I Only Want Him to Be Well

His body was burning.

Untimely dizziness.

The jade pendant around Pei Zhen's neck had lit up with an unearthly glow when Pei Zhen wasn't aware.

"What happened? What happened?"

The assistants rushed over when they heard the shrill cries. Some of them felt something brush against their legs, but they didn't stop to look.

"Cat!" Lin Yousu cried. There wasn't a sign of her usual elegant calmness. "That ill-deserving Persian cat!"

Persian cat?

Everyone was stunned and looked at one anoher, suddenly remembering that Fu Sichen's cat was a Persian cat.

That cat was very adorable…

"There's no cat here." They looked around the resting room. The assistants were stumped. "Miss Yousu, er… things are fine."

The news reached Wang Youquan's ears, and because it had to do with the cat, he went over. He couldn't hide his anxiousness. "Was it Pei Pei you saw? Where is he?"