Dante pulled his weary body up to give Poppy room after Dante got comfortable into a new position he directed his gaze to Poppy's slim frame. His skin clung to his ribs from what Dante could infer malnutrition another thing that caught Dante's attention was the bruises and scars scattered around his torso. Dante sighed inwardly thinking of the misfortune that must have befallen this child he wanted to ask about them but then realized everyone has their own problems and one shouldn't pry if they aren't willing to share as well. Dante stowed away his curiosity.
Minutes passed in silence and some odd splashes of water before Dante got up slowly and this time carefully lowered himself out of the bath. He then proceeded to grab a towel draping it over his shoulders and leaving without saying a word picking up his clothes in a bundle along the way.
Walking into the room Dante was using as his bedroom he dropped the clothes he was carrying taking the knife out of his jacket pocket placing it under his pillow. Dante checked underneath the bed money was still there with a sigh of relief he put on some underwear before climbing into to bed collapsing as soon as his head reached the pillow.
Poppy waited a few minutes before following Dante his wet feet leaving foot prints across the floor. He walked into the room with an open door and found a mound underneath the blankets on the bed and the faint sound of heavy breathing. Curiosity over came Poppy as he tiptoed towards the sleeping body on the bed.
The golden mask glistened in the faint light from the open door. Poppy reached his hand out preparing to touch it as he got close to it a hand grabbed his with a stifled gasp. Poppy was then dragged suddenly onto the bed with great care Poppy made sure to go over and mind Lucifer's ribs whilst he may have been acting like he was fine Poppy knew he was just trying to hide the pain. Poppy wrapped himself around the hand that held him feeling the warmth from the body next to him as he drifted of into a peaceful slumber.
Ocean of red. The sickly feeling of a thick liquid smothering your skin. The repulsive metallic smell of blood that's all Dante could feel in his dreams or was it reality? The lifeless faces came next with the choir of screams creating an unholy opera of past regrets and grief running through his head.
Dante felt something was different the blood had gone but the screaming hadn't. Then it dawned on him he was the one screaming quickly silencing himself he felt the return of the throbbing pain in his chest. Looking down he peculiarly found an arm had slid into his underwear he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. The warm touch of skin greeted his hand as he rubbed his eyes touching his face again in disbelief Dante found he wasn't wearing his mask.
A million thoughts rushed through his head as he removed the hand from his crotch taking the knife from under his pillow he set forth on a hunt for his missing possession. Dante walked out on to the landing the sun just breaking over the horizon let a stream of light through the window guiding his way downstairs where he found the smell of breakfast being cooked. Dante reminisced of his time with Reaper the rude awakenings the different cuisines he suddenly felt extremely lonely before shaking his head. "Who would have guessed there would be a time I would rather go live in a cave rather than a house." He laughed mockingly at himself.
Shaking of the thoughts of the past Dante stealthy slipped into the kitchen to find a young woman making breakfast humming a merry melody to herself as she diligently focused on her work. Trying not to make a sound Dante snuck forwards Until he got close enough he then quickly scaled up her back and hanging on like an oversized koala. The woman he was attached to let out a shrill shriek until Dante unfurled his blade and pressed it against her neck. "What do you want from me?" She asked in a panic stricken voice wary of the blade next to her throat.
"Where is it?" Dante hissed as more pain assaulted his ribs.
"I don't know what you are talking about." She stuttered as she tried to keep herself upright.
"The mask where is it?" Dante asked more urgently. "Can't let Poppy see it'll put everyone at risk." Dante was thinking with rising panic.
The woman seemed to be thinking of a reply when the pair were interrupted by the resounding click of a revolver. "Kid put the knife away." A cold voice commanded.
Dante motioned the woman to turn around with the knife still pointed at her throat. He saw Martin standing in the door way eyes furrowed in anger not that Dante noticed as he was more concerned with the barrel he was staring down.
"Where is it?" Dante said in an almost whisper. He hands stared sweating slightly as he felt the walls close in on him.
"It's always like this isn't it." Martin spoke ignoring Dante's question. "Always someone who throws themselves into the deep end. how many bodies have already fallen?"
"Two but what are you talking about?" Dante growled readjusting his grip.
"Do you know why out first meeting turned out like it did?"
"Your an asshole?" Dante replied with hollow bravado.
"Most of the time yes but I was being the world and the world doesn't give a shit about your feelings especially in the blood soaked under belly of this godforsaken city."
"So what I already know people don't give a shit about me or else I wouldn't be here would I?" Dante sneered.
Martin sighed. "In the army we used to have a phrase for people like you stubborn suicidal fools you won't take shit from nobody and you won't stop until you drop."
"And how is that a bad thing?" Dante asked.
"You don't stop and look around you go on the fast lane to self destruction ride or die, an all in bet that's the path you are on."
"Why not try an talk me out if you think it's so bad?" Dante asked confused.
Martin laughed in self deprecation "would you have listened to calming words of an elder of course not you would say I wouldn't know anything and done the exact same thing. At least with the insults it could prepare you somewhat." Martins eyes turned glassy. "Hugs in this world won't cut it and trust me eventually you will lose something that those insults will feel like taps on the shoulder because in the road to true power the sacrifice is happiness."
"I'll keep those words in mind now wear is it?"
Martin slid the mask across the floor. "Release my daughter and if you pick that up grab your friend and stay away from my fucking house I don't want blood anywhere near these walls I've waded in enough for a life time."
"Suit yourself." Dante replied sliding down his feet touching the cold tiled floor picking up the mask he put it back on brushing past Martin as he climbed back up the stairs. He got himself and Poppy dressed and ready before leaving the house again and not looking back as he walked forwards breifcase in hand into the fresh morning of a new day.