
Three years later

Micheal walked down the hallway the wooden floors glistening in the moon light as he strolled on by. He stopped as he reached his destination a smooth dark wooden door with red letters painted upon it. He opened it slowly and gazed at the small figure lost in computer screen he was looking at. Micheal sighed "Dante it's time for bed" he called out. The 5 year old child turn and looked at him in shock his long, shaggy chocolate brown hair was looking like he just woke up, his murky green eyes held resentment at the sentence Micheal just uttered.

"but Mikey I'm busy!" Dante whined as he rubbed his sharp nose and looked at the 9 year old with black hair dark brown eyes and a displeased look on his face.

" I thought I told you my name is Micheal not Mikey" he grumbled Dante rolled his eyes.

" But your name is too hard to say so you are now called Mikey" he said with an innocent smile on his face but with an evil glint in his eyes.

" We both know that's rubbish!" Micheal yelled "how the hell can you tell such lies with an innocent smile" he thought. Micheal sighed again "But seriously Dante Mum and dad said it's bed time".

"Fine I was just going anyway" the stick insect in jeans and a tank top replied as he shut down the computer. As he disappeared into the en suite he yelled " seems like I will need to crush more of your video game records Mikey" accompanied by boisterous laughter. in his heart Micheal started to cry.

"if you beat anymore how can I have any dignity in front of my friends." As he was thinking these depressing thoughts he turned around and left.

Dante lay down on his king sized bed thinking about all the new information he had gathered that day. he found out that he lives inside forge city a city which crime is rampant, as one resident put it a place that men are forged in a bloody baptism of steel and fire. Dante also found out that his dad Ferdinand Martello owner and ceo of Martello enterprises was a very influential man having pillars in all forms of society. He was also to Dante's surprised rumored to be the boss or related to the infamous Martello family, one of the lords of the underworld only to be rivaled by the Rosetta family. "Damn seems no one is simple in this family" Dante sighed as he turned in his bed.

The next morning the sun was bright and the skies were clear as light streamed through Dante's window. Yawning as he was waking up Dante rubbed the sleep from his eyes and groggily got out of bed. A woman wearing a maid costume walked in she had blonde hair and peircing blue eyes that seemed to see through people's souls." Young Dante my oh my is it a surprise to see you awake this side of 12 o'clock" she said with a mocking smile.

"Isabelle no need to act surprised it's a beautiful day why would I not be up" Dante nonchalantly said as if there was nothing unusual about it.

"Well it's good you are up miss Julia wishes to see you as soon as possible" Isabelle politely said returning to her more normal emotionless professional self.

"did mother say what this is about?" Dante asked as he pulled up his jeans "no she did not" replied Isabelle as Dante was putting on a his hoodie he said softly "I see" addressing Isabelle he calmly said "if that is all you can leave now"

"As you wish" she replied and quickly departed from his room.

"well" Dante said whilst looking at himself in the mirror "time to go see mother".

Dante walked down the impressive hallway the shiny wooden floorboards that sparkles in the sunlight, the high windows set a beautiful scene with the cream wall. The mansion that Dante lived in looked like a renovated Victorian with all the comforts of a more modern society. After walking through multiple hallways with paintings and statues and going down some marble stairs Dante finally reached his goal. He knocked on the door and a female voice drifted on through saying "come in" Dante opened up the door and sitting at a desk in what Dante guessed to be the old drawing room, was his mother Julia Martello her slender body dressed up in a black silk dress.

"you wanted to see me?" Dante cautiously asked as he closed the door behind him he had learnt over the years that whilst his father was brash, bold and soft somewhat easy to manipulate. His mother was the complete opposite quiet, observant and cunning with a mischievous personality to boot she was like a demoness in human clothing.

"Yes I did want to see you" The she-demon said with a misleading smile "at the moment you are being home schooled due to your above average intelligence and your matters but now that he has finished that we have decided to send you to school" as she finished what she was saying she could see the shock and almost horror on the child's face as she mentioned school. it could be said in Dante's past life school was a painful memory and possibly an emotional scar that he would happily forget. Sadly now those suppressed memory's were raising their ugly head his emotional wounds opened up and hysterically screeched.

" I don't want to go to school! I like it here where I play and beat Mikey at video games and I don't have to wake up early. Please don't make me go" at the end of what he said it almost sounded like he was begging not to be sent there, but one cold look from his mother squashed all hopes of his dreams. "two life times and one dream crushed in each" he bitterly cried in his mind as his mother scentenced him.

" I know you don't want to go but you need to soacialise more and we will be sending you to a school that can cater to your ability's which in actual fact is where Micheal is currently learning at I think Ferdinand even put you in the same class" she finished with a her eyes full of mirth. Dante cut from the same cloth also slowly changed his horrified and outraged expression to one of accept ion and albeit some reluctance. "May the lord save Micheal's soul" Julia thought trying to suppress the laughter she got from seeing her sons eyes filled with a glint of planning mischievous and nefarious deeds. Dante then slowly put thoughts of his schemes behind for the moment and said.

"is there anything else you wish to tell me?"

Yes there is actually" Julia replied. "First you need to get a hair cut and secondly there is someone that I would like you to meet."

"Meet with someone I wonder who it is" Dante thought suspicions on who it is whirling around his head suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"come in" Julia said to the presence out side the door.

"greetings miss Julia and young master Dante" a young man said respectively as he walked through the door.