How About I Give You a Kiss

There was no way Fu Sichen would keep a dog.

He was even a little reluctant to keep a cat.

He didn't hate animals, but neither did he like them. He respected them, but he wasn't enthusiastic about them.

To the extent that once the Persian cat was just a Persian cat, Fu Sichen became quite detached from it.

In fact, he was a little cold.

However, that was true the other way round too. The Persian cat was similarly cold towards him.

Compared to the effortless harmony between the man and cat observed during the first time they participated in the War of the Pets, much of that chemistry was missing the second time around.

When the Director asked for a picture of the pair, the man was reluctant to move, and the cat refused to be carried. In the end, Fu Sichen obliged only because Wang Youquan was looking at him with pleading eyes.

The moment he reached for the cat, the cat let out a pathetic 'Awwwwooooo'.