Start up

Ferdinand sighed as he looked at the child in front of him the course of all his most recent worries. "What do you want you little tyke" he growled as he looked at the messy child in front of him, his hair looked like it hadn't been washed in days, his clothes looked crumpled and just thrown on. the only thing tha looked different from a couple of days ago was the flames of ambition burning in his green eyes of his pale face.

The child opened his mouth and spoke words that almost made Ferdinand fall out of his chair "I need men, territory and product." Dante said as he looked at his farther who was staring at him gobsmacked the room fell silent before a child's voice spoke up "also protection whilst we get a foot hold in the area"

"God damn Dante when you make a request you really don't hold back do you?" Ferdinand said as he massaged his aching fore head. " I can give you territory that's no problem along with weapons but men and product is going to be problematic."

"Hmm how about you give me deatails on a run down gang that might listen to me. then give me one of your smuggling runs for me to run and then I give you a percentage of the profits. you distance it from your self whilst still making money what do you say?" Dante asked whilst giving an innocent smile.

"Do you know what your getting into" Ferdinand asked with a serious face "Star dust traded is rather ruthless"

"Would be if I was working on my own but I've got you behind me and it's the best way to make quick money which is what I need" Dante replied with a shrug.

"You know Dante no matter how abnormally smart you are I still don't want to send you into the underworld you know that right? Ferdinand said in a serious voice

" too late I'm here and I'm staying I've been dragged in and there is no going back" Dante bluntly said as he folded his arms staring at the weary faced Ferdinand.

" what are you going to do once your mother finds out?" Ferdinand asked as he seemed to physically age.

"Say this is practice for when I grow up." Dante replied with a smug smile .

Ferdinand was speechless for a second time since they started this conversation started "what do you mean by when you grow up?" Ferdinand asked frantically

"Dad, dad" Dante sighed as he looked at the bumbling man in front of him "how the fuck did he become a crime lord" he thought as he waited for Ferdinand to calm down. After he saw Ferdinand regain his composure he continued "one day you will die" Dante stated

"No shit Sherlock" Ferdinand thought as he listened to the child in front of him

"So me and Mikey will be your heirs" Dante said with an earnest expression.

"The fuck?" Ferdinand blankly said as the fact that Dante was in the room completely left his mind.

"Isn't it obvious" Dante sighed "Mikey will do the legit businesses whilst I do the family's miscellaneous business" Ferdinand swore that he said the last bit with a smile like the devil grabbing a new soul to play with.

"And why would I want you to inherit my position?" Ferdinand asked curiously.

"As history has shown us whenever the top falls the rest scramble up leaving a trail of corpses behind weakening the organization often times destroying it from the inside out." Dante dramatically said he face glowed with confidence at the words he just spoke. He then paused and said "unless there is a competent heir that has the legitimate claim and skills to stay at the top"

"And you think this person can be you" Ferdinand said cutting into Dante's speech.

"Of course" Dante said with confidence "now on to other matters I would like to borrow Lance for a couple months till Galahad is back on his feet as I'm guessing he will be the link between us" raising an eyebrow he looked at Ferdinand.

"What's wrong with me looking after my son?" he asked with indignation.

"Nothing as long as you keep your hands of my work" Dante coldy replied.

"alright alright I'll keep my hands to myself sheesh" Ferdinand muttered "he's so like his mother"he sighed in his heart as he watched Dante leave "now time to get the information he wants" Ferdinand mused.

Dante walked out of the room he saw Lance expressionless face gaze at him as he asked "how did it go?" Lance saw a smug smile as Dante replied

"Just call me Boss Jr" Lance struggled as he held in his laughter as he imagined Ferdinand fainting from anger or getting paranoid that his own son might be starting a coup within the Martello family.

"So what's your plan now?" He asked struggling to keep a poker face.

"We wait for information then me and you are going to grab some people and start a business until Galahad gets back then you switch and everything goes on as normal for you."

"I see."

"I think dad finds Galahad annoying that's why he's transferring him to me" Dante said pensively.

"I think so to, to be honest I think most people find him annoying so have fun" Lance said as he walked away "call me if you need me" and like that he turned the corner and disappeared

"What an eccentric guy" Dante thought as he returned to his room and got into the shower as he stepped outinto the steam filled room. he grabbed a towel and dried his hair thinking. as he passed his coffee table he noticed a pile of paper in the middle. "That was fast" Dante thought as he picked up the pile and started reading the contents.

The smell of blood in the air.

Pain. Gunshots ringing in the background. The smell of sick. A bloody corpse. "You killed me" it spoke eyes dead but it still had a haunting smile on its face.

"You hurt me how could you DaNtE!?" Shouted another corpse with bullet holes in stomach and shoulder it raised its head with a look of pain and and confusion. It stared into Dante's soul

"It wasn't me it wasn't my fault!" Dante screamed as he bolted awake panting he realized he was on his bed. Naked with a towel wrapped around his waist. With cold sweat beading hiss forehead he wiped it away. In his hands he was tightly gripping the papers he was reading. " Fucking hell I must've fallen asleep whilst reading this" he muttered as he put the papers to one side and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Dante what is it I heard screaming" a worried voice came from the door as it opened and revealed a 9 year old child in pajamas rushing into the room almost knocking over the coffee table.

"It's nothing Mikey you should go back to your room" Dante said with a slight smile.

"No! Your coming with me" Micheal replied whilst grabbing Dante's hand and dragging him away.

"H-h-hey Micheal what the hell are you doing!?" Dante asked as he was disrespectfully dragged out of his room with nothing but a towel.

"We are going to play video games" Micheal replied as he continued dragging Dante along with him as he pushed open up his door and bundled the confused and bewildered Dante into his room closing the door and switching the light on.

"Gonna have to talk to Mum and dad if you keep dragging people with only towels around them to play video games " Dante sighed as he looked at Micheal the tall, in Dante's eyes, and slightly pudgy child with a round face and broad smile his short black hair and hazel eyes gave him an intelligent and innocent look.

"Ah found it!" Micheal shouted after he He rummaged inside a box of cases he pulled one out and opened it and placed it into the play station looking console. "Now help me with this ridiculous level" Micheal said with embarrassment As he handed Dante his custom controller that had been sized so it could be used comfortably for his small hands.

"Sure I knew you couldn't beat it" Dante laughed at Micheal whilst the other was sitting next to him silently fuming. "It is weird" Dante thought as he looked at the loading screen. "That we have stuff from the 2000's in my old world but cars and guns plus other things look like their from 1921 guess I've been transported into a weird world. shame I wasn't a super genius in my old I could make a fortune here" Dante sighed as he began playing. Not for the first time lamenting at the lost opportunities to make money and spreading his name inside the history books as a genius inventor.

The brothers played video games unaware of a shadow behind the door looking through a gap listening to Micheals frustrated voice and Dante's laughter as they played together "let's hope they can still laugh in these troubled times" the woman at the door muttered as she walked away with a smile on her face.