
Darkness descended upon the night town. It was likely either due to the moon being abscent from the sky, or there's just simply no satellite orbiting this planet.

I reached the closest dark alley and leaned on the tree trunk, slowly sliding to the ground.

My body was sore and my internals were on fire. Considering all I've been put through, it was natural for me to crave for a shower.

It seemed like I was fuming with each breath.

What am I supposed to do next? It stands to reason I have to escape this night, but where to? I have zero knowledge of people or culture. Essentially, even the lowest beggar is in a better place than me right now; at the very least, he was born in this enviornment and has a better understanding of it. Me? I'm just an abandoned child with some foreign to this world knowledge.

Their morals are different from mine, and the same goes for their culture.

I'm like a fish out of water, which is vainly trying to survive at the seashore.

My lungs were filled with cold air. At the very least, it's not freezing outside yet, so I don't really have to care about staying warm. First and foremost I should fill my stomach, or it would not stop bothering me with loud noises. I have no idea when I ate something last time, but it seemed like I haven't done it since I appeared in this world.

I raised my head and looked at the sky. There was no moon, no stars. Instead of any sort of firmanent, there was only a dull darkness.

I managed to get up and head into the unknown.

It seemed like I was in some sort of a park or garden. There were no houses around. I was surrounded by mere trees and bushes.

At some point I noticed that I was still barefooted. I did not pay attention to it, until my legs started freezing. That's the unfortunate side effect of walking with no shoes for so long. Apparently, I got used to it.

Humph, it looked like I left my shoes under that tree. There's no way for me to find them.

I did not see the way in the darkness. At some point of traversing the unknown, I came across echo of someones' voices. Voices themselves were not audible to me and I had no intention to listen to them. I had to slightly change my trajectory, so that I wouldn't come across them.

It was certainly some sort of park, because after I took a short stroll around, I somewhat understood its system and stopped crashing into the bushes. You could say I went out on some fairly wide road with my hopes high it would lead me out of here.

Alas. I was constantly bumping into some people, who were searching for - as they put it - some "squad of intruders". I feel like they wouldn't mind finding me as well.

Sometimes I had to wait out in the bushes or even turn and avoid the main road.

Once - when I felt particularly well after the wave of trembling passed, and I tried to catch my breath under the nearest tree in the darkness - two particularly lucky individuals were literally two bushes away from finding me.

"Weird, at some point I clearly felt reflections of some unusual power coming from out here, but for some reason it's gone now..."

I heard a thoughtful voice, and my surroundings were illuminated by the flash of light. I put all my weight on the tree trunk, trying to pretend I'm just its sprouth. I even started breathing through my skin.

A few minutes passed, the lights went out and they seemed to be leaving. I, having caught my breath, began to back off in the opposite direction, getting ready to embrace the ground if needed.

But one of the laws of probability theory says: the longer you dodge troubles, the higher is the chance that they will overtake you.

And the trouble faced me. From an unexpected side. It came from behind.

Backing out, I didn't pay enough attention to the fact that I went out into the clearing. It was absolutely quiet. In the darkness some motionless, vaguely resembling a bush object, turned out to be... Who would've thought? Another girl.

I hit her with my back and knocked her down. We both fell to the ground.

After turning my back on her, I rolled over, leaning on my hands. She was still underneath, looking at me with her blue, brightly shining eyes. Our faces were opposite to each other.

"Who are you?"

She said without any trace of emotion. Her facial features were hard to distinguish, but they seemed to match her voice.

My eyelashes were covered with hoarfrost and stuck together. Heck! It's so cold here, but I did not even notice. Apparently, my condition is much worse than I expected.

I must leave. I've had enough of girl company for today.

I put my finger to my lips.


I hope she releases me after she comes to the conclusion, that it's all just a big misunderstanding.

I was already straining to stand, as two arms wrapped around my neck, and my lips were pierced by cold, tender lips.

Cold wave spread over my body, causing a slight numbness and ... I noticed, that my inner heat and ache started subseeding. Anesthesia?

I was stunned after feeling such a relief, and my breath was cut short. I don't know what she's done, but I was thankful.

I took a deep breath and tried to free my neck from her hands.

"Still alive?"

The voice reached my after a short pause. To be honest, I had no idea of my further actions, so I tried to back out once again.

But I was only met with a new kiss. It was far more aggressive, than the previous one. This time, she did not stop with a slight touch, lingering her lips on mine for a few seconds.

Another wave of coolness was a counter-force to the fire that started to burn in my groin area.

At some point, she stopped and began to stare at me, frowning.

I hope she calmed down.

But my attempt to pull away was met with yet another kiss. This time around she used her tongue and kissed me with a lot of passion and ardor.

I don't know, what she is trying to achieve here, but at the same time I knew she will definitely end up raping me. And I have no time for such treats.

I raised my hand and hit back of the girl's head with the jewel-box.

She went limp. I grabbed and lowered her to the ground.

I'm full of nymphomaniacs!