Swinging on the rope or from the gallows

Dante stared out of the car window watching as the streets rolled by like a distant memory the morning layered mist added even more to the gloomy atmosphere to the empty streets. The dark cloudy skies threatening to drop a downpour of tears onto this accursed city. as they followed the wisp like street lights. The soothing rhythmically roar of the engine echoed as it powered forwards down the road.

After a few minutes when the sun was about to burn through the veil of morning mist the car shuddered to a halt. Reaper stepped out onto the quiet streets with Dante in tow. Whilst walking down the narrow streets breathing in the cool fresh morning air Dante noticed curtains being opened and lights turned on in the windows of the tall clustered buildings as the city awoke from its previous slumber. Sleepy men waved goodbye to their wives as they hastened to their daily activities whilst yawning and rubbing sleep from their eyes. Soon the streets felt crowded and Dante had to hold onto Reapers sleeves to make sure he wasn't dragged away by the crowd as sounds of marching footsteps and morning greetings created a din in the air. The city had fully awoken to a new day.

After winding their way through crowds and turning through various streets and back alleys. Reaper led Dante down a particular street and stopped outside a small corner shop with a sign next to it saying Gallow road.

"Is this where you wanted to go?" Dante asked dubiously.

"Yup and this will be your new home." Reaper replied with a smile.

"Wait what the fuck!?" Dante shouted in astonishment as Reaper walked in without saying anything. Standing there as the door closed. "Why doesn't he ever tell me the important details." Dante lamented. As he got near the door he heard muffle yells having a gut feeling he stepped to one side just in time as a man was sent flying out of the door and landing in a sprawl on the pavement.

"Don't you come back here you fucking bastard and then act like we are all buddy buddy I still haven't forgotten last time you asshole." A grizzled voice growled through the opened door as heavy footsteps echoed from the darkened door way.

"You seem to be getting better with age old man." The man on the floor stood up cracking his neck and then proceeded to try and straighten out his crumpled suit. Dante realized that this disheveled man that got flung onto the pavement was Reaper.

"What the fuck is going on?" Dante thought with confusion as Reaper tried to righten his wilted rose that he always wore in his suit jackets breast pocket.

"Of course." The man inside snorted coldly as he came into Dante's view. He was a wizened man with short grey hair and a neatly trimmed beard which complemented his stern face. he had broad shoulders and thick arms like a bear which were being advertised by the mans rolled up sleeves. He stood in the door way like a ferocious guardian as he lent on a walking cane whilst lighting up a cigar.

"Martin please not in front of the child." Reaper said with a grin as he grabbed Dante and presented him to the man in front of him like a peace offering.

The man named Martin took a cold glance at Dante before ignoring him and then asking Reaper in a tired voice. "What do you want punk?"

"To pass my responsibilities on to you." Reaper replied in a carefree manner.

"Why can't you do anything yourself?" Martin sighed as he puffed out a halo of smoke that slowly drifted upwards like a fleeting memory.

(That's also like my poor emotionless soul. (T-T) )

"That is a very good question that I hope I can answer some day."

"You do know that was... ugh fine I'll deal with your fucking problem let me guess its baby sitting shorty right?" Martin grimaced as if someone had just asked him to part with his favorite bottle of whiskey.

Reaper plastered an awkward smile on his face. "To put it crudely I suppose you could be correct."

"Hey hold on a bloody minute here don't i have I say in this!?" Dante interjected as he looked up at Reaper with a glare.

Reaper looked down with pity in his eyes. "Sadly no you don't." He stated making Dante speechless.

"Three years. three fucking years I had to deal with your shitty attitude eat your food and listen to you blabber on about the distant past. For three years I had to spend every day in your company sure I don't like you but at least you were always there but now somethings come up you're just going to abandon me like everyone else!?" Dante shouted his voice cracking as tears started to run down his cheeks. "I thought I had gotten used to partings from my old life." Dante thought with self mockery at the irony of his situation.

Reaper looked at Dante who was trying to hold back tears turned him around and gave him a hug. "I'm not abandoning you. I will come back it's just that I don't want you to die just yet so live a part of a normal life here first enjoy yourself until I return then." He said in a confident whisper with an assuring grin on his face.

Dante buried his face into Reapers stomach trying to pull back the flood of tears. Reapers suit jacket smelt comforting in a weird way. It had the scent of cooking like home. Making it seem welcoming but also a strong smell of iron and bitter gun powder adding a sense of security to his embrace. "When you come back you need to bring souvenirs." Dante sobbed as he clung to Reaper as he would be able to persuade him to stay.

Reaper smiled. "Sure thing I'll bye plenty of presents. ah that reminds me I did get you an apology present for not telling you."

"What is it?" Dante asked lifting his head up.

"It's this." Reaper replied with a mischievous grin as he handed Dante a stiletto nine inch switchblade. It was beautiful. The smooth pearl white handle with the golden coloured pommel and cross pice made it look prideful and elegant.

Dante eyed the knife with suspicion "why are you giving me a knife?"

"Uh for your own protection?..." Reaper awkwardly trailed off.

"This is making me feel like this place is dangerous." Dante laughed releasing some of his pent up anxiety.

"Well better safe than sorry." Reaper grinned sheepishly whilst scratching the back of his head. His hazel eyes full of concern for a brief minute before reverting back to normal.

Dante took the switchblade and then proceeded to pocket it in his jacket. "Well then I guess this is good bye." He said wistfully

"I guess it is." Reaper said softly. "We shall meet up again soon so don't cause to much trouble for the old man." He laughed before turning around and walking away.

Dante waited on the doorstep until Reaper walked around the corner and his footsteps could no longer be heard. "I always wonder if your trying to help me or kill me." He muttered bitterly as he caressed the blade he had been given in the palm of his hands.

After a few minutes of silently standing there Martin coughed lightly before gruffly saying "I guess it's best you come inside" before he turned and walked through the door stubbing out his cigar on the way.

Dante looked down the street once more as a soft cold breeze blew through the morning skies like a pice of tumble weed in a western movie. Glancing around one more time Dante tightly gripped his new blade before turning around and walking through the shop door to see what new things were in store for him.