Gonna break break ya heart

Pain. Every breathe. Every step that's all he felt pain coursing through his chest as Dante trudged down the street one foot after another after another. "Shit." He hissed as he powered on with his pride and will power.

Dante could feel Poppy talking to him but he wasn't listening as Poppy guidied him through the crowds as they made their way back to the cafe they set out from.

A breeze drifted in as the sun hid behind the clouds cloaking the world in shadows as Dante pushed open the cafe door. The room was now filled with people mostly misfit youths that Dante could only guess were apart of the rats. Returning a nod to Barry he plodded his way past tables to the middle of the room where Corvo was sitting with two girls on either side of him.

Dante slammed the breifcase on the table. "Mission accomplished." He growled interrupting Corvo who was speaking sweet nothings.

"Any trouble?" Corvo asked untangling himself form the embrace of the girls.

Dante took a deep breath. "I think we should discuss business without unwanted ears." Dante replied through gritted teeth.

"Nonsense these ladies are trustworthy aren't you?" Corvo laughed as he lent back and embracing them around the shoulders.

"That's right." The one on Dante's right giggled. The one on the left stayed silent.

"You may trust them but I don't so I'll see you later." Dante stated turning around as he started to walk he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

"When my man just asked you a question you answer." The owner of the insufferable hand stated in a pompous voice.

Dante turned back around and actually looked at the woman grabbing his shoulder. With blonde curly hair gold ring ear rings, turned up nose, round face and arrogant eyes which Dante was starting to despise. "You have two options. One you let go of my shoulder or two fuck off." Dante hissed menacingly.

"Ooh scary too bad Corvo would be disappointed if either of us left." She replied in a haughty tone. Dante could feel Poppy bristle so he placed his hand out to say not to get involved.

Dante looked past the annoying woman to see Corvo look at the show in amusement he raised three fingers. "What does that mean?" Corvo asked cheerily.

"It means she has three seconds to get the fuck out of my face before I paint Barry's clean floor red." Dante growled in reply.

"Hah as if Corvo would be heartbroken if anything happens to me right?" The girl snickered.

Corvo remain silent keeping eye contact with Dante whilst he slowly start counting down before slipping his hand into his jacket pocket. Keeping eye contact Dante said "let me show you a true heartbreak." As he flicked out his blade and plunged it into the annoying bitchs heart. Everyone looked on in shock as Dante stabbed multiple times watching as the life slowly drained out of his victims eyes in disbelief.

Dante stood there panting he got a boost of adrenaline that dulled the pain a little but it would soon wear off and he was in no mood to humour anyone else today. Dante wiped the blood off his blade onto the dead body before telling Corvo in a raspy voice filled with venom. "I'll come back tomorrow I don't mind you playing around but when it comes to business keep your bitches on a leash." Finished saying his piece before picking the breifcase back up and walking hunched over out of the cafe to the awe of the audience watching.

"He's one crazy bastard with balls of steel I'll give him that." Corvo muttered before turning to Barry and tilting his head.

Barry got the meaning clapping his hands he raised the others out of their stupor and announced. "The cafe will now be closing please finish your drinks and leave immediately."

You could hear the quick gulps as people downed their drinks before filing out to carry on with their day.

After the last customer left Barry closed the door putting a closed sign up staring at Corvo who was the only one left. "Well he's a man of his word." Barry quipped as he went to go get the mop as Corvo placed the body inside a bag before dragging it to the back door. "He took the money as well." Corvo sighed as he stood up straight and stretched.

The sun started to tinge the sky red as it began to dip beneath the horizon the crowds parted on the street parted as two children trodded through on was silent as the other was chanting fuck until they slowly found their destination.

Dante let a haggard sigh of relief escape his lips as he saw the corner shop and the house next to it. As the sun was just peeking over the horizon it's light slowly waning by the second. Dante opened the door making his way inside finding himself face to face with Martin. "Shit." He muttered as he took his shoes off.

"Ah D-"

"Lucifer." Dante cut in seeing the old mans confused face he motioned behind him.

"Martin nodded in understanding before saying. "Is your guest staying over or not?"

"I don't know you ask I need to take a bath and sleep." Dante replied as he took the breifcase in his hands and climbed the stairs leaving Poppy alone on the doorstep.

"Rude bastard." Martin grumbled before looking straight at Poppy "Might as we'll join him." He sighed letting Poppy walk in and ushered him upstairs after closing the door.

Dante sighed in relief as he sank into the hot bath his mask placed beside the sink as he allowed the water to release the exhaustion from his muscles. He suddenly saw the door handle turn with the door unlocked. Cursing himself for his own carelessness Dante like to have thought he leapt gracefully out of the bath but the truth hurts. A lot Dante found out as he half fell from the bath with a cry of pain "Fuck!" He quickly got to his feet and put the mask on as the door opened.

Dante turned around to find Poppy looking at him feeling a bit self conscious he slipped back in to the bath before asking in a hurt tone. "Couldn't you wait?"

"The old guy said to bathe together since we are both boys saves water apparently." Poppy replied as he undressed.

Dante realized what was being said and he felt a great wave of shame spread across his face as he sank slowly to the bottom of the tub wishing he could go back in time.

Poppy quickly came over to the side of the tub seeing the mask float just above the water and asked with worry. "What's wrong? Did you think I was a girl?"

"Your gender didn't really mattered but can I give you a different name I don't want it to be my fault you will be a laughing stock." Dante mumbled almost incoherently.

"No take backs." Poppy stated jumping in.

"Why does the deity of this world like to give me more complications in my life?" Dante sighed as he watch the water cry rivers of red like it could feel his pain.