
Dante walked over to a run down warehouse it's crooked beams and rusted doors looked like it was used for a horror movie."is this where the meeting will take place" Dante dubiously asked Lance.

"Should be though we are 5 minutes early" Lance replied in confidence as he checked his watch.

"We packing heat?" Dante questioned Lance with a suspicious look.

"Not mugh but enough no need to worry about your safety" Lance said showing Dante the inside of his suit jacket where in the inside pocket a handle of a pistol could be seen. The shiny gun metal grey glistened in the sunlight as Dante tried to calm his nerves. No matter how you look at it this could be seen as reckless they were in a possible enemy territory and even his life could be endangered no matter how steeled ones nerves are with these conditions anyone would be under pressure.

"Looks like their here" Dante said as he saw a man walk out. The clothes that he wore could be seen as scruffy with jeans that have holes in, his tight T-shirt hugging his chest almost looked comical if it wasn't for the fierce face accompanying it his eyebrows close together and what seems to be an enraged gaze always made him seem to be scowling.

"You guys the people from Martello family" he growled as he put a hand covered in rings through his slicked back hair.

"Yes we are the people from the Martello family" Lance confirmed with a nod.

"Right the boss is this way" the man said warily as he gestured for them to enter the warehouse.

"On with the show I suppose" Dante thought with a grin as he stepped into the darkness of the warehouse disappearing from the sunlight.

John Kelly sighed as he sat in his uncomfortable folding chair as he lent back lighting up a cigarette. "The fuck do the Martello family want" he wanted to scream when he heard some of their people were coming over for a visit. He was sweating the Martello family were people he could not piss off. he kept thinking over about what happened the last couple weeks seeing if him and his boys had crossed anyone or done anything worthy of a visit.

At last he heard someone say "Boss their here"

"How many?" He asked nervously.

"Seems like two of 'em one short the other looks like a fucking mountain" the voice replied

John breathed a sigh of relief "whilst there may be more hidden two means their probably going to talk and not exterminate us." he thought but then more questions surfaced like. "why the fuck do they want to talk? Oh well I'll find out soon" as he put all the useless questions and thoughts aside and said "let them in we can't keep our guests waiting" as he heard footsteps gradually disappearing he once more sighed as he prepared for the meeting.

Footsteps echoed in the quiet warehouse alerting John who was lost in thought that his guests had arrived. John peered into the darkness warehouse seeing the two figures he congratulated his subordinate in the great description of the two walking in. the one at the front was a pip squeak he was so short John wondered if he had some rare medical issue whilst the man behind him looked like a walking gorilla the difference was almost comical. "they should both start to do a comedy act would look great" he thought as he watched the pip squeak haul himself onto the opposite folding chair.

The swinging Bulb above them creaked disturbing the silence John stared scrutinizing the small man in front of him. he looked thin with his baggy clothes his fashion sense was so bad it worked somehow. The only thing that John couldn't see was the mans face underneath the hood he wore was a beautifully hand crafted mask it's devilish features looked horrifying in the weak light.

"Nice place you got here" the man no boy spoke as John realized he was talking to a child he stared in shock as the child gestured around the abandoned and neglected warehouse.

"Why did the Martello family send a child" John blurted out as he continued to look at the mask which seemed to be smiling in amusement of his turmoiled thoughts.

"They sent a child because you ain't worth the adults time" the child laughed in his pre adolescent voice it sounded innocent but with an undercurrent of schemes and nefarious plans.

"Ok then brat what are you here for?" John grumbled as he thought he was being made a fool out of "whilst I'm not a major player they could at least show me the respect of sending an adult" he thought as he suppressed his anger and frustration.

"I'm here to make a deal" the child said casually in reply brushing of John's previous remark.

After a while of thought John said "I'm listening"

"John Kelly the brand new boss of the Inferno gang ousted from their previous territory with the old boss dead they are running on fumes and will probably disband soon." Dante thought as he watched the man in front of him go through a variety of different emotions since the start of the meeting behind his masks eyeholes.

It was because of the aforementioned reasons that Dante wanted to negotiate into leading this gang. it was running on its last legs and with out his support it would probably disappear in a week it was also the most unknown and other wise hidden gang thus taking it over would not cause a huge dispute and allow him to move when he was ready and not be wiped out before.

"Here's the offer I've got a stardust run that we can work on it was one of the Martello's so it's safe and secure you can sell it at your own leisure. the family only needs 25% cut of all profits you make and if any of your boys are caught we will release them" Dante bluntly stated the terms.

"What's the catch?" John asked it was a pretty good offer the Martello's protection and a supply of revenue that John really needed but sadly there is nothing free in this world."Devils in the details" John thought as he watched the child in front of him swinging his legs in the air.

"Catch is you hand your gangs control over to me and make me the boss" Dante replied bluntly.

When he heard the catch John almost chocked on the cigarette he was about to light up spitting it out he exclaimed." that's impossible"

"is it?" Dante asked tilting his head before continuing with a sigh "that is a shame I guess I'm going to go to the next one"

"Wait!" John shouted before Dante could fully get off his chair "I can't lose such a good offer but is the sacrifice worth it" he thought as he said "what would happen if you get control. whilst we will work with the Martello family it won't be for the Martello family we are not stray dogs on the street."

"Your predicament says otherwise" Dante thought before replying "nothing much things will change much after making sure everyone's on the same page. changes for the better will happen along with an alliance with the Martello family don't worry I won't make you work for the old man" Dante smirked as he saw John thinking about it he said "whilst I don't mean to be pushy you have one day to think about it meet us back here same time tomorrow with your answer and please don't disappoint me "

John nodded as even a child could see the barely hidden threat in Dante's last words. he watched as both the child and big man left the warehouse all that could be heard were their foosteps echoing as they departed. He looked at the man behind him and said "gather everyone we have something to discuss" the man nodded and went off in a hurry John sighed and took out another cigarette. "what have I gotten myself into this time" he thought as smoke curled around his head blurring Johns vision of his upturned head like the veil that covered fate as he thought of this massive issue he sighed as he massaged his temples.