Drake had the best sleep of his life, it could described in one word, bliss.

But when he awoke two things ruined his bliss.

One was the whispering he was hearing in his head. The words were all gibberish and he couldn't make then out, so he rose from his bed to look for the whisper source when he noticed the second thing that ruined his bliss.

Fred was seated in a chair staring at Drake, "I have been waiting the whole night for you to wake up. Now that you are up, tell me what it is like to be an alien?" he said.

Drake sighed, "Can I at least have breakfast before we begin this interrogation"

Drake was now seated in a huge dinner room with a long table that sits at least 40 people, with a pile of food in front of him. Seeing the pile of food, hunger pains hit him hard.

Drake forgot all his eating etiquette and began throwing food in to his mouth hole.

With a satisfaction sigh, Drake leaned back in the chair to let the digestion process begin, when Fred spoke;

"Now that you have had breakfast, tell me about your home world and your race?, Are they planning on invading us?, Are you a scout sent to spy to this world and send it back information to the invasion force?

Drake bust out laughing when he had Fred question, only when he gathered his breath did he say, "Dude, the world I am from still use ships powered by wind, air travel is out of reach, internet is not yet even a concept, satellites…I am not even sure they can understand what a satellite is. On top of that they still use primitive fighting tools such as sword and single shot guns. With the technology in this world, mine isn't a threat, hell you even have super heroes that can go toe to toe with the powered individuals form my world."

With a confused look Fred asked, "Is your world is really this behind in technology, then how did you get here?"

"It's more to do with magic than science. I stumbled across some runes that had a dimensional gate which brought me here."


"I really don't know if it was magic, I am just guessing at this point" replied Drake

"Then how do plan to get back?" Fred asked.

Drake smiled and said, "Your friend Hiro Hamada in the solution to my problem. I am hoping you can take me to see him"




After a ten minute drive, Fred and Drake were standing in front of a building that had a sign reading, San Fransokyo Institute of Technology.

This Institute was home to the most brilliant mind in the world. Its students are known for developing technology that was at times too advanced even for this world.

Drake knew the solution to his problem was here.

With Fred in the lead, Drake walked in to the building.

"Hiro is most likely in class right now, we can just go and wait in his Lab." Said Fred.

Drake smiled and nodded, but his mind was elsewhere. Ever since he step on to the campus grounds, he had been hearing the whispers again. He still couldn't make out the words, but one thing was sure, they were communicating with each other.

"Hello I am Baymax. What is your name?" came the sound that snapped Drake back in to reality. He had reached Hiro's Lab and didn't even notice.

Standing in front of him was the most advance piece of A.I he had ever seen. It was a robot covered in a white inflatable vinyl material.

Drake smiled and said "hello Baymax, my name is Drake."

"Hello Drake. It is nice to meet you."

"Same here" relied Drake

"Drake, I don't mean to alarm you but a scan of your body shows a massive degradation in body cells. Without treatment, chance of fatality is at 80%"

"Don't worry, I will get treatment"

It's at this moment, the door to the Lab opened, and a 14 year old boy Asian looking boy with black messy hair walked in.

When he walked in he look at Drake then at Fred.

"Fred, who is you guest?" he asked

"He is an Alien form another world" replied Fred.

Hiro looked at Fred like he was a crazy person.

"His right, I am form another world. And I need your help."

Hiro laughed, "If you are an alien from a different world, how could I possibly help you?"

"I need you, well your alter ego to speak to someone on my behalf."

"What!!!, I have no alter ego" he quickly said.

"AH Hiro, I already know you, Fred, Wasabi, Go Go, Honey lemon and Baymax here are big hero 6" said Drake.

"How did you know?" asked Fred and Hiro

"I just do…but let's put that aside for now"

Drake removes a vial of his blood from his pocket and shows it to Hiro

"I need you, your Alter ego to get Karmi, to analysis my blood and find a solution to my problem."

"I would just transform in to your big hero 6 appearance and ask her myself but, I don't what to risk using my abilities until I am at 100%" said Drake.

Hiro looked at Drake and there was hesitation in his eyes but Baymax came to the rescue, "Hiro, Drake cells are undergoing degradation, Karmi mighty be able to help" it said.

"Fine, wait here" said Hiro.

A couple of hours later Hiro returned. The look on his face showed that he didn't receive good news.

"Your cells are in bad shape. They need a total reboot and there in no way to do it."

Drake wasn't pleased by this news. To most people cell degradation would mean death, but to him it meant waiting a long time for his body to absorb natural energy and repair itself.

It was time he didn't have, "I need to find a solution right now" he thought to himself.

"I have a solution" Fred suddenly spoke.

Drake and Hiro looked at him, "What is it?"

"Remember our trip to Attilan and how they used those weird crystals to change their bodies and gain abilities"

"YES, you are genus Fred" said Hiro as he then turns to Drake and said, "Fred is right, those crystals can help you heal up."

When Drake had the name Attilan he knew it was the city of the in humans, and those crystals could only mean one think… Terrigen crystals.

"You mean Terri genesis, right…"

"Yes, transforming you in to an inhuman is the best solution" said Hiro.