
"We can't agree to these terms!"

"Why not this is exactly what we need!?"

John sighed as he heard repeated Arguments for and against taking the pip squeak up on his offer. "The remnants of the once proud Inferno gang that held large territory and respect through out the streets have now hit the low of arguing like children" John thought in disappointment with this depressing thought he looked at the two people still arguing. as he stood up he crushed his cigarette underneath his foot.

"Everybody shut the fuck up!" He shouted startling everyone into silence John waited for a moment to collect his thoughts. He sighed again raising his head he looked at the derelict warehouse their last location for a meeting. "Fucking pathetic" he almost cried aloud as he looked at his subordinates, friends and brothers in arms. Taking a deep breath he said "I'm going to take up his offer those who disagree I suggest grabbing your families and leaving the city"

"But Boss why?" One of the men against spluttered at Johns decision.

"I made my choice because I want to rise up again and if anyone can do it it's the pip squeak. we are just a memory of our former glory." John said gloomily.

"Boss we can rise ourselves we don't need an outsider to do it for us" the man tried to sound confident and convincing but everyone there knew it was just baseless bravado.

"Even if we could I would still take him up on his offer" John said resolutely staring at the man that just spoke with pity in his eyes.

what John just said shocked everyone and everyone had the same question why? John saw their confused faces and shouted in frustration "you guys are fucking idiots!" Before someone could say anything in their defense John continued to rant. "Idiots the lot of you who do you think we are dealing with the nursery down the road or the goddamn fucking Martello family!" John took a deep breathe calming down before saying "I have a family and a daughter as you all know so if you guys know don't you think the Martello's also know?"

Then an epiphany cleared the doubts of everyone who are starting to break down in cold sweat. That's right they aren't dealing with children but the fucking Martello family so it won't just be them but their family's and all they love that will be affected. How could they forget about if they rejected this offer the Martello's will want to silence them along with everyone they love.

"You idiots get it now?" John spoke softly in a melancholy voice as everyone nodded. "Good now let's wait till tomorrow" he sighed as he lit up a cigarette.

Dante looked at the entrance of the warehouse "still looks the same but where is everyone" he thought as he had an impatient aura about him."are we early?"he asked Lance who was holding a black umbrella to ward of the downpour of rain.

"We were but it's now gone past the designated time" Lance replied.

"Are they preparing for their funeral? 'Cause that's the only excuse I will accept well let's go take a look." Dante growled as he stomped forwards towards the warehouse with the heavens weeping in the background.

Dante entered the familiar gloom as he confidently stepped forwards. He walked until he found John Kelly: sitting in the same folding chair, Under the same weak light the only difference was this time he has a lot more people behind him. "You know hosts usually send someone to greet their guests" Dante said coldly as he stared at John who just shrugged.

He then replied with a smile "where's the guests?"

"I see so have you taken me up on my offer?" Dante asked.

"I have" John said with a sigh "but others aren't quite as happy with this as others" he said as he brought his cigarette up to his lips giving Dante an amused look.

Dante nodded "I wasn't expecting everyone to be on board so how can I get everyone's approval?" He asked turning his gaze to the men behind John.

John laughed "the best way to gain respect is to experience pain for and with others"

Dante walked forwards and sat on the folding chair opposite John saying seriously "to gain power one needs to sacrifice what do you want me to do?"

John looked at the child in front of him "our gang has a sort of tradition" he said as he gestured to one of his men who with thick gloves brought over a red hot brand." The Boss has to have this over their heart. as away to remind them that they should never betray those who are loyal and to mark them so they can never distance themselves away from the gang."

"Ah So it's like a signature on a contract" Dante said giving an analogy.

"Exactly with this you will be signing away your soul to work for the betterment of the gang and it's subordinates. So do you want this?" John explained curious at what the child would choose.

Dante looked at the flame shaped brand "simple but it shows the ferocity and passion one should have as the leader" he thought. "I accept" he said.

"D-" Lance worriedly started before he was cut off.

"It's fine Lance" Dante stated "sacrifices must be made for me to reach my goals we've been over this"

"As you wish" Lance sighed seeing the resolve behind the mask.

Dante turned to John "so how are we going to do this?" He asked.

John looked at the child in front of him he said "first you need to take of your top and two of my men will hold you so we don't mess this up."

"Alright" Dante agreed. As he started to take his hoodie then tank top off leaving a bare skinny chest with the smooth skin of a child. He tried to suppress the shivers as he felt the cold air of the warehouse.

"Don't they feed you at the Martello family" John joked as everyone took their positions.

"I have been told I have hollow legs" Dante said with a smile as two men grabbed his arms to hold him in place.

John got up off his chair and handed a piece of wood to Lance "he may want this" he said as Lance nodded putting the wood between Dante's teeth under the mask. Seeing that everything was in place he said "let's begin" as the man with the brand stepped forward and pressed it against Dante's skin.

Pain. Burning pain that's all Dante felt on his chest. waves of fiery agony lasted what felt for eternity. it took all of his self control to not start screaming as he gnawed the piece of wood in his mouth grimacing in pain.

John stared at the half naked child with his magnificent mask take the brand. not uttering any screams of pain which surprised him though one could hear growls of anger like a wounded animal being confronted. "Not silence but it is still terrifying" John thought.

Years, decades, centuries maybe eternity that's what Dante thought those snail slow 20 seconds were as he felt weak under the constant waves of agony. his consciousness fading. He felt a weight move off his chest and all he heard was "welcome boss to Inferno" before he collapsed.