I dyed...

Lance ran into the the alleyway shouting Dante's name "hope I'm not too late" he thought with worry he stop as he saw a mass on the floor surrounded by blood. It shakily stood up turning around Lance saw its identity.

Dante shakily got to his feet as he saw Lance stop at the mouth of the alley. Staring that's all he was doing staring. "the fuck you looking at traitor!" Dante roared as he swung his knife around. Blood splattering the walls painting crimson tears upon them.

"Dante listen I didn't betray you" Lance spoke calmly as he tried to reason with the crimson dyed blood soaked Dante.

"Bullshit you left me motherfucker!" Dante screamed as he advanced forwards slowly bloody footprints left behind in his wake. "I'll kill this fucker thinks he can kill me now I'm by myself." Dante raged in his mind as he plodded onward swaying side to side as his vision tunnleded onto Lance.

"Yes I did leave and that was a mistake but I didn't do anything to try and kill you" Lance said standing his ground.

"Then explain why he said he would kill me!?" Dante shouted his voice breaking as he came forwards. Step by step.

"Fucks sake why do Reaper's men make it more difficult" Lance sighed in his heart as he focused on Dante "I'll clear up this misunderstanding just pu-" Lance said.

"Misunderstanding my ass!" Dante cried as he charged forwards blade pointed at Lance.

"Shit guess gonna have to use force" Lance thought as he side stepped Dante's charge grabbing Dante's right hand, which held the knife, he wrest it out of Dante's hand pushing Dante to the ground. The alley echoed dying war cries and screams before the struggling force stopped.

Laying defeated and facing face first into the ground his arms pinned behind his back, giving up in between rasps Dante said "Guess you won just promise me you'll make it quick."

"The fuck would I want to kill you for!" Lance shouted losing his temper.

"Wait you don't want to kill me?" Dante asked skeptically.

"Of course I don't want to kill you dipshit" Lance said calming down.

"Wait how did this guy find me and why did he want to kill me?" Dante asked fear, panic and uncertainty.

"Well I was testing you on how you would react to this kind of situation and well it didn't go to plan I guess..." Lance shrugged.

Dante was speechless all he could do was start breaking down as exhaustion seeped into his body. tears filled his eyes as he fell of to sleep.

Galahad opened his eyes with to find himself lying on a bed with a nurse beside him shouting "Doc he's awake" and Galahad swore she gave him a wink as she left his side.

"About time you youngster woke up" a grumpy gruff voice said as an elderly man in a lab coat came into Galahad's view.

"If you told me you had such a good looking nurse I would have woken up sooner" Galahad smirked as he thought about that curved body, doll like face and raven black hair.

"Of course I get the fucking womanizer" the doctor sighed as he pushed his thin framed circular glasses up.

"How's Dante?" Galahad asked as he looked at the wizened face of the doctor.

"Great here comes the questions" the doctor muttered before saying "he's fine shaken but alive" he explained as he checked some documents.

"How long till I can go?"

"About another two weeks but you will have to take it easy for a while" The doctor said sternly.

"Don't I always?"

"Of course you do" the doctor harrumphed.

"What ever old man" Galahad sighed tiredly.

"You fucking lucky I owe Ferdinand a couple favors" the doctor said coldy as he glared at Galahad.

"You always say that when ever I'm here" Galahad chuckled.

"That's because I don't like you" the doctor said as he walked out of the room.

Galahad laughed as he watched the doctor walk out he looked around the white room he was lying in with an iv drip in his good arm whilst the other was heavily bandaged. The table next to his wounded left arm had a vase of flowers with a card that said get well soon. "Bet you it's from Ferdinand" Galahad thought with a smile. "I hope Dante is doing ok" Galahad thought with worry as he layed his head against the soft pillows closing his eyes.

Ferdinand was nursing his headache with some good old whiskey he couldn't believe what the fuck was going on sighing he turned his chair to face the man in front of him. "Go through again what the fuck happened" Ferdinand growled.

"Ah it was beautiful the knife the ambush he's like an unpolished gem" the man laughed as he made exaggerated gestures picking up his glass and downing the contents.

"Fuck why are you one crazy bastard?" Ferdinand sighed as he held his hands in his hands.

"I want him Ferdinand" the man said as Ferdinand looked into the mans eyes he could see the gree and madness swarming in his eyes.

"What has Julia said about this" Ferdinand said "if anyone can talk this crazy fucker out of something it's her" Ferdinand thought.

"She agreed" the man crowed with a grin on his face.

"Ok just make sure he doesn't turn out like you got that Reaper?" Ferdinand said In defeat.

"Of course brother in law" the man laughed as he left with a skip in his step.

Ferdinand sighed as he poured himself another drink "fucking family"