One for sorrow

Dante woke up with a groan as he rolled himself off the hard mattress slipping through the thin sheets like an eel. Placing his bare feet on the hard cold floor he stretched with a yawn he Walked over too a bowl of cold water. splashing his face. "Not as good as coffee but it works." Dante muttered groggily as his reflection stared back at him. A tired face appeared looking deep into in his eyes the murky dark green eyes seemed to piece through people's souls with a predator like stare. A young thin face seeming to lost a majority of its child like innocence replaced with cold maturity surrounded by a mane of long light brown hair. Dante wiped his face grabbing the clothes he left lying on the floor and picking up his mask that was buried underneath his T-shirt.

"Can't believe it's been 3 years." Dante thought as he made his way to the kitchen area as he thought of what he had done these past years.

On a typical day Dante would be woken up at around six after a hearty breakfast made with ,Reapers killer cooking, he would be briefed about the days activities with Reaper acting as a strict general with a spatula it was one of the things that Dante actually enjoyed about the day before it turned into a grueling trial. Lessons about languages, espionage, stealing and poisons were usually crammed into the morning following a light lunch and then physical activities after that in the evening Dante was acting and learning map reading or other skills sometimes playing board games like chess to help stimulate his mind apparently but really he thinks Reaper was just bored.

"You're up early soldier." An enthusiastic voice boomed leaving an echo as Dante saw Reaper walking through the door that lead up to the surface. Dante couldn't remember how many times he tried to open that damned door before he gave up.

"Why are you still doing the military act?" Dante asked him in a weary tone it was humorous for the first year but as time dragged on it started to become tiring.

"I do it because I enjoy it maggot now drop and give me twenty." Reaper ordered marching over to cooking area going to prepare breakfast.

Dante rolled his eyes but obliged when he finished he walked to the table and sat down before saying "what are we doing today sir."

"Was that sarcasm I hear private?" Reaper asked not even turning around.

"No sir" Dante said with a grin on his face as he looked at the man that had taken from the world above. Dante had a complex set of emotions he liked Reapers personality though he found it tiring but he was the one who had taken him with out any warning turning Dante's world upside down so whilst they were never friends and Dante still didn't trust him completely an odd sense of mutual respect formed between the kidnapper and his victim.

Reaper still looked the same with the crisp plain black suit and shoulder length hair. his most noticeable facial feature was still those hazel eyes that seemed to fluctuate in the glimmering light and he still wears the hot pink apron when he cooks. Thus not much had changed about Reaper on the surface.

"Today we shall be going on a field trip." Reaper exclaimed in a stern voice.

"What kind of field trip?" Dante asked his curiosity peaked.

"The kind where people don't ask questions." Reaper said seriously whilst trying to keep a straight face.

"Alright mister mysterious." Dante muttered as he dug into his breakfast.

After he finished breakfast and cleared away the plates he put his mask over his face feeling the familiar feeling of it slightly hanging off his face. "You ready to go?" Reaper asked as he saw Dante walk towards him.

"Yup Let's go!"

"Looks like someone is excited."

"Of course I am." Dante exasperated "after all it's a chance to escape." Dante thought with glee.

"Now here are the rules." Reaper said stopping Dante in his tracks.

"What rules? We don't need rules." Dante cursed.

Reaper pretended not to hear before continuing "rule number one you shall stay and not leave the northern district. Rule number two you will never ever remove your mask outside if you want to stay alive. Rule number three trying to contact anyone is forbidden and if anyone of these rules are broken I'm going to have to kill you." Reaper said seriously.

"Fine." Dante sulked as his hope got squashed. He still remembered that time when Reaper brought home a bloody, crying and bruised man who kept jabbering on about how he should never have been found and if a man that had connections could be caught then what is a boy like Dante who has nothing going to be able to do. Resigning to his fate Dante started walking up the stairs mumbling along the way as his oversized mask bounced on his nose.

Dante reached the top of the stairs and opened up the door. as the rusted door creaked open sunlight streamed through the gap making Dante squint and put a hand over his eyes as he tried to get used to it. Blinking away the pain Dante observed his surroundings it was the same empty hallway that he had arrived in even the dust was in the same place it felt like no time had passed at all.

"Ah breathe in that fresh air." Reaper said with a smile as he appeared behind Dante.

"Fresh air but still breathing it in alone." Dante thought as he stared pensive through the window.

"What you thinking about." Reaper asked casually as he noticed the shift in Dante's mood.

"Nothing." Dante replied in a monotone as he tried to cover up his melancholy thoughts.

"Ok then let's get in the car." Reaper said as he walked past.

"Wonder what happened whilst I was gone." Dante thought as different figures popped up in his mind before it was brutally crushed. "Don't care about them they don't care about you." Dante viciously reasoned with himself as he crushed the surging emotions in his chest. Taking a deep breathe he took a step forward onto the next path in his life.