
That evening, I did nothing but wait for Jessie's call. Knowing her, she would not choose the very hospital where I worked. I wondered where she would take me and what the doctor there would say. I know three years is too cruel. I would live longer, but there was no certainty in that at all. The three years, however, I could bet on them with what so ever.

Just as I thought it was about time, my phone buzzed. My wife's name flashed on the screen. I swiped and took and the call.

"I am waiting by the car." We owned one car which I took to the hospital every day. Jessie would walk to her office and dad still used the public transportation like the humble citizen he is. He started in a humble family and he found his respect in being that way. I only bought the car because; my salary was unnecessarily accumulating in my bank account without much use. Because we did not have plans to buy another house apart from one small apartment a little far from home, I bought the car and it was a little high end. Other than that expense, the only things that would take up the money from my account was my medicines and the blood transfusions.

"Hey, how did you come?"

"On the bus."

"I will be down in a moment..." I told her and went down. I found her leaning on the car. She walked over and took the keys from me and sat in the driver's seat. Though she was always a calm girl, she became even calmer. I silent sat beside her.

The drive felt as though I am going to meet my death reaper. Whoever this doctor was, he better be as practical as possible. Not after too long, we entered the parking lot to a hospital. This one is famous for cardiology. After she parked the car, we got out and walked in hand in hand.

"Sit here. I'll be quick." She said and went to the reception. I saw her pay the fees and write down something, take a file and walk to me.

"We will meet the doctor in ten minutes," she said as she sat beside me. I took the file from her. It had my name and other details. I opened it and found that it is the famous old doctor we would be meeting. His name was well known. I had attended one of his seminars while studying at the capital.

"When did you book the appointment?" A senior like him is a hard one to get appointment with. The fees might have been high too.

She thought for a while. "It has been twelve days."

"Madam, you may go in now," a nurse came forward and informed Jessie.

"Thank you." She said and walked into his cabin. Suddenly I was very apprehensive. As we walked further, I squeezed Jessie's hand than was in mine.

"You are being pessimistic." She replied in a low voice.

"Hello!" The old doctor greeted.

"Hello, doctor. This is James, my husband."

"Alright, what is the problem with James, I suppose?"

"Yes, these reports..." she said and handed him the reports I had given to her in the past.

He went through them slowly, adjusting his glasses every once in a while. He then closed the file and gently pushed it over to us on the table. He took a long breath and looked at me intently.

"James? Are these all that I need to see?" he asked me.

For me to be alive, the blood transfusions are essential. Nothing regarding them was in those reports. "I am on blood transfusions," I said.

"Since how long?"

That question made me uncomfortable in Jessie's presence. "Almost... a year."

"Are you aware of your situation?" e is just making everything more difficult.

"Yes, I do."

"What situation?" Jessie interrupted us.

The doctor sighed deeply before looking at the two of us. Then, he faced me, "Does your wife here not know yet?"

"She does."