
Ash had enough of this team rocket BS , after dumping the team rocket costume he made his way towards Pewter City

"Damn! this is so boring I am tired as well, should rest...",Thought Ash

(Author note: Incase you forgot Sparky is Pikachu's nickname and Birdy is Fearow's nickname I mix both their nickname and species name in the story so don't get confused)

After a while he found a good rock with some space around it and sat down

"Next step is to defeat brock but can my current team handle this? Pikachu can take out Onix with that special attack on the horn but what about his geodude ... in the anime pikachu took down him as well but it just a little too far-fetched better train my pokemon!"

Normally trainers would find other people to battle against and have their pokemon level up but it took a lot of time and was not very efficient

Ash captured his breath for a while then sent all of his pokemon out , obviously except pikachu which was on his shoulder

"all spearows use peck on this rock , fearow oversee them and keep flying up if there are any intruder you can inform me i am nearby and play with caterpie once every 1-2 minute

Caterpie be good and play with Birdy,Pikachu follow me " Ordered Ash

Ash then went on to a lake nearby and told pikachu"Use every electric move you can on this river"

Pikachu started using thunder shock on the river continuously.Ash then removed his shoes and shirt and started jumping around and running ,he knew if he had to increase his stamina and strength in case he couldn't rely on his pokemons .

After about 10 mins Ash took a break and went to check the progress of his pokemon.

First to the nearby pikachu, he was almost on the verge of fainting and did a thunderbolt before fainting ,When Ash saw him use thunderbolt he thought "Pikachu is quite quick in learning moves , in 10 minutes he learned thunderbolt , thats quiet amazing"

Actually, this is not what happened here , Pikachu already had enough experience to learn thunderbolt but this so called training gave him the push he needed to learn the move.

After he called the fainted pikachu to his assigned Pokeball for some rest, since Pikachu fainted, he couldn't resist .

Next on was the flying birds group + caterpie As Ash was coming closer to the area he could hear a sound of something being cut, He was astonished when he saw 100's of pieces of rocks lying on the ground , looks like cutting stone was too easy for them . Caterpie could no longer be seen but a rhombus shaped metapod , Fearow quicky flew in and stood in front of Ash with a proud expression ,as if saying "I trained that Caterpie"

"Isn't this too quick!?" shouted Ash

Now came spearows , sadly none of them evolved but they all looked a tiny bit stronger.

Ash wondered what this training session could do in an hour but none of his pokemon had any energy to spare so Ash called all of them back. He sat on the ground instead of the tattered rock and rested for an hour.After that he called out birdy , since birdy didn't actually use any moves or actually trained but looked around and played with caterpie for a while which mysteriously leveled him up, truly bug pokemon were easy to level up.

"Birdy keep a watch for fruits from the sky and if you find any keep them on this mat !"Hungery Ash hollered out, Taking out a small 2x2 mat and placing it near the rock Ash was sitting at .

Birdy quickly flew and started looking for fruits .Next Ash called out Caterpie and told it to use harden. Ash started meditating himself, it wasn't like he could cultivate and reach another profound stage by meditating, but it was still important to keep one's health and mind fit.

30 minutes flew by... Fearow kept looking for food and placed it on the mat . He stopped after he couldnt find space to place any more

Ash opened his eyes and saw a metapod almost black in color , a fearow sleeping by and a mat full of fruits ,he called back fearow and then called out a spearow and told it to use peck on metapod , peck , a flying type move is super effective on bug type pokemon .

Spearow obeyed and pecked metapod

"QUAK!" Spearow cried like a duck after pecking metapod ,his beak was becoming more and more red.

"Metapod stop we will train another day"

With Metapods defense being so strong, it wasn't efficient to have his other pokemon hurt by attacking it.

He released all his pokemons . woke up fearow and then they all had plenty of fruits filled with minerals and vitamins.