This little child went to market

"It's just your imagination" Lance laughed as he carried on looking at the road.

"You sure?" Dante said. "Just my imagination you took my suspicions a year ago so serious anyone would have thought their was a team of assassins instead of a misplaced hatstand."

"Of course I'm sure you are just being paranoid" Lance replied earnestly as he pulled into a car park. As he reversed into a parking space Dante spotted the same car that had been following them. The driver was wearing a red suit with a white shirt which had no tie and the top button was undone. he looked young with short choppy black hair and blue eyes that looked tranquil like an undisturbed lake he had a lazy look with his slouched stance and slow laid back movement as he got out the car and walked off.

"Just being paranoid yeah right." Dante thought as he watched the man walk off. He got out the car and followed Lance as they walked the bustling city streets. It felt like a labyrinth to Dante the back alley ways snaked through the city they looked uninviting and dangerous with groups of what Dante could only assume were delinquents and school dropouts loitering around, some were smoking others were drinking or playing with dice if one looked passed the clothing and threatening glares they almost looked care free.

The buildings changed not in size but in appearance the old peeling paint of the rundown buildings and neglected twisting streets slowly transformed into a beautiful boulevard and fresh paint. the buildings seem to brighten up not only the surroundings but also the atmosphere where people were once hushed and concerned about who was around them outside the city Centre where as inside they seemed joyous and lively happily greeting each other with enthusiasm to Dante the sudden change seemed quite bizarre. As if reading Dante's thoughts Lance said "this is where all the more financially rich and prosperous people live with the tight public security and low crime rates people are a little more carefree in the city Centre."

"I see so why is it only the Centre which has low crime rates?" Dante asked.

"The police are ineffective and so people higher up found that it was more cost effective to just protect one area instead of being spread out and it's also because of the family's that we all live together in happiness." Lance replied.

"Explain" Dante said.

"This country doesn't put a lot into the polices budget which limits the equipment and methods the police can use to catch criminals." Lance said.

"Understandable, police need pay and other things to make their jobs successful cars an office secretary's and a fuck load of coffee." Dante thought.

"So that is where the family's steps up we make sure that there is a status quo and the government looks the other way to our miscellaneous activities" Lance continued "as they should seeing as how half of them have their fingers in many different pies." He muttered

"So it's like that" Dante sighed as he continued to walk down the streets "No matter where you are there is always corruption of one sort or another" Dante gloomily thought as he looked at the plethora of shops and restaurants most with an over enthusiastic person trying to persuade passers by to come on in.

"Where are we going to Lance?" Dante said after a while of what felt like aimlessly walking.

"To church" Lance said ambiguously as the carried on walking. The smell of food, cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes and colourful flowers mixed in the air above the paved streets leaving a smell of the city it was relaxing and comforting whilst it was not the most pleasant of smells everyone could identify with it even if it was just a little like the citizens of this city.

As Lance and Dante reached their destination Dante asked "why are we going to a church?"

"To see a priest" Lance replied

"You do know my name isn't Timmy" Dante thought as they went through an old rusty gate the church looked old and decrepit like a memorial to better times. It's ancient stone crumbling and unkept grave yard.

"Wait here" Lance said pointing to a grave.

"Why?" Dante questioned.

"Because if you don't you will have every hit man and Rosetta thug watching for your description the moment you step out of the mansion" Lance said seeing the confused Dante he explained "father George the priest here is an information broker one of the best except that he doesn't have the ability to keep quite in the face of large amounts of money"

Dante understood what Lance was saying and no longer argued the reason he bought the mask was so he wouldn't be immediately recognized and with the priests sharp and inquisitive mind it wouldn't be hard to guess his identity if he turned up with Lance. Lance nodded and went up the worn path to the old cracked doors and knocked it opened. from his hiding spot Dante could see a man in priest robes in the door way his grey hair and wizened face which was plastered with a smile "so that must be father George" Dante thought as he watched Lance walk inside.

"Ah Lance I haven't seen your face around here for quite a while how have you been?" Father George's soothing voice said as he welcomed Lance into the old church.

"I have been well father." Lance replied as he walked into the church closing the door behind him "I have come to make a donation" he said looking at the priest.

"Always to straight forward and business like follow me then" George sighed as he walked down the aisle of the empty pews and into the vestry.

"What would you like to know my son?" George asked as he sat down on one of the chairs.

Lance remained standing as he said "has there been anymore news relating to the man we are looking for"

"Of course there has" George said with a smile.

"Then what is it?" Lance said impatiently.

"Donations are for people to give" George said with the same smile.

"The money has been dropped off at the orphanage like usual now the information"

"He's apparently hiding some where in the northern district"

"Any idea where more specifically ?"

"Sadly not they've buried themselves deep even I can't find them" George said with a shrug.

"I see" Lance said as he turned away to leave.

"Tell Ferdinand that Reaper is back in town will you it's the least I could do for not having more"

"I will tell him that" Lance said as he walked away subconsciously running his hand over the scar on his cheek.

Lance came out of the church without a scowl on his face but Dante could tell it hadn't gone well "let's go" Lance said in a dull tone.

The duo walked back along the streets and out of the corner of Dante's eye reflecting on a shop window was the driver of the car and he was heading in the same direction again. coincidence was the first thought in Dante's mind but as he and Lance turned corners and crossed roads the man always followed In a laid back way drifting in and out of the crowd like a ghost.