
The door slowly closed behind him as the young man walked forwards taking a glance at the woman to his right who just smiled. Seeing the smile he then asserted his gaze towards the pale child in a too big white tank top and baggy jeans with his long messy hair nearly covering his inquisitive eyes."like father like son they both don't give two flying fucks about their appearances" the young man thought bitterly as he fell into deep thoughts about the similarities between the two his mind was brought back by Julia who spoke.

"Dante I would like you to meet Galahad he's going to be your driver and supervisor when you are at school." silence once again descended upon the room. Galahad looked over at the child who was putting him under a scrutinizing gaze making him feel quite uncomfortable. Dante then opened his mouth and said.

"so he is supposed to be my bodyguard and keep me on a leash?" With a ridiculing smile he watched the shock in Galahad's eyes ruining his otherwise perfect poker face.

"Damn he can pick up on stuff quick" Galahad thought as he helplessly looked at Julia for something but all he could see was the ever growing amusement in her eyes as she looked at Dante.

"That's right" she said as she replied to Dante "you two will be spending a lot of time together so you can go now since that's all I wanted to speak to you about if you have any questions just come and find me."

"I don't have any questions" Dante almost mumbled "we will be leaving now." As he departed from the room lost in thought "why would Mum and dad send a bodyguard for me and to shadow me whilst I am outside the house?" He thought hypothesis and theories filling up his mind as he walked down the hallway he stopped. Turned and looked at the blond young man following him with his sky blue eyes looking at him in confusion Dante asked "are the Rosetta family kicking up a storm?" Studying Galahad who was looking at Dante in surprised and wondering how to answer he hesitated for a moment before saying.

"How did you know?"

"Just a guess Mum and dad have always left me to my own devices but now out of the blue I've got myself a shadow" Dante replied he looked at Galahad again before turning around and continued. "also judging by the suit and scars on your hands you are not your average guy and connecting the fact that my old man is rumored to be the boss of the Martello family, you should be one of his lieutenants and the only thing to make that stingy old man move one of his best people to protect little old me is if his only rival the Rosetta family were making moves to threaten me. Was my guess correct?" He said as he look over his shoulder at a stunned Galahad confirming his answer to be correct. who was looking at the five year old with a smirk on his face in awe as they continued walking Galahad stopped and said.

"wait how do you know he is the head of the Martello family?"

"That's an easy question" Dante said as he rolled his eyes and looked at Galahad as if he was stupid "the fact that he had to go to his so called work at odd hours the way he glossed over what he did as a job as. If not wanting to tell me and the fact that I helped him push back the Rosetta family who were trying to push into our turf two years back it was then that I confirmed his identity" he finished what he said with a smug look at the mind boggled Galahad who recalled a memory from two years back.

Galahad was sitting in a large leather chair looking at Ferdinand Martello who's eyes looked weary as if he was not getting enough sleep. his neat hair and trimmed beard complementing his beaming smile as he poured two glasses of whiskey."Curse that little demon and witch" Ferdinand said with a smile as he passed a glass of whisky to Galahad who only chuckled as he replied.

"they are good for you as your appearance can now be called one of a respectable human being"

"But it's a pain and I liked my long beard" Ferdinand grumbled as he stared at his glass he looked up at Galahad and said with a serious face "ok enough messing around I called you here because I think I have found a way to force back the Rosetta family and I wish to here your thoughts on it"

"I'll try my best" Galahad said feeling that a headache was coming from another one of his bosses crazy schemes.

"As you know the Rosetta family have contracted smaller gangs and other thugs to start to slowly encroach on our territory and we can't retaliate in full force due to the Rosetta family stepping in and causing the city to burst into flames and with the police monitoring the situation it could quickly spiral out of control" Ferdinand said with a disgusted expression on his face as he drank the whisky as if trying to wash away a bad taste in his mouth.

