel that something is not right. Her voice was too soft for the situation. But the only dominant thought and fear I have now is that, she is aware of my feelings and she doesn't give a care about them. I totally felt defeated. I remained where I was. A bit of time passed when I realised that my back was feeling strained. I didn't know when I began to sit so painfully straight, the apprehension and anticipation are not very easy to deal for the current situation. So many thoughts are rapidly messing my mind. Then, I see the guys walking through the door as they approach me.

"Bro, we're going for a drive. Come on," Ton invited. "I think I'm fine. You go on," I said not being able to face James, relaxing my body back onto the cushion behind so I would not give them an impression of me turning into a creep. For some reason, I could not look at James. Although I was not the one at fault but him in the commotion we just had, I could not look him in the eye. I thought I could trust him with the world and I have told him each one of my deepest secrets. He is no less than Kai himself, or more precisely, I even told him something I could not tell my own brother and this is what I get in return. I guess I miscalculated. May and he just found the need to speak alone.

No wonder, now that I see everything. It is clear that May is, without a doubt, his confidant after all, and I have a feeling that those two are keeping something very important from the rest of us. May would not have spoke like that to me for no reason. She somehow became very sensitive to James and his happiness recently.

Ton walked over to me and started pulling my hand along as I did not resist him enough. James ruffled my hair as I stood up from the couch. What's with him? "Seriously now, stop acting like our dad, James. You are just two years older than us," Ton said. I wanted to ask what was wrong with him. But I didn't. "Aye, don't talk to me like that kids, I'll get hurt," James feigned being hurt and we went out.

"Do they know?" I asked referring to May and others about the said drive. "Yup, James just messaged his lovely wife!" Ton just received a kick on his butt from James.

"They are right inside here and you thought of texting her?" I questioned him as I continued, "I'll just go inform them," I say as I tried walking to their door when Ton stopped me. "Searching for reasons to talk to May," he commented. Fine, I thought, as I turned the other way, walking to the main door. Ton laughed. Let him. "She'll only make some mean remark that she knows it already, they know, okay?" That, I knew, nothing new. But even at this drained moment, the heart wants what it wants perhaps, as it is said. "Okay," I answered James as we went to Ton's car.

"Who drives?" he asked. "You do, Ton," James said and we started riding off in a bit. I was seated at the back, Ton not letting me have the passenger seat in which James sat.

After an hour of driving, talking, and taking our minds off things, we returned. James rang the bell but no one opened. He had locked it while going. After another try, he used the key card that was in his pocket, very fortunately. We were not really panicked, what could go wrong?