This little child wants to stay home...

"Hah just part of my imagination he said just being paranoid he said" Dante thought grimly as he looked over at Lance who was still contemplating something He broke the Lance's thoughts by saying "we are being followed by the same guy in the blue car from earlier"

"We aren't beeing followed now stop talking I'm thinking of something" Lance said sounding out of character to Dante's ears and a seed of suspicion towards Lance started to take root.

"Is he in on this is he feigning ignorance so I will get killed but he would still have his position?" Crazy theory's and conspiracy's circulated through Dante's head as he tried to calm his rising panic and fear. "Maybe he's not feigning ignorance but he just doesn't believe me but either way it means I can't count on him." Dante thought as he carried on walking spotting the man trailing him again Dante sized him up he didn't look particularly strong. "I wish I had my old body then I could fight him but with this one it doesn't matter how strong he is I'm still a child" Dante sighed at his conundrum.

As the three people walked down the streets Dante said to Lance "we are going in this I just saw something I liked" Lance sighed at Dante's childish impulse but didn't stop him as they entered the shop. The shop they entered was a small street shop that smelled souvenirs, hats and what Dante wanted knives. "got to love a country that just sells knives to anyone no questions asked" Dante thought with a chuckle as he looked through the selection he then saw something that caught his eye a black handled Italian stiletto switchblade. picking it up and pressing the button and a soft flick could be heard as the blade sprang from the side and into place. Dante held it in his hand it was a little big due to his childish hands but he found the blade beautiful, though even in his previous world he was not a blade fanatic, pressing down on the cross piece to release the blade folding it back into its original position. "Whilst it may not be the best blade ever it's affordable, portable and most importantly being practical with style" Dante thought as he went to the shop keeper blade in hand whilst the shop keeper gave him an odd look he did not question it and accepted the money Dante handed to him. "We can go now lance" Dante said as he walked out towards lance who was looking in deep thought out of a window.

Raising from his position he followed Dante saying "got what you wanted?"

"Yeah" Dante nodded as they walked out the shop.

"Good I have to go somewhere by myself now so stay here" Lance said.

"Wait!" Dante called out to him as Lance melted into the crowd feeling lost and abandoned he stayed at the shop pocketing the knife he just bought.

A few minutes later he saw him same black hair, same blue eyes, same aggravating saunter that looked like he had everything under control and all the time in the world though his attitude changed when he saw Dante look at him whilst his outer appearance of a young lazy person didn't change he seemed more alert and focused with a smile on his face. "Shit!" Dante thought as he bolted down the street that man was looking for him and since Lance didn't know him it was obviously a hostile.

Weaving, Dodging and going this way and that trying to shake off his pursuer in the crowd Dante knew calling for help was no good so why should he waste his breath? it seemed like Lance had betrayed him and if Lance betrayed him then he couldn't trust anyone other than Galahad who was still in hospital or his Father who was back home. Wheezing his way into an alley way adrenaline high. blood pumping "I swear I'll do some cardiovascular if I survive this" Dante wheezed in between breaths as he hid behind some bins panting. The alley way Dante accidentally ran into was a dead end and he didn't have enough time to run back out plus he wouldn't last in a test of endurance so "it's time to do what I did best back in my old life" Dante thought with grim determination "make stupid fucking decisions that I may or may not regret" calming his breathing he heard footsteps approaching "Let's have a showdown partner" Dante quipped in his mind whilst western dueling music played in his head as he hovered his hand over his newly bought knife.

"This is the worst" the man thought as he tried squeezing his way through the crowd pushing past people and trying to catch the little shit that keeps just escaping his grasp like an eel. Eventually he got his lucky break the punk ran down a alleyway with a dead end. "I know the employer only wanted you to be roughed up but because I've had to run around the city I may break some of your fucking bones" the man thought all his laziness and relaxed appearance turned into one of pure rage. Storming into the alleyway all that greeted him was a grey wall.

He smiled "I know your in here" he called walking forwards slowly savoring the suspension in the air "if you come out now I might kill you off quickly...we'll quickly as possible"

"Shit kill me does he know my identity? Is he working with Lance?" Questions buzzed around Dante's head as fear and panick built up. His heart beating faster and faster it almost felt painful. "I just want to go home you piece of shit" Dante cried in his heart almost wanting to start crying he then realized what he was doing "fuck trying to make me cry just try it bitch!" Dante psyched himself up trying desperately to ignore the feeling of helplessness. "I didn't want to kill people but if you want to kill me you should be ok if I kill you first!" Dante roared in his heart turning his fear in to aggression his anxiety into anger he pulled out his blade pressed the button and charged.

The man heard the sound anyone fears on the street the click of a spring. The sound of death being locked in place. "shit! a switchblade" was his thoughts as he turned to see the masked small assailant grab on to him and plunge the blade into his stomach. the time he even registered the pain of the first stab he had been stabbed again. Sharp agonizing pain shot from his stomach as he fought threw it he stamped out at the opponent catching him in the stomach and shooting him into the alley way wall along with the knife. "Fuck two stabs for a kick that ain't fair" the man thought trying to stop his bleeding as the world around him grew hazy.

Dante felt great success and exhilaration until he was on the receiving end of a kick sending him into the wall. Pain surrounded him from the front to the back of him all he felt was pain "fucking hell that hurt" he slurred as he tried to stand up straight as his vision uncleared looking around he found his dropped blade and picked it up. He gazed at the now kneeling man with bloodstains all over his shirt. "Well he had the right idea he was wearing the red suit" Dante laughed as he walked over clutching his aching abdomen "Time to finish the job" Dante thought with a sigh to be kind to ones enemies is to be cruel apron ones self and Dante is no masochist. He grabbed the mans hair looking into his eyes "remember me in the next life my first victim for I'm sure many more will follow." Dante said as he shakily stabbed into the side of mans neck the blade slid into the flesh with ease as it went through the tip coming out the other side as the man chocked blood running out of his mouth. his eyes distant. Breathing stopped as Dante let go of the mans head pulling his knife back out panting he slid down onto his knees into the pool of blood beneath him. tears running down the inside of his mask "Blood, sweat and tears those are the things that make this world go round" Dante laughed as he looked behind him he saw a man in a plain black suit with a red rose on his pocket looking at him with a smile. As Dante wondered who he is he disappears into the crowd of people away from his view. "Stop doing that with out introducing yourself it's rude" Dante grumbled as he heard footsteps rapidly approach.

"Dante!" A familiar voice called out making Dante freeze.