
Three days had passed since the attack outside of forge academy. Ferdinand sighed as he threw the morning paper onto the table and lent back in his large leather chair. "How is Galahad?" he asked the large stoic figure that just walked into the room.

"He's doing alright he's in critical but stable docs said he should wake up in a week and depending on how the surgery goes he may be back at one hundred percent in 2-6 moths" the man replied as he walked towards Ferdinand he asked. "How's Dante?"

"One might say a fucking mess he's holed himself up in his room and beating himself up over Galahad being put in hospital I've tried talking to him but either he's gone deaf or he just doesn't want to listen" Ferdinand gloomily said as he looked out of the window.

"A chip of the old block" the man chuckled as he looked at Ferdinand he said seriously " you know that it's not your fault either and Galahad knew what he was getting into when you told him that we needed to drag out some of Rosseta's hidden daggers and I'm sure even knowing the results he would still jump in the idiot."

"Even so I still don't like it lance their getting more daring and using the fact we can't move against every nook and cranny in this god forsaken city to pressure us and it's fucking annoying" Ferdinand scowled as he glared at the looming grey cloudy sky.

"Boss how about I go talk to Dante though the kids young he's pretty smart we should persuade him to rise he could get over this hurdle and he could be a second you." Lance said with a smile.

"Alright but don't be rough with him Julia would kill me if he got any worse" Ferdinand nodded as he twirled back around to face lance.

"Roger that boss" Lance said with a grin as he mocked saluted and marched out.

"They used to be so normal when I recruited them I wonder what happened" Ferdinand muttered as he started tapping his desk.

Lance looked outside the closed door of a particular room knocking on it he said "here I come ready or not" as he opened the door darkness enshrouded his vision as he stepped forwards into the room. as his eyes gradually adjusted to the room he saw the double bed in the center of the room and upon that bed there was a ball of blankets that looked like a cocoon. As he walked beside the bed a monotone voice said

"Aren't you supposed to count to ten?"

"Ah it speaks and what a witty first scentence seems you are not completely broken." Lance said with an expressionless face.

"What do you want Lance" the ball of blankets replied in the same monotonous voice.

"For you to get over your feelings of guilt." Said lance in a serious tone as he rolled the lump of blankets over so he could see the pale face stare at him he locked his eyes with the dim murky green ones in front of him and said "you do know it wasn't your fault right"

"Just because it wasn't my fault doesn't mean I can't still feel guilty" replied Dante as he focused on the broad face covered in scars, his bald head and nose, which appeared to have been broken multiple times, making him look like a battle crazy monk in a suit.

"Then what are you going to do then" Lance asked his eyes looked to have a serious shine with a glint of amusement as he looked at the child in front of him.

"What can I do to protect everything?" Dante said somberly "I'm nothing"

"Then rise, rise from nothing to the top that is the only way to reach me ones goals" Lance stated

Dante's eyes steeled with resolve as he agreeded "the only way to protect the things you hold dear in this world is to rise to the top."

"Good" Lance laughed as his previous expressionless face formed into a smile. As he looked at Dante he asked seriously "you know this will be a bloody path right?"

"Anything that doesn't require blood, tears or sacrifices aren't worth it in the end"Dante replied as he sat up covered in blankets "can I rely on the Martello family for support or do I have to do this solo?" He asked his once dead looking eyes now have been rebirth with vigor and ambition.

"Till you are on your feet and deals with the Rosetta family except from that you are on your own." Lance said with a shrug.

"I see let's get started" Dante said as he cast of his blankets grabbing the nearest clothes throwing them on and then ran out of the room.

"Reminds me so much of Ferdinand" Lance sighed as he looked at the swinging door as he walked out the room following the commotion of footsteps and shouts of sorry and slow down brat. Laughing "this is going to get interesting may a grand play commence" he thought as he walked away.