Felt His Soul Suspended in the Air

"Pei Pei, Pei Pei!"

Pei Zhen's footsteps were faint, and he felt as if his soul was leaving his body; his mind was in a blur.

Someone was calling his name, it sounded anxious, but there was also a hint of happiness.

He lifted his head weakly, using all the effort he could muster, but all he could manage was to half-open his eyes to see a pair of hands.

The pair of hands lifted him up.

"Little deity, look how you run. You frightened me."

Oh, it was Wang Youquan.

Pei Zhen couldn't figure out what was wrong with himself. Under such circumstances, he somehow felt a tinge of anger and resentment. Why wasn't it Fu Sichen who came looking for him?

Wang Youquan seemed to be in a hurry and was muttering about something that Pei Zhen didn't quite catch.

The pain in his chest was spreading like fire, and it was engulfing him. Pei Zhen was beginning to feel like he couldn't breathe.