" As the Rosetta family have contracted wannabe gangsters into attacking us we will return the favor with out using money" he said with a ruthless look in his eyes

"as you know they have been attacking a couple of our clubs with a Molotov cocktail through a window and it's been the same every time I'm guessing to test our reactions so what I was inspired to do is dragging the black dragon gang into this mess by throwing a Molotov cocktail through their window and say it was the Rosetta family's cronies and they can deal with the thugs whilst we sit back and watch the show so what do you think?" As Galahad looked at Ferdinand who was leaning back in his chair smiling he asked quizzically.

"why go through all that trouble why not ask the Primmadonna family for help?"

"Thought you might say that whilst I was originally going to do that this way is better as it doesn't make us loose any of our own manpower whilst weakening theirs and we have no connections to the black dragons so it cannot be traced back to us. making them think they are fighting a war on two fronts plus if they do manage to push the black dragons into a corner they can ask us for help and we have another ally on our side after this is over and their leader already hates the Rosetta family's lackeys so they would never suspect us manipulating things behind the scenes." Ferdinand finished his explanation with a cold bloodthirsty look in his eyes as he waited for Galahad to speak.

"it does sound feesable I'll go my self to make sure there are no fuck ups" Galahad said as he stood up and downed his whisky before leaving the room leaving Ferdinand who was pouring himself another glass muttering.

"I'm sure there won't be with you doing it" he then closed his eyes waiting for the news.

Galahad raced down the street on a newly bought motorcycle with a azure helmet and wearing black leather trousers and jacket the cars and street lights flickered by. as he reached the northern part of forge city and sped into the territory of the black dragons gang he screeched to a halt as he stopped right outside the wings of fortune. a bar that was famously used as the gangs meet up place he stopped and pulled out a bottle and a lighter from his pocket. lighting the rag at the end of the bottle he threw it at the window. As it smashed through the window and broke. the the flames rose and danced in the night sky whilst Galahad took out a blue spray can and sprayed a snake on the pavement. looking at his work in satisfaction he got back on the motorcycle and rode into the night sky leaving the burning bar and smell of petrol in the air in the morning all that remained were ashes and a blue snake taunting people outside the remains.

As Ferdinand stood on the balcony watching over the gloomy city he heard someone walk up behind him "all done?" He asked as he gazed at the inferno that was raging in the north.

"mission accomplished" a cheerful voice replied as he joined Ferdinand at the balcony Ferdinand asked quietly.

"the evidence?"

"All taken care of clothes were burnt along with the motorcycle" Galahad replied with a smile on his face. Ferdinand looked over.

"good now to see how this all plays out" he said aloud to the dark sky filled with sirens and sounds of cars moving through the dimly lit streets.

A week later all that people could gossip about on the streets was the unexpected and dramatic end to the gang war where the black dragons started to violently push back the azure snake gang, pushing it to the brink and then the Martello family personally pushed it over to the pits of hell. The city was in turmoil many people had died due to explosions or gunfire as the criminal underworld brought its battle to the streets. The police were trying to get control back and the chief of police was having a headache at what happened wishing that he could just push this to someone else.

A man ran down a dark street in a tattered cheap suit."Damnit Damnit how did we fuck up!" He cursed as he slowed down panting "we were so close and yet it all went wrong" he sighed "I need to get out of here" he thought not watching where he was going he bumped into another man "hey do you know who the fuck I am watch where you are going" the man shouted at the blond youth who he bumped into.

"of course I know who you are you are the head of the azure snake gang also known as a dead man" the blond youth replied giving and icy stare at the man in the cheap suit. before he could shout some more a crack was heard and the mans vision went dark all he could faintly hear was

"Ferdinand's going to be happy" a rough voice said.

"You can almost feel bad for the man" he heard the youth replied.

The man in the cheap suit felt his soul freeze over and all he could think of before he his consciousness faded was summed up in one word "fuck!".

Ferdinand waited with a couple of his guys behind him and said to no one in particular "why the hell are they always late with these kind of things my fingers itch".

"Don't worry boss I'm sure they will be here soon" one of the men behind him replied with a smile used to Ferdinand's temperament when it came to waiting soon the three of them could hear the sound of a car closing in.

