Becoming a Supplier

With the Rocket Trio in captive Ash started his interrogation

"I know your names but repeat them again with surname ",Said Ash

"How dare you puny little kid .We are not gonna answer any of your questions! shouted the cat pokemon

"Spearows use peck on him every minute ",Ordered Ash

Quicky all 4 of his spearows started pecking on him, A bit of blood even started coming out

"Make sure not to kill him"

Seeing Meowth in this horrendous state the human duo quickly gave in

"Its just James

Its just Jessie" Said the duo

"Good to see that you are cooperating. Pidgeys stop...

Will you answer my question now ?" said Ash

"YES YES , I am Meowth" Said the pokemon

Although he knew each of their names ,it was still important to maintain oppresing them.

"So you three are members of team rocket, how much salary do you guys get?"

asked Ash

"We get 2000 $ per week "replied the trio

"As individuals or group?"

"As a group , since we are the lowest ranked members Me and Jessie get 750$ each and meowth gets 500$", Replied James

Originally born to a millionaires family how tough life has been on poor James

"Can you earn extra money with the organization?" Asked the 10 year old

"Yes , if we send captured pokemon to the Headquarters " Replied Jessie

"How much do you get per pokemon?"

"You get 1000 $ per pokemon regardless of which species but it should at least be healthy and able to fight!" Replied James

"How does one join team rocket?" Asked our curious MC?

"You just need 2 recommendations from any official member of team rocket to join as the lowest-ranked members that is grunts ", Replied Meowth this time.

"okay.... Looks like smuggling pokemon brings a lot of money I should give it a try !",thought Ash

"Can i join Team rocket without revealing my identity?"Asked Ash

"Obviously not! "replied the trio

"Hmph! Lets talk with your boss! VideoCall that guy, I know you guys can do it with your laptop!" Commanded Ash

"The laptop is in our hideout....."

"Birdy wing attack!"

The trio started wailing and shouting as a Fearow flew in cutting the string team rocket was binded with . The trio escaped death from just a hair length

"Lead the way , you know what will happen if you try anything funny", Said Ash still trying to intimidate them!

If you look at it from another angle. it was quite funny to see a 10 year old ordering 2 seemingly *responsible* adults

Through the thickets of the jungle they finally reached a small den near the river.

Upon finding the laptop Ash binded and made the trio sit on the base of a tree similar to one kidnapped for ransom! 4 spearows headed by a Fearow could be seen levitating on a spot on either sides of the trio

Author Note: By levitating I mean flying over a single spot and maintaining similar height from the ground.

Ash made the call to their boss Geovanni with the trio's help ánd as soon as the call connected Ash walked out of the cameras range and only the trio with fearsome flying pokemon near them could be seen

"What did you three fools call me about "Shouted their boss Giovanni

After seeing the trio like that he quickly said" Impudent! Who was it that made my Dear members like this ?"

"It was yours truly who did this , If you want these 3 to live, Make me your pokemon supplier," said Ash

"You sound like a freaking kid, How dare-"

cutting him in between Ash quickly shouted "Wind Attack"

The nearby spearows started attacking the trio

"Okay you win ! Don't hurt them I will immediately send you a laptop from which you can sell me pokemon" said Giovanni, It always seemed like Giovanni didn't like the trio but why was something smelling fishy about this? Could the trio have an important connection with him?

"Okay done" Replied Ash

"Just a few minutes ...." Giovanni could just send some executives to deal with this kid but why bother, if he turned out to be a good supplier it would be a great help for team rocket

After some time a Pidgeot came carrying a bag which it dropped above Ash, Ash dodged aside and saw the goodies stored in the bag. a small team rocket costume, a laptop and 10 pokeballs

"Nice stuff ! You guys can go now and if you tell Giovanni or anyone about me, even I cannot predict what will happen to you !" Threatened Ash

"Yes Yes"Replied the trio , it looked like the intimidation worked well

Normally one couldn't be trusted with something like this but why bother... The Trio was stupid enough to attempt catch the same pikachu billions of times and now that he had scared them so much how would they dare to tell on him!

With this Ash's temporary job started, he couldn't continue this forever though, just in the initial days of starting out after that when he will grow powerful enough, he will just obliterate team rocket and rob them.

Author Note : He could have just asked for ransom but that would put him on the black list wouldn't it? This just seemed more logical to me!