Rock a bye baby

The morning breeze cold fingers scratched violently upon Dante's exposed skin as he and Poppy walked on in silence passing the early risers with a hint of caution. "Best we go back to the cafe and talk to Corvo." Dante sighed thinking out loud as he felt his second companion raise its head as he tried to breathe. Poppy nodded his head leading the way to their destination.

Dante struggles forward as they neared the door Poppy looked at him with concern but Dante waved him off he will make it as he ignored the throbbing pain that assulted him with every breath. His palms started to sweat his breathing became more ragged as they approached the door. Dante tried the handle it was locked.

Taking a deep breath he placed the breifcase down and then banged his fist on the door.


He tried again this time harder.


He tried a third time. This time he heard hurried footsteps and a muffled voice the click of the lock turning and the door opened up to see a bedraggled Barry opening the door his hair was wet and messy not in its usual pompadour state he probably just got out of his bath. "What do you want?" He asked in slightly hostile tone.

Dante stood there panting and then gestured to come in swaying a little.

Barry sighed but obliged opening the door and allowing the pair to come in before quickly closing it. "I'll go get Corvo." He grumbled muttering something under his breath that Dante didn't catch as he slumped in to the nearest chair feeling exhausted. Dante watched him walk behind the counter into another room and then heard him climb a flight of stairs. Dante rested his head on the table and that was when sleep took him.

"Lucifer. Hey Lucifer wake up!"

"What?" Dante croaked as he was aroused from his slumber.

"That's the question I should be asking the fuck are you doing here?" Dante forced his eyes open and raised his head to find Corvos a few centimeters in front of his.

"I came here to deliver the money." He groaned kicking the breifcase he had dumped by the table.

"That could have waited the real reason." Corvo demanded raising a brow.

"We got kicked out." Dante grumbled.

"What?" Corvo said in disbelief.

"I said we got kicked out at gun point and we need a new place to stay. So can you help us or not?" Dante raised his voice with irritation.

"What's this about guns?" Barry said sternly walking into the room his hair was still out of place but he had gotten dressed into his uniform.

"None of your business!" Dante snapped in annoyance the pain in his chest was getting worse and he felt a headache coming.

Barry sighed "fine but if people start firing bullets near this cafe I'm going to kill you before they do."

"On that pleasant note what kind of place are you looking for?" Corvo asked.

"Just a room with a bed so I can sleep." Dante droned with effort.

"You Alright?" Corvo wondered aloud with concern.

"Just had a bad night." Dante waved him off.

"If you say so your best bet would be the cheap hotel down the road."

"I see well I'll be off if you get a job for me send someone." Dante said slowly forcing himself up.

"Sure." Corvo said with a smile.

"But first my paycheck." Dante stated in a stern voice.

Corvo laughed "we will make a politician of you yet."

Dante frowned "Don't you mean a street rat?"

"Isn't That What I said?" Corvo said looking up with a blank expression.

Dante started to chuckle "ah fuck." He hissed in between breaths.

"Well here is your first paycheck one of many I hope."

"Thanks." Dante said with gratitude as he checked the amount all $1200 stacked in little stacks tied together with a band. He handed half to Poppy "for your help." Poppy looked at him with shock. "What thinking I wouldn't pay you?" Dante said with a smirk that turned into a grimace. Poppy stared at his feet whilst his cheeks flushed red.

Corvo started to laugh "well until next time."

"Till then." Dante replied forcing his battered body to stand. He suddenly felt light headed. Taking a step forward he stumbled grabbing a chair.

Corvo raised a brow "are you sure you are alright?"

"Fine just tired." Dante mumbled unconvincingly. He straightened himself up was going to carry on walking until he felt large hands pick him up. "For fuck sake do I look like a damsel?" Dante thought in confusion as he looked to find Barry was the one who picked him up. "The fuck do you think your doing?" He asked all politeness shot out of the window.

"Factured ribs possible punctured lung 6-8 weeks bed rest." Barry stated with authority as he carried Dante up the stairs.

"Put me down!" Dante demanded as he tried to squirm his way out of Barry's grip.

"Shut up and be a good child and go to sleep." Barry snapped back.

"You should listen to him Lucifer his about as stubborn as they come." Corvo lamented in sympathy.

"Poppy!" Dante cried out.

"What is it?" Poppy stammered in surprise

"You'll take a order from me above anyone else's right?" Dante was shouting as he tried desperately to cling to the walls to slow his abuduction.

"Of course I would." Poppy said with a wide smile.

"Then make sure no one takes my mask off and if they try eliminate them by any means." Dante's voice echoed down the stair well.

"By any means." Was the reply he got before Dante succumbed to sleep.