Escape II

At some moment I came across a quite tall fence and I was unable to go past it.

I think, it's end of the garden and there's going to be a town ahead.

I listened and didn't notice any sound or voices behind the wall, so I decided to take risks and climb it. I want to see what's behind it at least. Of course one can go along the wall and go through the gate, but such an easy solution is certainly not for me.

The wall itself was two meters high and was not a real obstacle. I can climb over it in order to peek what's behind it.

So I've done it, clinging my hands on the top of the wall.

I saw an open space behind it, surrounded by small two-storey houses. There was a small pond and a tree in the center of clearing.

Apart from small night lights, there was no light in the house and no presence of a human being.

Should I risk it?

I glanced back into the darkness and decided I would certainly not go back.

I landed somewhat awkwardly, hitting the ground.

It seemed like I was in an estate courtyard. Considering this place was kempt and clean, it was most likely being looked after by a plentiful of servants. By looking at the surrounding buildings I came to conlusion that they were all part of the estate.

It seemed like it obstructed my path forward, but I already got used to such hindrances.

I raised myself and headed towards the pond to satisfy my thirst. It was so clear I could see the bottom, so I started drinking without the slightest hesitation. Scooping up water with my hands, I kept drining until I was full.

The ripples circled the pond. I looked up at the nearby white tree. It was very, very old and dried up. One could say that life left it, if it was not for a small green sprout on one of the branches.

I raised my hand, touching the smooth bark of the tree with my palm. It was slightly warm and my skin began to crawl every now and then. I ran my hand along the trunk and froze. I heard voices from the side where I came from.

"Somewhere from here..."

High-pitched voice pierced the silence.

"Echo from the breach is leaking out of this place."

"But there is no trace. Should I warn..?"

I only heard fragments of sentences and had to strain to make anything out.

"I'm not sure yet. Take a look at the imbalance of residual breakthrough energies. It's clearly inhuman. This is either an animal or a spiritualized object of the ancients.

For a moment there was silence. Apparently, the speakers were now thinking about something private.

"We'd better check the area behind the wall..."

"No way! There are estates of townspeople, so our actions could be interpreted as an intrusion. It's inexcusable in your current condition."

"In this case, I'll send someone to tell them about what happened."

"As if they would hear him out..."

I couldn't make out the following words, because they started wispering.

"There's still a chance for it to be a red herring, so we better return and report the situation."

I could clearly hear those last words. And understood their meaning. I should make haste, until... I shook my head and got up, heading to the closest building. I hope, everyone is already asleep.

There was a small paved wooden cavity with a roof along the walls. I climbed it and felt the cold lacquered boards. Every couple of meters I could see dull lamps hanging on the wall, but no matter how much I looked, I could not determine what was the source of light within them.

I headed to the right and reached the nearest sliding door. Light was leaking through the door crack. There were paper windows on either side of the room. There was no light in them. So I guess there's a illuminated corridor outside the door.

Carefully opening the door, I entered the room. The brighter lights illuminated the passageway. Guess my line of thinking turned out to be the right one.

Trying not to make any noise, I headed along the corridor and I reached a door after a few meters. There were rustling and muffled moaning breath leaking out of it.

Given my experience, I already knew what was going on there. My curiosity took a better of me, and slightly opening the door, I peeked to see for sure.

You'd think I was a pervert who uses the first opportunity to spy on people who are engaged in a secret affair? But this is not the case. I already realized that this world is too different from my old one, and in the most unexpected aspects. The ratio of women to men, the superiority of the former and the weakness of the latter, which everyone constantly blabbers about. I need to know more.

No, if there are two girls outside the door, I'll leave them the same second I see it. But something told me that there is also a male individual or individuals. Perhaps, what I am about to witness will slightly open the veil of misunderstandings that surrounded me.

Opening the door, I saw a nontrivial picture; there was a was a very large mattress in a dimly lit room, filled with a dull yellow light from the lamps on the floor. And there happened to be more than a dozen naked men on this mattress. They gathered around two girls...

I could barely see through the thick crowd, so I was able to make out only their silhouettes. Beneath them lay a man, the first girl was sitting on his laps, and there was a second one sitting on her face. Their faces were connected with the kiss. Three bodies formed a triangle.

"Ah-ah ..!"

I heard some occasional moans.

In just a minute, the man's body contracted in a spasm and soon relaxed, feebly spreading across the floor. The girls moved for a while on it by inertia, but soon stopped and got up from an insensible body, taking the next one down to the floor. This time around though, they swapped places on the man's body.

This guy lasted for about two minutes. And the next one too. The girls repeated this cycle several times, until six men remained on their feet.

Each grabbing a guy by their hands, girls pulled them. Laying them on their backs next to each other and saddling them, they froze. Then, as if following an unknown signal, they began to quickly move their pelvises, drawing circles and eights on male genitals.

The first man to fall was the one farthest from me, and the second one followed a few seconds after. The rider of the first man jumped up and immediately dragged the next one. The second girl repeated the same process.

I began to distinguish girls a little. One had a more heavy body, and the second one was the owner of a slender body with very seductive curves.

The next two men cummed almost at the same time and the girls jumped to the two remaining ones. At that moment I was even able to see the juices drain from their crotches.

For the third time, the first one to cum was a man who was with a farthest from me girl. She triumphantly jumped to her feet, stareing at the second girl with anticipation.

The second girl moved her hips more and more sharply and impulsively, making voluptuous moans, which echoed around the room.

After ten seconds, the last man fell and was now lying next to the sleeping bodies of the other fighters.

Apparently, the victorious girl with a heavy body laid down, legs apart, and the loser stood on all fours and buried her face in girl's crotch.

Girl with slender legs was actively working her tongue off, wagging her ass from side to side. The second one, clasping her head with her hands, moaned with passion...

The following events did not interest me and, swallowing saliva, I closed the door and walked away from it. I had no intentions to comment on what I saw, so I silently walked down the corridor until I went into a rather large entrance hall. There was a small shoulder bag, and I was already tired of carrying a jewel box in my hand.

There were many different shoes; some leather and fabric sandals, boots and dress shoes. The choice was huge, but they are not even close to my size. Not in the slightest degree.

But my gaze did catch the wooden sandals that were ten centimeters high. At least they were one-size-fits-all, and my feet were too tired from long walks. So I put them on.

I also took a hanging there cloak, and I found a pair of colored metal plates in pockets. I assumed it was money. Lucky me.