Baby don’t hurt me don’t hurt me no more...

"What is love?" Dante thought as he looked at the victory screen. possibly for the first time in reincarnating into this world he started to feel warmth in his heart. Dante looked at his brother who was fuming at the screen and started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Micheal growled as he looked at the laughing Dante in annoyance.

"Your face it reminds me so much of..." Dante laughed before stopping mid way suddenly realizing he was about to say something he couldn't and felt a pang inside of his chest. Not for the first time he had begun to think of past regrets he had in his old life his lack of a social life, the crushing loneliness and the fact he cut ties with his family due to his shame of his unemployment and emotions that he couldn't express through words.

"Reminds you so much of what?" Micheal asked.

"Nothing..." Dante muttered.

"No what were you going to say" Micheal pressed as he looked at Dante with a quizzical glance.

"I wasn't going to say this but you forced me" Dante said dramatically "but it reminds me of how much of a loser you are getting beaten by me" with a smile

"Shut up!" Micheal exasperated as he turned to scowl at the screen

Dante continued to laugh " I'm going back to my room glad I could help anyway" he said cheerfully as he put away the controller got up and walked out.

"He's so annoying" Micheal muttered with a smile as he continued to play his game.

Dante walked into his room and collapsed onto his bed. "I guess it's best to cast all my past memories behind" he sighed. as he picked up the stack of papers that were discarded earlier. "Found the perfect target for tomorrow I'll tell Lance when I wake up" he yawned as he put the papers to one side dumped his towel on the floor climbed into bed and fell into the troubling land of dreams.

Dante woke at dawn with the birds calling. "What a beautiful day today" Dante sighed as he stared at the clear blue sky as he opened his curtains. As he walked over to his where his clothes slumbered when a thought struck him "what the fuck do I wear!?".

Birds looked inquisitively at a small child dressed up in black cargo pants and what looked like a size too big white tank top covered by a unzipped black hoodie." We ready?" He called to a large muscular bald man in a plain black suit.

"Yeah we're ready" Lance confirmed as he looked at Dante's casual demeanor and messy hair underneath his hood "would it hurt to at least comb your hair before walking out of the house" he cursed under his breath but alas to Lance's thoughts Dante completely ignored it and carried on walking as he passed Lance.

He asked "is it alright if we walk?"

"Should be ok" Lance cautiously answered looking at Dante with an odd look he questioned "why?"

"I want to know the layout of my soon to be territory" Dante replied with a shrug as he swaggered out of the main gates with Lance following closely behind.

"What makes you think they will accept your conditions?" Lance said awaiting Dante's answer

"Because it is an offer they can't refuse if your information is correct" Dante said turning to look at Lance in the eyes before turning back smugly saying "thought so".

As the odd pair walked down the street together Dante always felt amused as other people avoided him if he didn't know Lance was behind him he would of thought he had some horrible disease. "Ah So this is what being in power feels like I kind of like it" Dante muttered to himself. After a while of walking Dante was having a look around just normal terraced houses occasionally finding random shops it was one of these shops that caught his eyes. "Interesting even though it looks a little creepy" he thought he then turned to Lance before saying with a smirk "we are going to make a bit of a detour".

An average looking middle aged man sighed as he leant on the counter thinking of how boring this job was "hardly anyone walks in this store" he sighed. thinking it was going to be another day just wasting away the hours. A sharp ring awoke him from his thoughts as he absently said "welcome how may I help you". He then almost fell over a small child walked in with a fashion sense that made him look like an street thug just shrunk. "want to exstort me for sweets little boy" he scoffed as he saw the child gazing around.

"No but if you have money wouldn't mind taking that" the child grinned as he continued to say "though I would have to give it back"

"Why's that?" The shop keeper asked as he followed the child's gaze.

"I have found something I like of course" the child rolled his eyes as he gazed at a mask that was hung upon the wall it is said to be a foreign design a cold, demonic mask a golden face with purple horns and teeth it looked proud and domineering. the delicate artistic design could clearly be seen through this hand crafted masterpiece from the sharp nose to the defined cheekbones no could deny it looked magnificent fit for an emperor.

"You want that it's rather expensive you know" the shop keeper said clearly amused at the child picking it up.

"Money's not a problem" the child replied as he tried it on whilst it was clearly too big he fiddled with the straps making it stay on properly. ""

"that'll be 500 dollars please" the shop keeper said with a smile thinking no street child would be walking around with that in their pockets and spend it on a mask. To the astonishment of the shop keeper the child in front of him proudly gave him 5 100 dollar bills the shop keeper could clearly feel the child smirking underneath the mask he was wearing as he was checking the authenticity of the money a large bald man in a black suit walked in.

"Time to go Dante or we will be late" he said to the child.

"Alright alright no need to rush Lance" the child sighed as he started to walk out.

"Lance one of the lieutenants of the Martello family!?" The shop keeper exclaimed in amazement.

"Heh heh looks like your famous Lance" the child called Dante laughed as he looked at the man behind him with an irritated expression on his face.

"But why is he here with you?" The bewildered shopkeeper asked Dante.

Dante looked at the man titled his head and said with a questioning tone "we're both part of the Martello family why wouldn't we be here together?"

The shopkeeper looked at Dante in shock he just mocked a person of one of the most influential organizations in the city he might as well commit suicide it would probably be less painful. "Please spare my life" the shopkeeper softly pleaded as he looked st Dante.

Dante watched in amusement as he watched shopkeeper whose short brown hair was covered in cold sweat. "ah don't worry about before I'm incognito anyway" Dante took of the mask and winked at the shopkeeper with a mischievous grin plastered on his face he walked out with Lance leaving the regretful but thankful shopkeeper behind.

Dante caressed the beautiful mask in his hands. it looked like one of the Japanese Oni masks it reminded him of his old life, whilst he had never had a mask let alone been to Japan he still felt it had some sort of connection to him. "Guess it's time for people to make a deal with a devil" he grinned as he put the mask back on and strutted to the meeting point.