I'm Just a Bottom Party!

The Cat Show-off Demon Fu Sichen had ceased to show-off his cat on Weibo in recent days.

Having not seen the Persian cat, the netizens missed it and were frantically reminding Fu Sichen to post more pictures, and not to forget about his fans because he had Pei Zhen.

There was only one thing that Fu Sichen was interested in.

And that wasn't showing-off the cat!

Showing-off Pei Zhen… perhaps that could be considered.

"The sleeping beauty Pei Zhen."

"Lazybones Pei Zhen."

"Pei Zhen eating seafood."

Only, showing-off his young boyfriend was really out of the question. The female fans were hungry for some eye candy, but Fu Sichen's pictures were either under-exposed or over-exposed to the point that nothing could be seen!

The netizens wailed painfully and asked, "Clarify it! Do you actually love Daddy Pei, or are you out to slime him!"