Town and Wishes

When I came out of the house, I saw a street with a paved stone road. Without a moment's thought, I went to the left side of the road. As it was a downhill slope, going there was easier than going up.

The road wriggled and looped, two and three-story mansions could be seen on its both sides. Each mansion occupied a considerable area. The road was also covered by occasional lights, and considering I met just a couple of passers-by, it all created a gloomy atmosphere.

By the way, passers-by seemed ordinary to me. I met some simple girls and even a couple of guys going to their night work. Probably, they didn't think much of some random guy on the night street, so no one paid any attention to me.

I walked along the streets, passing the intersections. I could turn to the left or even to the right. But I was sure of one thing: a real man is only going straight. Then sooner or later if I keep going "straight", it should lead me out of this asshole directly to the vast suburbs.

It was more and more likely that I was either in a provincial city or in a big village. Houses were at a decent distance from each other, and a lot of land were occupied by patios, gardens, or vegetable gardens. In large cities, on the contrary, everyone tried to build more densely due to the the abundance of residents.

Such planning resembles the placement of private houses in one of the countries of my past life, in the U.S.

Another point hinting that they were not affected by the fate of industrialization was lack of industrial buildings in my field of view. On the second thought, maybe it's just a bedroom suburb?

I did not see anything similar to the shops I knew, and I made a couple of assumptions. Either they have a separate market district or their traders understand little in advertising and the need for big-boards.

Hmm, and 24 hour shops right in the center of a residential area, selling products? I had not thought about such a familiar thing before, but now it seemed to me one of the pinnacles of human thought.

Money? If the pieces of iron in my pocket are some kind of currency, then ... it's pretty sad. A banking system... do they even have banks? Loans and deposits? Promissory notes?

If we look from the perspective of economic theory, it is obvious, that there is a magnificent concept of innovation. They represent the driving force of any direction of development. You came up with a new technology for processing stone? Use it, playing on its uniqueness, and feel the full impact of goods monopoly, while the other artisans have not grasped your idea.

And they succeeded? Think up a new one, taking advantage of the previously gained fame, and get all the new profit, invest it in new industries and try to get ahead of rivals in this endless race.

What's the purpose? To earn more money. What for? To invest and make more money until the whole world is under your control.

And when it happens, then, most likely, there will be some kind of terrible opposition from the discontented people, who will surely overthrow you. The more power is concentrated in one hands, the higher is the resistance.

Therefore, it is much more preferable to be a power broker and act secretely. If you are a puppeteer and skillfully manipulate people, you can redirect aggression and create the illusion of chaos. It's much better, when device is made of many common, but interchangeable details, than one magnificent detail that holds the whole construction.

And I caught myself thinking about the development level of this world and what can be brought here.

I laughed. Whatever brilliant and beautiful idea I would wish to grant, I should definitely time it accordingly. Why would they need electricity, if they are not ready to accept it?

You can count to ten? Stop at seven, when your interlocutor counted to six. And in any case, do not add the eight without saying seven, as a person may not be ready for such a revelation and will not understand it, or will understand, but incorrectly. You missed the seven.

Everything should be well-timed and I just need to study the world, before my ignorance turns out to be fatal.

And if you do not make any global contributions, limiting yourself to some household things.. Some toilet paper. Hmm, but in this situation you can't rush either. As you know, girls do not croak, and boys here can wipe with bark ...

I stopped in the middle of the road in a fit of understanding. I want to live well, satisfied, and rich. And remembering those words from my dream, I simply realized that I most likely will not be given such a life.

And changing something...

It's not like I wouldn't want it, but human is a social creature, so I don't want to end up living as a recluse. That's why...

I slowly began to walk further, matching my pace with the rhythm of the strokes of the wooden sole against the stone.

Let's say I have to do it, but ... I need strength. Not just anz strength, I need Power. Not a personal one, I need a social power. Reign, connections. And then I'm in the role of a former slave. Should I change into a girl?

Continuing to walk, I contemplated about possible course of actions. I walked along the road sithout even hiding. I have seen enough of the locals, and not that I consider them stupid, but narrow-minded for sure. Lack of education or narrow worldview? They will rather look for a fugitive in all sorts of hideouts than consider he would be calmly walking along a less lit street.

Speaking of education. Open a paid elite school in after a fashion of my past world and teach science ..? People are willing to pay dearly for their knowledge. But only for the knowledge they need.

Again, everything depends on understanding people and the world. Should I find someone for a strong drink or listen to passers-by? Or perhaps finding some kind of local library would be better?

All in all, I was confused and, frankly, did not know what to do. And when there is no plan, you have to act according to the circumstances. First and foremost, I'll get out of town.

The stomach growled, reminiscing of itself.

Oh yeah, more than that ..

My only companion now was the same empty black sky.

Along my way, buildings in the district became more simple, and I started seeing more people. Yes, it looks like this place is already more ordinary and farther from the center. It's already started to be crowded.

At some point, the road led me to the wall and soon enough I reached the gates. They were open to my surprise. Although, there was guard on duty. It seems that they were confident in their abilities or simply had no fear for night attacks.

Wouldn't it be too suspicious if I went out of town at night?

Without slowing down, I moved towards the gate. I'm not going to wait for the morning.

Standing on the inside of the gate, the guard followed me with a rather steadfast gaze, but she did not say anything. The second one jerked in an attempt to stop me, but for some reason changed her mind, remaining on the spot.

What, did not I score enough points in her eyes to be considered a suspicious person?