"fucking finally" Ferdinand muttered with a cruel smile on his face as he watched the car pull up and Galahad got out with a tall broad man as well.

"sorry boss the guy is a bit of a fatty barely fitted in the backseat" Galahad said with an apologetic smile. he then opened the back door and dropped a fat man in a tattered cheap suit on to the pavement his mattered black hair plastered to his forehead with sweat and blood. Ferdinand walked forward and started kicking the man awake.

Tony sky opened his eyes slowly as pain filled his head and stomach and he wanted to pass out again but before he could a bucket of cold water was poured on him shocking him awake. He sat up suddenly looking around he found himself in a dark alley way with five men and a car two behind him and three in front after a while of looking around the man with newly cut brown hair and eyes along with a trimmed beard spoke in a cold voice "Tony sky leader of the azure dragons I have come to collect your debt today." he then walked forwards to the shocked and soaked Tony who could only utter out in fear.

"who are not you?" The man stopped walking and crouched down in front of Tony his black suit gave if the aura of death as he spoke in a nonchalant voice.

"I am your undertaker and I am here to bury you." As the man stood up and nodded to the two people behind him who picked Tony up and carried him to the curb in this time.

Tony managed to piece the puzzle together and shrilly said "you are Ferdinand Martello aren't you"

"Give the boy a prize" Ferdinand sarcastically said as he walked behind Tony he then stopped and said "here's good now I want to try something I got given an idea about recently" silence descended as Ferdinand was thinking and Tony was shitting himself and regretting everything that he did.

"boss next time could you bring diapers this guy just shat himself" Galahad laughed.

"Maybe, right make him bite the curb" Ferdinand said with a smile as Tony kept resisting hopelessly against the two men he was then forced to lie down with concrete between his teeth his fear kept rising and he was wondering what the hell was Ferdinand going to do with him. After a while of Ferdinand watching Tony struggle with fear. he walked up to him and kicked the back of his head crack he heard the sound of teeth and jaw breaking along with Tony's screams as he pulled his foot back the two men let go of his arms as they let Tony scream and roll around in pain blood pouring out of his mouth and tears staining his cheeks. Blood stained the pavement looking like a messy drawing with the shattered remains of Tony's teeth. A foot stomped on Tony's stomach to stop him from rolling in pain as Ferdinand gave him a cold smile before taking a gun and pointing it at Tony before shooting him three times in the chest. Bang. Bang. Bang. three gunshots rang out blood spurted from the wounds as the shots echoed inside the alley way before silence covered the night air once more. as the man beneath Ferdinand drew his last breath it could be seen the pain and regret inside the dead mans eyes "you live by the sword you die by the sword" Ferdinand coldy said before walking out the alleyway and into the car "Time to go" he said to the men behind him "leave that pile of shit there he doesn't deserve a funeral" the other men slowly walked back out of the alleyway as Galahad went to the drivers seat he turned to Ferdinand and said curiously.

"and just where did you get that idea from"

"Secret" Ferdinand said whilst smiling and tapping his nose.

"of course it is" Galahad muttered as he started the car and as it roared into life pulled out and drove home leaving the abandoned corpse to the rats.

As the memory finished replaying in Galahad's mind he stared at Dante and said in shock "that was you, you thought of the plan and the execution"

"Ah so the old man actually used that I'm surprised" Dante replied nonchalantly with a smug smile. Galahad was stunned.

"so this was the true mastermind behind the events" he looked at Dante before saying "but how did you tell this to Ferdinand I doubt Ferdinand would have told you his identity and about the situation"

"Your right he didn't tell and I didn't know his identity but one day I was going to bed. I heard him cursing in his office curiously I walked in and he was staring at a map with pins on it. I thought he was playing one of those strategic board games he likes and asked him what was wrong he then proceeded to explain the situation and so I gave him a solution and what I would do to the leaders of all the trouble. I later pieced all the pieces together when I saw the weekly paper" Dante said matter of factly as he walked off with Galahad staring at him like he just found a monstrous enigma that he couldn't fathom.