
John stared at the child lifeless in his men's arms who was being handed over to the large man behind them like a sack of potatoes. "How old is he?" John asked as he saw the child being slung over a shoulder like a fire victim which was quite fitting for what happened earlier.

"5 I think" the mountain like man said in a rough voice with an energetic undercurrent that made people think he wasn't carrying anything.

"Bullshit!" John uttered without thinking "what 5 year old could handle that with out screaming" John thought along with everyone else.

Lance shrugged "he might be six"

John sighed "ok do we contact you or will you do that?"

Lance without hesitation took out a business card and handed it too John "we will contact you but if an emergency comes up call this number" he said as he picked up the discarded clothes on his way out with a human on his shoulder swinging in the breeze.

"If I didn't know i was clean I would have thought I would be on drugs right now" John muttered as he watch the figure depart with his luggage and sighed as he felt exhausted but relieved that this ordeal was over.

Dante awoke with a dull throb of pain and an icy cold feeling over his heart. "even in this world my heart is still frozen" he thought with a sigh as he slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw were three people. one was looking at him with a cold but concerned expression whilst the other two looked at him with pride but also a defeated look that made them look like they just came out from a war zone.

"Looks like sleeping beauty is awake" one of the people at the back near the door quipped receiving a cold glare by they one closest to Dante.

" 'sup?" Dante said with an innocent smile on his face.

The two men in the back gave pitying expression akin to the expressions to an innocent person being sentenced to death and being unable to do anything about it. " 'sup!? You have been out for an hour! Do you know how much I have worried!" The person near Dante shrieked as his vision cleared he realized it was his mother.

"Sorry" Dante muttered as he looked at Ferdinand and Lance for help.

"Julia how about we calm down and not try to shock the child?" Ferdinand said cautiously as he tried to help out Dante without making his wife go berserk again. "What a tightrope I have to walk" Ferdinand thought as cold sweat formed on his back waiting for the response.

Julia took a deep breath as she heard Ferdinand's words whilst she disagreed he still had a point. She looked at Dante with a stern look and said "make sure not to pull another stupid stunt like this again or else..." leaving the rest up to Dante's imagination she got up and left the room.

Seeing Julia leave the room Ferdinand awkwardly said "I'll be right back" and left as well.

"Ok...what the fuck is going on!?" Dante thought as he looked at the last person in the room with an enquiring look.

"You want me to explain from the beginning?" Lance asked.

"I find that's the best place to start an explanation" Dante replied.

"Ok the start of this tale begins in the mystical docks where the dark clouds loomed ov-."

"Enough bullshit get to the point" Dante growled in irritation.

"Spoil sport no appreciation for the vocal arts." Lance muttered." Well gist of what happened was you fell unconscious but got Inferno's respect and are now their new boss. so I took you back home and unfortunately I ran into miss Julia Martello which turned into the current situation." Lance summarized.

"Fucking hell" Dante sighed as he leaned back on the pillows behind him. "How are we contacting Inferno?" Dante asked Lance.

"I gave them my card if they run into any major problems but you can contact them when you want to I have their information."

"Good we will wait for a bit we are going to need a front and get that run up ASAP. but first where the fuck is my mask!?" Dante said as he touched his face then looked around frantically.

"Dante relax I've got it here" Lance said taking it out of the bundle of clothes he was holding.

"Whew thought I lost it" Dante said with relief as he took the mask from Lance's hands and gently caressed that beautiful golden face before laying it to one side.

"Julia wait!" Ferdinand shouted as he chased after his wife.

"What is it?" Julia said as she turned to face Ferdinand.

Ferdinand looked at that majestic and dignified face that now housed a cold stare and scowl gathering his courage he asked. "What are you going to do now?"

"What are you going on about?"

"You have a a look that says I have a plan and I feel we need to talk about it before it spirals out of our control."

"It is already out of our control can't you see by his eyes Dante's already hooked onto this life we need to persuade him by force that he can't handle this" Julia said raising her voice at Ferdinand.

"Why?" Ferdinand calmly asked.

"Why? It's because that world is no place for a child Ferdinand!" Julia shouted getting hysterical.

"Shh come here" Ferdinand said as he embraced the sobbing Julia in his arms gently swaying to get her to calm down. "We knew Dante would get into this life when we saw him get attacked outside the school" Ferdinand said quietly. "He won't be able to escape it but he's smart dare I say it abnormally smart so smart that if I was religious I would've thought he was Satan's spawn." he said with a laugh as he tried to console not only his wife but his own heart.

"But Ferdinand I'm scared he's going to get hurt maybe even killed." Julia sobbed in Ferdinand's shoulder tears leaving a damp patch on his plain black suit.

"We can't protect him from everything Julia but we can prepare him and that's it" Ferdinand sighed.

Julia raised her head looked at Ferdinand "then we should call them they could teach him the necessary skills"

"You sure they can be a bit excessive" Ferdinand said with a furrowed brow.

"If he can't handle them then we are shipping him of abroad till the city is peaceful again." Julia said with no room for discussion.

"May the lord have mercy" Ferdinand thought as he prayed for Dante's soul.

Oblivious to this impending trial Dante was still lying in bed asking Lance about some good front ideas for his future operations. "What do lots of people do at night especially the young adults?" Dante asked.

"Most will go out for a drink maybe gamble or go dancing" Lance replied.

"So not staying home and playing video games?" Dante questioned.

"Of course not they are seen as childish games in society no self respecting adult or older teenager would play them, plus the late night news is the only thing on tv so most people go out" Lance stated.

"I see so even though there are some things that would keep lots of people home in my old world it's different in this world." Dante thought. "You got a building like a night club I could use?" He asked.

"Of course" Lance replied with a hurt expression.

"What's the name?"

"You will like it it's called..."

"What?" Dante said with impatience "Don't leave me hanging" he thought.

Lance smiled "it's called Hells paradise"